Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/Winterfylleð
1. dæg Winterfylleðes: Þēodlic Dæg in þǣm Folclicre Cyneƿīsan Cīnan (1949); Sundorrīcesdæg in Ciprose & Nigerie (bū 1960), Tufalu (1978) and Palau (1994)
- 331 BC - Beadu Arbela: Þēah þe man hine rīmum micelode, Alexander se Micela Macedones forhīende Darius III Persea Cyning, and man him gebēagod sƿā "Asie Cyning" in gescrife in Arbela (nū Arbil, Irac gehāten).
- 1936 - Sē heretoga Francisco Franco ƿearþ rīcehēafod ofer Spēonland and ƿealdode sƿā tictator oþ þæt hē stearf in 1975.
- 1944 – Massacre æt Marzabotto: Wehrmacht and SS ācƿellodon ofer 800 manna be Bologna.
- 1949 – Mao Zedong ābēad þā Folces Lēodþing Cīna.
- 1977 - Brasilisc fōtclyƿe star Edson Arantes do Nascimento, bet cūþ sƿā Pelé, played his last professional football game .
2. dæg Winterfylleðes : Sundorrīcesdæg in Guinean (1958)
- 1187 - Þridda Fare: Saladin and þā Seljuk Turcas genōmon Hierusalem.
- 1535 - Frencisc āsēcere Jacques Cartier seglode ūp þā Sanctus Laurentes Ēa and reahte Iroquois burh on þǣre īege þæt is nū Montreal gehāten.
- 1835 - Mexicisc dragoons dispatched to disarm settlers at Gonzales, Texas encountered stiff resistance from Texiscum fyrde in þǣre Gonzales Beadƿe, þus ongann sēo Texas Ƿendung.
- 1944 – Sēo Warscauer Ƿiðerƿunnung endode mid þǣre forlǣtunge þǣre Poliscan Fierde and sēo forlēosung þæs rīces fram þǣm Þēodiscmannum.
- 1955 – ENIAC, þæt man þone ǣrostan circolƿyrde teohhaþ, ƿæs ofgescytt.
- 1968 - The Tlatelolco massacre: A peaceful student demonstration in Tlatelolco, Mexicoceaster ended at sunset, when here and police forces began firing into the crowd.
3. dæg Winterfylleðes : Sundorrīcesdæg in Irace (1932); Dæg þæs Þēodiscan Ānhāda.
- 2333 BC - Dangun, mann of ēaldum īdelspellum, onstealde þæt cynerīce Go-Joseon (nū Corea).
- 1283 - David ap Gruffydd, Ƿēala Ealdormann, se æftemesta gecynda rīcsere Ƿēala tō ƿiðerstandenne Engliscne dryhtscipe, ƿæs ācƿeald mid dragunge and snīðunge on fēoƿer dǣlum.
- 1935 - Eotolƿare insƿēogon Sigelhearƿenaland, onǣlde þā Ōðere Italiscan-Abyssiniscan Gūðe.
- 1990 - Þēodisc edgeānlǣcung: Þā fīf edstaðelodan Þēodsclandes fylcland Ēastþēodisclandes geǣndon ambihtlīce Ƿestþēodscland.
- 1993 - Mogadishu Beadu: Cempan of Malaysie, Pacistane, and U.S. geƿǣpnode hergas ongann fōn Sōmaliscne ƿīgfrēan Mohamed Farrah Aidid, sƿā geƿriten in bēc and þonne in filmenne getītelod "Black Hawk Down" ("Sƿeart Hafoc Astigen").
4. dæg Winterfylleðes : Sundorrīcesdæg for Lesotho (1966); Ƿeorc Dæg in Nīƿe Sūþƿealas, Australisc Hēafodburg Landscipe and Sūþaustralie (2004).
- 1830 - Belgisc Onƿendung: Forestihtend lēodƿeard in Brussels bēad ædsceafte of ungelang rīce and ungeƿǣred þæt ƿæs Belgice, in onhebbe ƿiþ þæt Geānede Cynerīce þāra Niðerlanda.
- 1910 - Manuel II, se endmesta Portugal Cyning, āfliemed on Brytene þā onƿendung ætbyrstede in Olisipo and his heall ƿæs geslōgen be burstendum scutlum. Cyneƿīse bēad man on þǣm niehstan dagum.
- 1957 - Sputnik 1 Sofietisc rodorcræft, and se ǣrest mangeƿōhten mōnacynn to aræccan ymbefeall ofer þā Eorðan, ƿæs beebbod æt 19:12 Grēneƿictīd be R-7 rocket fram Baikonur Cosmodrome on Casahstane.
- 1993 - Russian Constitutional Crisis: Byrneƿægnas slōgen þæt Hƿīthūse in Moscoƿe, lēodƿeardes bold þærin sæt se Russisca ƿitangemōt, ac sƿutelendas ƿið sƿylce fēda dǣdum gædredon fore þǣm bolde mid Boris Yeltsin Russlandes Foresittend.
5. dæg Winterfylleðes : Cyneƿīsan Dæg on Portugale (1910)
- 1864 - Caligardamana on Indeum ƿæs ælmæst fullīce forgrunden by cyclone þe ācƿealde 60,000 leoda.
- 1877 - Æfter þǣm þe hīe ƿigon Geānedra Rīca hergas for ofer þrim mōnþum, onƿundon ofer 1,000 mīla ofer Oregon, Hƿæsingatūn, Idaho, and Montana, and ādrugon fīfdæglice ofsetennesse, Joseph Brego and his Nez Perce gefylc ǣfre sylfe on hand eodon.
- 1908 - Ferdinand Þēoden ƿearþ tsar æfter þǣm selfƿealdende Pulgaraland þeodenrīce bodode his sundorrīcedōm of þǣm Oþomaniscan Rīce.
- 1969 - Se fyrmesta spelldǣl Monty Pyþones Flēogendes Circus ƿæs ƿīdƿorpen on BBC1.
- 1970 - Ƿælƿulfas of þǣm Front de Libération du Québec genōmon Bryttiscne lēodƿeardspeliend, onǣlde þæt Ƿinterfylleðes Frēcne in Montreale on Canadan.
6. dæg Winterfylleðes :
- 1927 - Þæt forme spēdige sƿēgbǣre scēaƿspell The Jazz Singer, mid Al Jolson tō hēafodlīcum scēaƿere, ƿæs forþsend.
- 1973 – Ūp in þǣm Golanhīehþum ongann sēo Godbōtdæggūþ.
- 1976 - Se cīnisca forma þegn Hua Guofeng hēt hæftan þone Band Fēoƿera and hoera gesīðan, endiende þæt Līfƿīslice Ƿinn in Cīne.
- 1981 - Ǣgyptisc foresittend Mohamed Anƿar el-Sadat ƿearþ geslægen fram morþslagan.
- 1995 - Geƿrit in þǣm cranice Nature gecȳðde þā āƿrigenesse planētan þe ymbhƿierfþ 51 Pegasi sƿā se ǣresta cūða būtansunnlica planēta ymbe hēafodgetællicne steorran.
7. dæg Winterfylleðes : Symbeldæg for þǣm Sancte Osyþe
- 3761 BC - Sēo tīd þǣre gengan Hebrēiscan gerīmbōce.
- 1571 - Lepanto Sǣfeoht: Forman sīðe ƿæs þæt Oþomaniscan Rīce forhīened fram þǣre crīstenan Europan, sƿā manigþēodlic flota under Don John Ēastrīces gehnyscte þone Turciscne flōthere nēah þǣre Corintiscan Flēote.
- 1985 - Þæt Ƿendelsǣlice gārsecgscip Achille Lauro ƿæs gefangen fram Palestiniscum brēgeras.
- 2001 - Sēo GRA infaru on Afghanlande ongann æt 16:30 UTC mid lyftlicum berstungsearƿa ƿīgsīðe mid Talibaniscum and Al-Qaida hergum sƿā miercelsas.
8. dæg Winterfylleðes :
- 451 - Sē Chalcedon Synoð, sē fēoƿeþ irmensynoð in Crīstendōm, opnede. Hēo repudiated the Eutychian doctrine of monophysitism, and foresǣd Se Chalcedonisca Crēda.
- 1600 – Sēo Gesettnes Sanctes Marines ƿæs genumen and macode ān þāra ǣrestena Þēodþinga in þǣre ƿorulde.
- 1895 - Min, sēo ƿæs sēo endmeste cƿēn on Corean, ƿæs ācƿellode.
- 1962 - Spiegel gedrēfednes: Der Spiegel abarede þone ungeting þæs Bundeswehr (se Þēodsc here) facing the communist threat þæs ēastens in þǣm ylde. The magazine was soon accused of sƿīcdōm.
- 1967 - Che Guevara (on biliðe), an Argentine-born læce, Marxist aƿendungfēohta and Cubanisc guerrilla lǣdere, ƿæs genōm in Bolifie.
0. dæg Winterfylleðes : Hangul Dæg on Sūþcorēan (1446); Sundorrīces Dæg on Ugandan (1962); Lāf Ericsson Dæg on þære GRA.
- 1701 – Seo Gefealuscipes Scōl of Connecticut, seo æfterƿeard fōn þone naman Yale Eormengyld, fōn hiere bōc in Eald Saybrook, Connecticut.
- 1831 – Ioannis Kapodistrias, se Crēciscs rīceshēafod, slōg man in Nauplion.
- 1942 – Ōðru Ƿoruldgūþ: Americanisc þrēat hæfde sige ofer Iapanƿarum æt sæcce on Matanikau se is on Guadalcanal þære īege on þæm Salomonīegum, and þærin avenging þæs Iapanfolces sige fore tƿǣm ƿucum.
- 1986 – The Phantom of the Opera, a scopsangpleg be Andrew Lloyd Webber (on biliðe) opnede in Lundnes Ƿestende.
- 2006 – Norþcorēa fremmede cyneƿæpen test, sƿa secgþ man, nēah Kilchu, mid byrstes force of læs þon ān kiloton.
10. dæg Winterfylleðes : Þēodlic Dæg on Ficgīgum (1970) and Þēodlic Dæg Cīnan þære Cyneƿīsan on Taiƿan (1911)

- 732 – Carl Hammer and þa Francas geƿonnen sige ofer miclum Arabisc here þærof ƿæs Abd er Rahman heretoga æt sæcce æt Tours neah Tours and Poitiers.
- 1780 – Cƿealmbealo gārsecges sturm se ƿæs on bōcstǣre ƿyrstum slog þone Caribiscan Sǣ, and ofcƿal 22,000 menn ofer folgendum nihtum.
- 1911 – Sēo Xinhai Uphebbung ongann in þære Ƿuchang Uphebbunge, and betæcnede þone onginn þæs Cing Cynecynnes feall and þone staðol þære Cyneƿīse on Seringum.
- 1933 – In þæm ǣresta gerihtreccedum mandǣde þe ƿæs bealosearu on lyfte in cypfleohtes stǣre, Boeing 247 lyftcræft of United Airlines abyrstede in midlyfte nēah Chesterton, Indiana, and þes dǣd ofslog eall seofen þara farenda anbord.
- 1967 – Se Ūtrodor foreƿard, se is foremæl þe ƿyhteþ þone staðol þæron stent folcena rodorriht, afēng his gefremmednesse.
11. dæg Winterfylleðes :
- 1776 – American Revolutionary War: Se Cynelica Sciphere geƿonne sige ofer Americanisum scipum æt the Valcour Īeg Sǣfēohte on Champlain Mere, ac geafon Americanisc þrēat tīd genog þærin meahtan hie prepare their defenses for þæm Saratoga fyrdinge.
- 1797 – Frencisc Uphebbunggūðe: Se Cynelica Sciphere captured endleofen Niðerlendisca Scipheres æscas būton losses in þæm Camperdown Sǣfēoht.
- 1809 – American explorer Meriwether Lewis (on bilið) forþferde andlang the Natchez Trace on Tennessee and be his agnum hande sƿa alief man.
- 1950 – A field-sequential color system developed by Hungarian-American engineer Peter Goldmark became the first colour television system to be adopted for commercial use, but it was abandoned only a year later.
- 1987 – Taprobane Ingeƿinn: Se Indisca Friþƿeardþrēat begann Operation Pawan to nimenne Jaffna of þæm Tamil Tigers to enforce their disarmament as a part of the Indo-Sri Lankan Accord.
12. dæg Winterfylleðes : Hispanisc Dæg on Spēnum and Scrælinga Ƿiðerstandungdæg in Fenesƿelan.
- 1810: Se ǣresta Oktoberfest ƿæs gemǣrsod in Mynecene, tō gefrēolsienne þā ƿīfunge Hlōðwiges I Bægwara æþelinges.
- 1859: Joshua A. Norton self-gemearcod "Cāsere þāra Geānedra Rīcna and Scieldend Mexicos" 'bād' þe se Geānedra Rīca Þēodgemōt hine tōlīesan.
- 1984: The Provisional Irish Republican Army failed in its attempt to slēan Margaret Þatcher Forma Þegn þæs Geānedan Cynerīces and hiere ærnhired in the Beorhthelmesstān inn byrst.
- 1999: Heres rīce-stīp in Pacistane læd be Pervez Musharraf Heretoga ahƿearf ðone leodƿeard of Nawaz Sharif Forma Þegn.
- 2002: Tæl of wægn gebornen byrstenda aburston in Bali, Indonesie īege, and ofslōgen 202 menn and benneden 209.
13. dæg Winterfylleðes :
- 1812 – Geƿinn of 1812: Britisca fēðan and Mohawk ƿigan asceaf an Americanisc infaru on land geond Niagara Ēa æt Cƿēnetūnhēah Beadu neah Queenston, Ontario.
- 1881 – Ðe he meaht ansteallan acƿicness of Ebrēisc in gesprocen sprǣc and þærbe Iudeas to ānnenne, fremmede Eliezer Ben-Yehuda (on biliðe) gemæðel sēo hycgþ man ƿæs se ǣrrosta gemaþel in þissa ylde Ebrēaisc þæn oneardode he Paris.
- 1911 – Arþur Æþeling, Uictoria Cƿēne sunu, ƿeard se forma Gemæra Gereca of Canadan þæs cynecynnes to heoldenne sƿylce ambeht.
- 1921 – Russland, Armenia, Azerbaicgan and Georgia þā Sofietiscan cyneƿīsan onsigloden se Kars Foreƿeard mid þæm Miclum Þēodesgemōte of Turcland to staðolenn todæges landgemæro betƿuh Turcum and þæm Sūþ Caucasus rīcum.
- 1958 – Seo forma bōc ymbe Paddington Bera, se bearna bōc character created by Michael Bond and Peggy Fortnum, sƿutelode man.
14. dæg Winterfylleðes:
- 1066 - Beadu Hǣstingum: Se Normandisca onsegenda þrēat þæs dux Ƿillelm Bastard forhīendon þā Engliscan innhere and cƿealdon hire cyning Harold II Engla Cyning.
- 1926 - Sēo cildra bōc "Winnie-se-Pooh", fram A. A. Milne, ƿæs geƿīdmǣrsod forman sīðe.
- 1947 - Chuck Yeager fleag Bell X-1 sƿiftor þonne hlemes sƿiftu, and ƿeard ae ǣrrsta mann þȳ to fremmenne in efnum flyhte.
- 1953 - Qibya massacre: Israhelisc heretoga Ariel Sharon and his Unit 101 sundorþrēat were ordered to "inflict heavy damage on the inhabitants" in a þorpa on the West Bank.
- 1979 - Sƿā fela sƿā 100,000 lēoda in Ƿashingtūn, DC marched in the first gay rights march in þǣm Geānlǣhtan Rīcum.
15. dæg Winterfylleðes :
- 1582 - Gregorius XIII pāpa implemented the Gregorisc gerīmbōc. On Eotolƿarum, Polum, Portugalƿarum and Spēnum, 4 Ƿinterfylleþ in þissum geare ƿæs folgede fæst be 15 Ƿinterfylleþ, skipping ofer 10 gerīmbōcdagum. Oþru land folgedon at various later dates.
- 1815 - Napoleon I Francena Casere begann his ƿræcc on Sancte Elene Īege, fearr īegland in þǣm Garsecge.
- 1894 - The Dreyfus affair: Alfred Dreyfus, Iudeisc artillery þegn þæs Frenciscan heres, was wrongly forfangen for sƿicdōme in a political scandal later exposed by Émile Zola.
- 1917 - Mata Hari sēo wæs Niðerlandisc healfnacod-hleapestre and ēac hōre wæs gedēmed mid cwealmwīte by scēotendhēap forþǣm þe hēo wæs scēawere for Germanie and man hycgð ðe hēo hæfde forliger mid manigum fyrd gerēfum and gildcræftes mannum in Franclande þe hēo awrēah hiera digolnesse.
- 2003 - Cīna launched Shenzhou 5, hiera ǣrrsta manned space mission, wiþ Lt. Col. Yang Liwei onbord swa Seringa forma steorrliþmann.
16. dæg Winterfylleðes: Ƿoruldes Ǣt Dæg
- 1841 – Seo Scottacirice staðolede Cƿēne Gefelƿascipe in Cyningestūn on Ontarian, se is on Canadan.
- 1859 – Þristhycgende to aginnenne þēoƿa uphebbung, fram John Brown abolitionist (on biliþe) herigunge on þæm Harpers Ferry Ƿæpenhūse æt Harpers Ferry on Virginie.
- 1940 – Ōðru Ƿorludgūþ: Natsi Gemǣna-Gereca Hans Frank gestaþolde þone Warsaw Ghetto, se mæsta Iudeisca ghetto in occupied Polaland.
- 1996 – 83 meen oþþe mā cƿal and 140 ƿeardon gebenned in stampede æt Guatemalaceastre's Estadio Mateo Flores during a 1998 FIFA World Cup qualification gamen betƿeonum Guatemala and Costa Rica.
17. dæg Winterfylleðes :
- 1469 - Ferdinand II Aragon Cyning ƿīfode Isabella Castilla Cƿēn. Hira gemǣnung lǣdde tō þǣm limplǣcunge Aragones and Castillan in ānum cynedōm, se is Spēonland.
- 1604 - Kepleres Steorra: Þēodisc steorscēaƿere Johannes Kepler scēaƿode, þæt an syndriglīce beorht steorra fǣringa ƿæs geblicon in þǣm tungolmearcung Ophiuchus. Þes "nīƿa steorra" ƿæs rihte sēo endemeste oferūtāberstung gescēaƿod in ūsere āgenan tungolsamnunge, þǣm Iringes ƿege.
- 1989 - Loma Prieta eorþstyren: Sēo grīeteste eorþstyren, þe gēo gelamp on þǣm San Andreas Fault in Californian siþþan 1906, slōg the San Francisco Bay Area at 5.04 pm local time and measured 7.1 on the Richter scale.
- 2003 - The pinnacle was fitted on the roof of Taipei 101, se is rodorscrapa mid 106 flōrum in Taipei, and þǣrbe oferhlifode se bold Kuala Lumpures Petronas Tƿintorras be 165 fōtum and it ƿeard þǣre Ƿoruldes hēasta gebold.
18. dæg Winterfylleðes : Halgan Luces Mǣssedæg
- 320 – Pappus of Alexandria, ān of þā lǣstan mǣre Grēcas gemetgæstena, geþōhte ænne oferscēawung þe gehīwði historiġum þæt hēo mihton gemetgian þā ymbeþearf dagas his līfes.
- 1081 – Byzantinisca–Normanisca gūþe: The Normans under Robert Guiscard, Pulie and Calabrie Heretoga, hæfde sige ofer Byzantinfolce ūt Dyrrhachie ceaster, seo ƿæs Eastrēmisc hēafodstōl for Illyrie.
- 1851 – Moby-Dick, bōc be Herman Melville Americaniscum ƿritere, ƿæs sƿutelod be naman Se Hran.
- 1954 – Þæt fruma cēapung transistor radio, þæt Regency TR-1 (on biliþe), ƿæs geþēod on Indianapolis on Amercisc.
- 2007 – A suicide attack on ƿægnflocce se bār Benazir Bhutto seo ƿæs ar Forma Þegn of Pacistane in Caraci þærbe stearfon 139 men and 450 mid bennum.
19. dæg Winterfylleðes : Teresa Mōdor Geƿyrþing in Albanie
- 202 BC – Publius Cornelius Scipio Rōmanisc gearcyning þære Rōmaniscan Cyneƿīsan, geƿonn micel sige ofer Hannibal and þæm Cartainaþēod æt Zama, and þes dǣd endeda seo Ōðru Punisc Gūþ.
- 1864 – Americanisc Ingefeoht: Oððæt ðe hiera manmyrring ƿæs ælmæst tƿāfealde sƿa sƿa þāra Geðoftedmanna, geƿonn se Gædes Here sige in þǣm Cedar Creek Fēohte.
- 1900 – Max Planck Germanisc physicist sƿutolede his lagu of sƿeartlic emission, a pioneer result of modern physics and quantum theory.
- 1943 – Streptomycin (þærof is molecular gelicnes ætyld), se ƿæs se ǣrresta antibiotic lǣcedōm for tuberculosis, ƿæs isolated by researchers at Rutgers Eormengylde.
- 1987 – Persea–Iracland Geƿinn: Se Geānedan Rīca Sciphere adiglede tƿegen Persiscu elestaðlas in þæm Persiscan Sǣsearme in andsƿaru to Persisc fȳrstycces onsæcc on Cuƿægtiscum elecnearre.
20. dæg Winterfylleðes :
- 1827 - Geānlǣht sciphere þāra Brittisc, Frencisc, and Russisc flēota ofslōgon geānlǣhtan Turcisc and Ǣgyptisc flēot in þǣm Navarino Sǣfēohte, a decisive moment in þǣm Creciscan Selfdōmes Gūþe.
- 1883 - Peru and Cile onsigloden þone Treaty of Ancōn, and þȳ endoden Perƿes involvement in þǣm Sericus Garsecg Geƿinn.
- 1968 - Jacqueline Kennedy seo ǣr ƿæs Forma Hlæfdige þāra Geāneda Rīca beƿeddode Aristotle Onassis Crecisc scippung magnate.
- 1973 - Elizabeþ II cƿēn openode þæt Sydney Operahūs.
21. dæg Winterfylleðes : Trafalgar Dæg in misselicum Þēodcyneƿīsan landum

- 1520 – Halga Petrus and Miquelon þa Īega ƿæron gefunded be Portugalsic afindere João Álvares Fagundes and hie nemnede hie "Īega þara 11,000 Fǣmna".
- 1805 – Napoleonisc Geƿinn: Nelson Hlāford geaf cumboltæcn "Englaland ƿēneþ þæt ælc mann ƿill læstan his þearfe" his flēotes lāf þæs Cynelican Scipheres æt onsæcce and on sǣ ƿrohtedon hie sige ofer Pierre-Charles Villeneuve and his geþofted Frencisc–Spēonisc sciphere æt þæm Trafalgar Sǣfēoht Ispanie rīmes Trafalgarnæsse.
- 1854 – Florence Nightingale and a staff of 38 nurses were sent on Turce to help treat wounded Bryttisc ƿigan þa feahten in þære Crimeiscan Gūþe.
- 1867 – The first of the Medicine Lodge Treaties ƿæs onsiglod betƿeonum þæm Geānlǣhtedum Rīcum and missenlicum mægþa þara Scrælinga þara Miclan Wonga, requiring them to relocate to areas in present-day western Oklahoma.
- 1950 – Corean Gūþ: Bryttisc ƿigan and Australisc ēac þæs 27. Bryttisca Þēodcyneƿīsan Brigade engaged in heavy garmittunge ƿiþ Norþcorean þreat in þæm Yongju Beadƿe.
22. dæg Winterfylleðes :
- 1730 – Fullfremmed ƿæs ae Ladoga Ƿæterƿeg se is hlenc betƿuh Nefan and Sfir Ēa, and þes is ān on þæm ærrestum micel ƿæterƿegum getimbrod on Russum.
- 1844 – Millerites, þæron ƿæron manig þa æfterƿeard staðoledon þa Seofenoþ-dæg Adventist Cirice, ƿæron geaþƿitod þe Iesus ne cƿōm on þissum ilcan dæg sƿa sƿa foresproc William Miller hiera bodere.
- 1895 – In Paris an express train derails after overrunning the buffer stop, crossing the concourse before crashing through a wall and falling to the Place de Rennes below.
- 1962 – Ceald Gūþ: John F Kennedy Foresittend American bodede the Sofietisc cyreƿæpnas hæfde man afunded in Cuba þære īge and þe he hæfde gebead scipheres "quarantine" þæs ieglandes.
- 2008 – Indea upsended Chandrayaan-1, þæs rīces forma ungemanned fær þæm mōnan.
23. dæg Winterfylleðes :
- 502 – Symmachus Papa, þone bescyldigode man missenlican māndǣda, ƿæs of eallum belādod be synoð, and þy ƿæs endod þæt schism of Laurentie Antipapan.
- 1641 – Īrisc Rēmeallic secgan on Ulstre geneðan to begitenne Difelinburg, se ƿæs Engla rīcesstōl on Īrum, þe hie meahtan bringan be niede tīð to Rōmfæstum mannum.
- 1739 – Micel Bryten abannede ƿig ƿiþ Spēnum, and þis begann þa Jenkinses Ēar Gūþe.
- 1942 – Ōðru Ƿoruldgūþ: Iapanisc þreat begann hiera ƿyrdlēas angin eft to nimenne Hendersonfeld, se is nū Honiara Lyfthȳð) of þæm Americanƿarum.
- 1983 – Libanisc Ingeƿinn: Selfcƿale abyrstendas adidgeloden tƿegen hereƿicas on Beirute, and sƿylc dǣd ofcƿall 241 Americanisc ƿigan and 58 Frencisc parachuteƿigan þæs geongþeodlic friþƿeardþreates.
- 2002 – Cecen sundormen afengon pleghūs þærin ƿæs micel gemang on Moscoƿ, and fengon ymbe 700 menn and plegeres to ƿesenne gīslas.
24. dæg Winterfylleðes : Geānlǣhteda Þēoda Dæg (1945); Sundorrīcesdæg on Sambie (1964)
- 1851 – Ƿilliam Lassell afunded Umbriel and Ariel þa Uraniscan mōnan.
- 1912 – Forma Balkan Gūþ: Serbisc þreat geƿonn sige ofer Oþomanisc here æt þǣre Kumanovo Beadƿe in Vardar Macedonia.
- 1945 – Seo Geānlǣhtedan Þēoda Bōc, seo is þara Geānlǣhtedan Þēoda grundgesetnes, entered into force æfter þe hie ƿæs be Cinan, Franclande, þæm Sofietisc Gæd, þæm Geānedan Cynerīce, the United States, and a majority of the other onsiglodendum.
- 2007 – Chang'e 1, se forma satellite in þǣm Seringisc Mōna Rāsung Fare,beebbod of Xichang Satellite Launch Centre.
25. dæg Winterfylleðes : Grundgesetnes Dæg on Liþuanie (1992); Efttīþ Dæg on Taiƿan (1945)
- 1147 – Eftfengan: Þreat under Anphos I Portugal Cyning geēhted Olisipo of Morƿarum æfter feoƿer-monaþa onsetnesse.
- 1415 – Hundred Ƿintra Geƿinn: Heanric V Engla Cyning and his lēohte byrneƿigan and boganmenn geƿonnen micelne sige ofer hefigum byrneberendum Frenciscum mearhƿigum in þǣm Agincourt Beadƿe on Halgan Crispines mǣssedæge.
- 1812 – Geƿinn of 1812: United States þæt scip fang HMS Macedonian, and sƿylc scip ƿeard þæt forma Brettisc æsc þe man brohtede in Americanisc hȳð.
- 1944 – Heinrich Himmler geaf his bēt ƿiþ þæm Edelweiss ƿicingum, geogoð flocc se fultumod fliemendas of þæm here and sum menn þa hiding fram Natsum.
- 2010 – Merapi se beorg in mid-Iava on Indonesie begann an increasingly violent series of eruptions þa læstedon mar þon ān monaþ.
26. dæg Winterfylleðes : Þeodlic Dæg on Ēastrīce (1955); Halgan Demetries Mæssedæg of Þessalonice
- 1341 – Se Constantinopoles here abanned þe Iohannes VI Kantakouzenos form þegn biþ casere, and þæræt begann ingeƿinn betƿuh his folgendum and þæm of Iohannes V Palaiologos, se ƿæs þæs cynedomes ierfa.
- 1813 – Geƿinn of 1812: Ƿerod mid ymbe 1,630 Frencisc Canadisc regolfēðum and fyrde and mid Mohaƿc ƿigan under Carl de Salaberry (on biliðe) ondraf Americanisc þreat of ymbe 4,000 menn se sohtee to on sƿegenne Canada.
- 1940 – Se North American P-51 Mustang, se ƿæs on þæm fremfullostum feohtlyftcræftum for þæm geþofted ricum in þære Ōðrum Ƿoruldgūþe, fremmede his forma fleohte.
- 1955 – Ngo Dinh Diem abanned þe he biþ foresittend Fietnames þære Cyneƿīsan æfter þe he hæfde sige ofer Bao Dai Casere in fācnum folcstefne þærof beƿāt his broðor Ngo Dinh Nhu.
- 2000 – Laurent Gbagbo ƿeard se forma Foresittend þæs Elpendbānrīman siððan þe Robert Guéï ƿæs ahƿeafan of his ambehte in þæm 1999 rīcesfæl.
27. dæg Winterfylleðes :
- 1553 – Fordēmede þe he ƿære gedƿola forþæm þe he bodigede ƿiþ þa lāre þære Þrinesse and ƿiþ bearnfulluht, forslēan ƿæs Michael Servetus be bærnet æt þæm stange ūt Genf.
- 1644 – Englisc Ingeƿinn: The combined armies of Ƿitenagemōte hæfedon sige on þǣm felde ƿið þǣm Cyninges mannum æt þǣre Ōðru Beadu æt Ulfretūne, ac hie ne geƿonnen any strategic advantage þǣrbe.
- 1810 – Þa Geānedan Rīcu him gecnytte Ƿestflorida, se ƿæs se ƿestdǣl of Spēna landbūnesse on Floridan.
- 1916 – Folgendas þæs gefeallena Ierfa-Casere be naman Iyasu V ƿæron sigeleasa æt Segale Beadƿe, and þes endod hiera attempt to restore him on þæm cynedōme.
- 2005 – Ðreo Mahometfolgendan geogoþena deaþ of in Clichy-sous-Bois þære underbyrig of Paris ongann feoƿer monaþa unfrið be youths of North African origins in missenlicum Franclandes dǣlum.
28. dæg Winterfylleðes : Simon Zealotes mæssedæg (Ƿestern Cristendom); Ƿyrhtan Dæg on Niƿ Sǣlande (2013)
- 1707 – The Hōei eorþstyre ofbrāc eall þæs Nankai megathrustes dæla æt þæm ilcan stunde—and he is se ān eorþstyre þe a hæfþ fremmede þis þing sƿa hycgþ man.
- 1835 – Māorisc bregas onsigloden se Bann þæs Sundorīcehād þæs Nīƿan Sælandes and hie staðoled þa eānlæhtedan Mægþu of Nīƿsælande.
- 1918 – Cecoslofacia abannede his sundorrīcehād of Ēastrīce-Ungerlande.
- 1965 – In St Louis, Missouri, se stielen Geatƿeg Boga (on biliðe) se stent 630 fēt hēah ƿæs completed.
- 1971 – Prospero, se ān Brittisc satellite oþ þissum dæge beebbod on Brittiscum fȳrstycce, aflēah fram Launch Area 5B æt Ƿoomeran on Sūþaustralie.
29. dæg Winterfylleðes : Cyneƿīsan Dæg on Turcum (1923)
- 1923 – Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (on biliðe) ƿeard se forma Turcena Foresittend, and he staðolede Turcland to bēon nīƿ þēod on þæs Oþomaniscan Rīces lāfe.
- 1969 – Leornungcniht æt Californie Eormengylde sendede se ǣrresta sand on þæm ARPANET, se ƿæs foregenga þæs Genettes, to circolƿyde æt Stanford Research Institute.
- 1998 – Feoƿer geoguþas þa ƿæron geniced infær to disco in Geatnabyrige on Swēonum, hit ontendedon, and ofcƿallon 63 menn þærin and forþrycced mār þon 200.
- 1998 – Hurricane Mitch wrohtede landfeal, whereupon it dropped up to 1900 mm of regne, causing micel flōding þærbe stearfon 11,000 menn on Hondurase, Guatemalan, and Nicaraguan.
- 2004 – Speliendas þæs rīcum þæs Europeanisc Gæd onsigloden the Europisc Grundgesetnesse in Rōmbyrig.
30. dæg Winterfylleðes : Thevar Jayanthi on Tamilum on Indeum
- 1806 – Geƿinn þæs Feoƿrþe Coalition: Forþæm þe hie aliefede þe hie ƿæron sƿiþe ūtgerīmed, him gesaldon þā 5,300 Germaniscan castelmenn æt Stettine on Prēosslande, būtan fēohte to sƿiðe læs Frenciscum þrēate.
- 1863 – Seofentinewintre Willelm Dena Æþeling ancuman in Athēnas and fang to rice swa Georgius I, Crēca Cyning.
- 1888 – Lobengula Matabela Cyning geaf þā Rudd Tīþe to Cecil Rhodes forƿyrhtum, and þis þing ongann þā ædsceafte þære Bryttiscan Sūþaffrica Hansan.
- 1942 – Ōðru Ƿoruldgūþ: Bryttisc flotmenn astīgon on þæm Germaniscan undersǣbāte U-559 þæn hit sanc and abrōhtedon þider rūncræftes þing þærmid motan Brettas brēcan þone Enigma rūn.
- 1983 – On Argentinawarum endede þæs heres tictatorscipe and in þæm landes gemǣne ceorr ƿæs Raúl Alfonsín (on biliðe) gecoren to ƿeorþan Foresittend of Argentine.
- 1993 – The Troubles: Þrēo gegyldan þæs Ulster Weard Framscipe scoten in crudnum bēorhūse in gebēorscipe for Eallra Hāligra Æfne, and hie þær ofslōgon eahta menn and bennoden þrietiene.

31. dæg Winterfylleðes : Ednīwung Dæg in þara Onwendungum Ciricum.
- 475 – Romulus Augustulus fang to rīce and ƿeard se Ƿesterna Romanisca Casere.
- 1517 – Cirice Ednīƿung: Martin Luther anæglaþ his 95 þeses on þære dure þæs Castelcirice in Ƿittenbeorge.
- 1876 – Micel sturm forhergaþ Indean, and forsƿefaþ 200,000 menn.
- 1956 – Suez Camp: Þæt Geānede Cynerīce and Francland onginnaþ to bomb Ǣgyptus þone Suez Ƿæterƿeg be niede eft to opnienne.
- 1961 – In þære Sofiet Gesamnunge, Iosephes Stalines lic animþ man of Lenines Byrgenhūse.
- 1984 – Se Indisca Forma Þegn Indira Gandhi is geslean be tƿǣm seleƿeardum. Unfriþ abrēcaþ in Nīƿum Delhi and ælmæst 10,000 Sikhs ƿeaorþan geslean.
- 1999 – scipincelman Jesse Martin cymþ eft on Melburnan æfter 11 monaþum hƿærin ymbegesiglode he eall middangeard, anhaga, būtan stande and fultimlēas.