
Þæt Ēastrīces-Ungeriscan Rīce, ēac Ēastrīce-Ungerland ġehāten, ƿæs land in Middelre Europan of 1867 oþ 1918, þurh þā Ǣrestan Ƿoruldgūðe.
Hit ƿæs betƿēonan Ēastrīce and Ungerlande ġeānlǣhtung.

Þæt Ēastrīces-Ungeriscan Rīce, ēac Ēastrīce-Ungerland ġehāten, ƿæs land in Middelre Europan of 1867 oþ 1918, þurh þā Ǣrestan Ƿoruldgūðe.
Hit ƿæs betƿēonan Ēastrīce and Ungerlande ġeānlǣhtung.