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Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/Blotmonað

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Þēodscipe for ādihtung gecorene gemynddagas
Todæg is Frīgedæg, 17 Se Æfterra Gēola, 2025; hit is nū 05:22 (UTC)

1. dæg Blotmonðes : Eallra Hāligra Ƿeorðung

Olisipo eorþstyrung
Olisipo eorþstyrung

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2. dæg Blotmonðes : Eallra Saƿla Mæssedæg (Ƿesterne Cristendōm)

Arþur Balfour
Arþur Balfour

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3. dæg Blotmonðes: Folcgeƿuna Ƿēorþing in Iapane

Georgius II Crēaca Cyning
Georgius II Crēaca Cyning

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4. dæg Blotmonðes : Fanan Dæg on Panaman, Ānnes Ƿēorþing on Russum.

Count Cavour, architect of the Italian Unification

  • 1852Cavour Eorl ƿearþ fyrmescealc of þæs Piedmont-Sardinia Cynerīce, þæt soon expanded to ƿeordienne Italia Cynerīce.
  • 1869Nature, one of the oldest and most reputable general purpose scientific journals, was first published.
  • 1890Lundenes City & South London Railway, þās ƿoruldes ǣrresta dēoplefel undergrūnd īsernƿeg, opnede, and he rynede 3.1 mīla betƿux Lundenceaster and Stoccƿielle.
  • 1979Hundreds of Persisca leornungcnihta ðā fultumoden Persealandes post-revolutionary regime seized the Americanisc embassy in Tehran, beginning a 444-day hostage crisis.
  • 1995Israhelisca Forma Þegn Yitzhak Rabin was mortally wounded by Yigal Amir while at a peace rally at the Kings of Israel Square in Tel Aviv.

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    Guy Fawkes under þǣm Witenagemōte
    Guy Fawkes under þǣm Witenagemōte

    5. dæg Blotmonðes: Guy Fawkes Niht on Grēate Brytne and on sumum Þēodacynewīsan landum (1605)

  • 1138Ly Anh Tong fang to rīce swa Đại Việt Cāsere þær wæs he twegen wintre ylde, and he ongann 37 winter cynedōm.
  • 1688Willelm Orange Þeoden landede æt Brixhame on Defnum and begann his fare to adrifienne Iacobus II Cyning of þæm rīce.
  • 1925Sidney Reilly, a "super-spy" who was one of the inspirations for Iacobus Bond, ofslogen se Sofiet dyrneburgweard.
  • 1983 – Fīf wyrhtan on þæm Byford Dolphin healfgesuncen elerig sturfon in byrstendum ungeheaðorunge þæn þe hie þyrloden in þǣm Frigg gasfelde in þǣm Norþsǣ.
  • 1995André Dallaire wæs gehnǣcte in his anginn to cwellenne Canadisc Forma Þegn Jean Chrétien þær Chrétien's wīf lūcode þā dure.

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    6. dæg Blotmonðes: Grundgesetnes Dæg in þære Dominicaniscan Cynewīsan (1844) and in Tacgicastane (1994); Finnisc Swēonisc Irfe Weorþingdæg on Finnum

    CSS Shenandoah
    CSS Shenandoah

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    7. dæg Blotmonðes: Winterfylleþ Uphebbung Dæg in Belarus

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    8. dæg Blotmonðes: Halgan Demetries Mæssedæg (Coptic Church and Serbisc Orthodox Cirice)

    Bodleian Bōchord

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    9. dæg Blotmonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg on Cambodie (1953)

    Se Berliner Weall

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    10. dæg Blotmonðes: Remembrance of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (09:05 EET/07:05 UTC, Turkey)

    Henry Morton StanleyDavid Livingstone

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    11. dæg Blotmonðes: Griþdæg on Belgum, Francum and Serbþēode and on þæm Þēodacynewīsan se is ēac Gemyndinges Dæg. Ealdfeohtena Dæg in þæm Geānedum Rīcum.

    Se grið se endode þā Form Wouldgūþe

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    12. dæg Blotmonðes:
    Zoe Porphyrogenita Cāserin
    Zoe Porphyrogenita Cāserin

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    13. dæg Blotmonðes: Iohannes Chrysostom mæssedæg on Crēciscum Cristum

    Vietnam Veterans Memorial
    Vietnam Veterans Memorial

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    14. dæg Blotmonðes: Fanan Dæg in Panaman, Dæg þāra Cilda on Indeum, Dæg þāra Columbiscan frēona on Colombie.

    Cræftan mēting of 90377 Sedna
    Cræftan mēting of 90377 Sedna
  • 1940Ōðru Woruldgūþ: Cofentrēo Hēofodcirice and micel Cofentrēo ceastermiddles on Wæringscīre wæron forgrundon be þǣm Germanisc Luftwaffe ofer þǣm Cofentrēo Blitz.
  • 1990Germania and Polaland fæstnodon Germanisc-Polisc Landgemæro Foremæl and mearcodon þāra mearcena be þǣre Oder-Neisse line.
  • 2003Michael E. Brown, Chad Trujillo, and David L. Rabinowitz steorrlārmenn fundon 90377 Sedna þæt oferneptune þing.

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    15. dæg Blotmonðes: Cynewīsan Dæg in Brasile (1889); Shichi-Go-San on Iapanþēode

    William Tecumseh Sherman

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    16. dæg Blotmonðes: Dæg of Rīcedōmes Bann on Estum (1988)

    Louis Riel

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    17. dæg Blotmonðes:

    Uictoria Wæterfeall
    Uictoria Wæterfeall

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    18. dæg Blotmonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg on Latvie (1918); Þēodlic dæg in Oman (1940)

    Ney Merescealc in Russiscm snawe
    Ney Merescealc in Russiscm snawe

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    19. dæg Blotmonðes: Eormenþēodlic Wera Dæg

    Pelé in 1960

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    20. dæg Blotmonðes: Þēodes Drytendōm Wyrþingdæg in Argentinan; Lārtēowena Wyrþingdæg in Fietname

    José Antonio Primo de Rivera

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    21. dæg Blotmonðes: Wæpned Þreatna Dæg on Bængladesce

    Iohannes Diefenbaker

  • 1918 – Polisc þreat and menn ongannon þriedæg Iudeasæglǣc wiþ Iudeum and Ucrægniscum Cristenum in Lembyrig (seo is nu on Ucrægnlande).
  • 1950 – Twegen farenfolgoþ collided near Ualemount on Brittiscum Columbie on Canadan; þæt æfterfolgende trial catapulted future Forma Þegn of Canada John Diefenbaker (in biliðe) in the political limelight.
  • 1974 – Byrstendstuf geseted in twæm midburg bēorhūsum on Beormingahame on Wæringscīre, ofslōgon 21 menn and deroden 182, and hwīlum hæfted burgweard siexe weras þā wæron in cacere gefestnod.
  • 1980 – Ofer 83 þūsand þūsanda manna watched þone Dallas fearrsēon episode "Hwā Dyde Hit" to afindenne "Hwā gescēat J. R.?".
  • 2009abyrstung in cōl orre æt Heilongjiang on Seringum, slōg 108 orrwyhtan.

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    22. dæg Blotmonðes: Stæfræw Dæg in Albanie (1908); Sundorrīcesdæg in Libanus (1943)

    Angela Merkel

  • 498 – Æfter Anastases II dēaþ, begen Symmachus and Laurentius gecear man to bēon pāpe, hwærof wæs geflyte þæt læstede oð 506.
  • 1635 – Niðerledisc þreat on Formosan (se is Taiwan) ongann þreomonaþ friþweorc cemp wið Taiwanese aborigines.
  • 1928Boléro, Maurice Ravel's mǣrst glīwdrēamweorc, hæfde his ǣrrste fremmunge æt Paris Opéra.
  • 1988 – Se forma B-2 stealth byrstadroppendlyftcræft þæs Geānlæhtedan Rīca Lyftþrēat wæs ǣrrste ontynd openlice æt Lyftþrēat Ambihthūs 42 in Palmdale on California.
  • 2005Angela Merkel (in biliðe) anām hiere ambeht swa se ærrsta spindelhealfes Cancellere of Germanie.
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    23. dæg Blotmonðes: Halga Georgies Mæssedæg on Georgie; Wyrhtena Þancung Dæg on Iapan

    William "Boss" Tweed

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    24. dæg Blotmonðes: Feast dæg of Fietnamiscum Martyras (þǣre Rēmiscan Cirican); Lārtēowena Dæg on Turcum

    Leszek I se Hwīta

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    Ðæt Hwīte Scip sencþ
    Ðæt Hwīte Scip sencþ

    25. dæg Blotmonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg on Surinaman (1975).

  • 1034: Dunecan, se wæs Mælcomes Cyninges ōðra dehter sunu, æfterfolgode his ealdefæder and fōn tō rīce for Mælcolmes ǣrest dehter sunan, be naman Macbeoþen.
  • 1120Willelm Æþeling, se wæs Henrices I Engla Cyninges ānlic rihtsunu, wæs in þǣm Hwitscip ādruncen and æfterfolgode orleahtera þǣre æftergengnes.
  • 1863Americanisc Ingefeoht: Confederate here wæs forhīened in þǣre Ciatanuga Beadwe in Ciatanuga.

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    26. dæg Blotmonðes:

    Pontcysyllte Wætertyge

  • 1805 – Se Pontcysyllte Wætertyge (on biliðe), se lengsta and hēasta wætertyge on Breten þære īeglande, wæs geopened.
  • 1939 – Se Sofiet Rēada Here ofwearp byrstenda scytlas on Mainila and his ambehtmenn sæd þe þeos scotung cwōm of Finnum, þe wæs hiera wigscylde to beginnenne þā Wintergūþ fēa nihte þæræfter.
  • 1950Corea Gewinn: Æt gūðe æt Chosin Wætersēaþ and the Ch'ongch'on Ēa, ongann Cīna micel onræs wiþ Geānlǣhtan Þēodena þrēate.
  • 2008 – A coordinated group of shooting and bombing attacks geond Bombay begann, ultimately killing a total of 173 men and benas for mar þon 300 mannum.
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    27. dæg Blotmonðes:

    Ierusalemes Cirice on Berlin in 1736

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    28. dæg Blotmonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg on Liubenum (1912) and Mauritania (1960); Scipheres Dæg on Persum (1980)

    Ƿæpnas þæs Cynelican Society

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    29. dæg Blotmonðes: Hredding Dæg on Liubenum (1944)

    Pong screenshot

  • 1729Natchez Scrælingas onhofon wið Frenciscum landbuendum nēah todæges Natchez on Mississippi on American and slōgon 240 menn.
  • 1776Americisc Awendung: Bryttisc fierdfultum endod þæs Americawara ongin to fangan Cumbraland Festning on Nīwum Scotlande.
  • 1899FC Barcelona, ān tēam of the most successful clubs in Spanish football, staðolde Swissisc fōtþoðer pioneer Joan Gamper.
  • 1972Atari alēas Pong (on biliðe), ān þara ærrstan video gamen to gewinnenne brād popularity in bæm arcadum and on hāmconsolum.
  • 1987Corēa Lyftflyht 858 ætbyrstede ofer þæm Andaman Sǣ æfter þe twegen Norþcorēisc forwyrhtan left tīdbyrstend in oferhēafod clyster, and he ofslog eall 115 menn abord.

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    30. dæg Blotmonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg in Barbadose (1966); Bonifacio Dæg in the Philippines; Halgan Andreas Dæg on Scottum.

    Se Cristallisca Reced

  • 1700Micel Norþernum Gewinn: Sweonisc þreat under Carl XII Sweona Cyning hæfde sige ofer Russum, þa wæron under Petre þæm Miclan æt Narfabeadwe.
  • 1853 – Russisca wigscipu under Paulus Nakhimov brytte Oþomanisc fleot of snaccum æt Sinope Sæfeohte, and þes dæd ongann þone Taurican Gewinn.
  • 1934 – Se steam mihta Fleogend Scyttiscmann weard se ærrsta in witena bōcum to oferstgenne hund mīla in stunde.
  • 1936Se Cristallisca Reced, getimbrod for þære Miclan Wæfernesse of 1851 on Lundene, wæs be fyre adileged and eall forbærned.
  • 1979Se Weall, stænen gliwgeweorc and cunnung hwitboc be Pink Floyd, wæs ærrste aliesed.

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