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Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/Searmonað

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Þēodscipe for ādihtung gecorene gemynddagas
Todæg is Sæternesdæg, 18 Se Æfterra Gēola, 2025; hit is nū 08:02 (UTC)

1. dæg Searmonðes: Bearna Dæg

Old Smuggler Scyttisc uisce

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2. dæg Searmonðes:

Genserīce oferhergeð Rōm

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3. dæg Searmonðes: Sctes Carles Lƿangan Mǣssdæg and þara Uganda Martyra (Rēmisce Cirice, Angelcirice, Luþeranism); Cƿēne Ambiht Cenningdæg in Nīƿe Sǣlande (2013); Ƿesterne Australia Dæg (2013)

Andy Warhol

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4. dæg Searmonðes: þēodes Geānnes Dæg on Ungerum; Sundorrīcesdæg on Tongan (1970)

Germanisca undersæbāt getæl U-505

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5. dæg Searmonðes: Fæderdæg in missenlicum þēodum and Grundgesetnes Dæg on Dēna rīce

George Marshall

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6. dæg Searmonðes: Þēodlic hāligdæg Sƿēolandes on Sƿēonum.

Cynelice Sǣwigan on D-Dæg

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7. dæg Searmonðes:

Hacun VII Norrena Cyning

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8. dæg Searmonðes: Ƿoruld Garsecgena Dæg

Regulus cruise missile

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9. dæg Searmonðes: Sctes Columban mǣssedæg on Īrum

Charles Kingsford Smith

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10. dæg Searmonðes:

Friðerice I Barbarossa

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11. dæg Searmonðes:

George Ƿallace Alabaman Gereca stent ƿiþ unbedælunge æt Alabaman Eormengielde

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12. dæg Searmonðes: Dracabatfreols in East Asian countries (2013); Dia dos Namorados in Brazil; Russland Dæg on Russum

Byrneƿægn of Germanie in Kosovo

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13. dæg Searmonðes:

Pioneer 10 bord
Pioneer 10 bord
  • 1525Martin Luther beƿeddode Katharina von Bora, ƿið ðære Rēmiscan Cirican bebōd þe prēostas habbe hagosteald.
  • 1805 – Þā menn þæs Leƿis and Clark Fares ƿeard þā ǣrrostan Hƿīt Americaƿare to sēonne þa Micel Feall þǣre Missouri Ēa.
  • 1970 – "Se Langa Ƿeg and Beƿindan" ƿeard The Beatles' tƿentigoþ and endmesta ān-sette anfeald gesang on þāra Geānlǣhtedan Rīcum.
  • 1983Pioneer 10 (his bord on biliðe) fōr ofer Neptunes hƿyrft, and þær ƿeard he se ǣrroste mangeƿrohtede þing to farenne ofer þā gecennedum dƿeligendan tunglas þǣre Sunnlican endebyrdnesse.
  • 2007 – Haitham al-Badri se ār ƿæs Iraces leodƿeardes ambeht geƿrohtede a second bombing of the al-Askari Mosque, one of the holiest sites in Shia Islam.

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    14. dæg Searmonðes: Hreddungdæg in þǣm Folcland Īegum and in Sūþgeorgie and þǣm Sūþsandƿic Īeglandum (1982); Fanandæg on þǣm Geānedum Rīcu

    Charles Babbage
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    15. dæg Searmonðes: Fanadæg on Denum

    Iohannes Engla Cyning and Sēo Micle Bōc

  • 1215 – Iohannes Engla Cyning asettede his sigol to þæm Micle Bēc æt Rynemeadwe.
  • 1219 – Norþern Fare: Be gelufodum Deniscum ealdsecgan, feall se Dannebrog (se is Dena fana) of heofne and geaf þæm Deniscum þreate anīƿed hōp for sige wiþ Estƿarum æt Lyndanisse Feohte, and þes fana is todæg an þara ieldstan þeodlican fanan in þære ƿorulde se man brycþ giet.
  • 1520 – Leo X Pāpa foryppede Exsurge Domine þone papiscan geƿrit to forcƿeþenne foresettnessa of Martin Lutheres Fīf and Nigontig Þancas and mid gebeote amānsumnunge.
  • 1859 – Þær sceot man swin in þara San Juan Iegum cwom þone sliht þe man hat se Swin Gewinn ymbe se riht rices gemære betwuh Britisc Norþamerica and þara Geanedum Ricum.
  • 1954 – The Union of European Football Associations, se is se þegnlica and recenda lic for Europiscum fōtþōðer, wæs gestaþoled in Basle on Switsum.
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    16. dæg Searmonðes: Fæder Dæg in missenlicum land (2013); Bloomsdæg on Difelin, Īra byrig; Geogoþ Dæg on Sūþaffrican.

    James Joyce in 1915

  • 1795 – Frencisc Onƿendunge Gūþ: Ofer Lidƿicena sǣrīme, feaht Bryttisc Cynelica Sciphere scipƿerod, þærof ƿæs Ƿillelm Cornƿallis scipheretoga and hæfde sige on yðum ofer mǣr fleot þæs Frenciscan Scipheres.
  • 1846 – Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti ƿæs geceorren to beon Pius IX Pāpa, and he hæfde þone lengsta rīce on eallum pāpan þære Rēmiscan Cirican.
  • 1904 – James Joyce Īrisc ƿritere (on biliþe) begann his freondlufe mid Nora Barnacle, and eft nyttede he þone tælmearc to settenne þa actions for his bēc Ulysses in 1922, þærof is 16. Seremonaþ Bloomsdæg æfter þæs spelles heafodman Leo Bloom.
  • 1958 – Imre Nagy and oþru folctogan þæs Ungariscan Uphebbunge of 1956 ƿæron ofslean æfter deaglum ordælum.
  • 1960 – The thriller/horror film Psycho, directed by Alfred Hitchcock and based on a novel of the same name by Robert Bloch, was released.
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    17. dæg Searmonðes:

    Vlad III Stacende

  • 1462 – Þreat þærof ƿæs Vlad III Dracula Ƿallachie þēoden (on biliþe) onsæcede Oþomanisc hereƿic æt niht þe hie meahtan slean Mehmed II.
  • 1631Mumtaz Mahal, seo ƿæs cƿēn þæs Mughal casere Sciah Geahan, died in cildbirth and Geahan spent þa niehstan seofentiene gearas constructing her mausoleum, the Taj Mahal.
  • 1861Americanisce Ingefeoht: The Battle of Vienna, Virginia, took place, which involved one of the earliest military movements of troops by train in the world.
  • 1963 – Ymbe 2,000 menn rioted in Sūþfietnam, despite the signing of the Joint Communique to resolve the ongoing Buddhist crisis one day earlier.
  • 1991 – The Sūþaffricanisca Ƿitenagemōt tōƿendeda þā Population Registration Act, þā bæde þe ælce oneardiend of Sūþaffrican biþ aƿiten in nambēc be cynne se ƿæs part of the system of asundrodnesse on þǣm lande.
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    18. dæg Searmonðes:

  • 618 – Li Yuan ƿeard Gaozu Tang Casere (on biliðe), and in þissa ƿīse ongann þreo hund ƿintra þæs Tang Cynecynn on Seringum.
  • 1815 – Æt Wæterloo Beadwe feaht Wellingatūn wiþ Napoleon Bonaparte and hine adrāf of þǣm wælfelde, be sūþen Brysle in þæm land þe is todæg Belgice. Ðes mihtig fēoht endode þā Hundred Dagas and wæs Napoleones endlice beadu þe twegen and twentig winterlang gūð mōt endan.
  • 1908 – Se Philippines Eormengyld, þeodlica eormengyld þara Philippines Īegena, ƿæs gestaþoled.
  • 1940Ōðru Ƿorludgūþ : Charles de Gaulle Heretoga bannede his forþclipunge þæs Frenciscan folce æfter Franclandes handgang to Natsi Germanie, þærin gestefnode he þe hie fylstan þa Wiðstandunge, and he ƿeard folctoga þæs Freo Frencisc Þreat.
  • 1972British European Airways Flyht 548 feall neah Stan seo burg lǣs þon þreo minutes æfter þe he hæfde departing of Hǣþræƿ Lyfthyð, killing all 118 people aboard, and þis þing ƿæs in þæm ylde se ƿyrsta lyft disaster æ on Brettum.
  • 1983 – Abord Challenger se Rodorsceaþel, Sally Ride lyftliþmann ƿeard se ǣrresta Americanisca ƿifmann in rodore and þæt þridde ƿif þe sƿylc þing fremmede, æfter þæm Sofietiscum rodorliþmannum Valentina Tereshkova and Svetlana Savitskaya.
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    19. dæg Searmonðes: Dæg þæs unahangiendan Ungaralandes;

    Lou Gehrig

  • 1816 – Sēo Hudsones Byht Tēoh and sēo Norþƿest Tēoh, þa ƿæron geƿinnan in flyscēapunge, fettoden in æscþræcce in þæm stede se is todæg Ƿinnipeg on Manitoban se is on Canadan.
  • 1961Cuƿait fōn his sundorrīcehād of þæm Geānedum Cynerīce.
  • 1978Garfield, sceapped be Americanisc cartoonƿyrtan Jim Davis, ƿeard sƿutelod and endlice þis þing ƿeard one of the world's most widely syndicated comic strips.
  • 1987Ƿascisc separatist group ETA abyrstedon ƿægnbyrstend æt þæm Hipercor ceapungbold in Barcelonan, and cƿealledon 21 menn and 45 oþre ƿæron gebenned.
  • 2006 – Se ceremonial "hƿemstān" legde man þæs Svalbard Middangeardes Sǣd Cruft, se is bold gestaðoled to forhealdenne mislicnes on ƿyrtcynnes sǣd of stedum ƿoruldƿidum in undergrund scræf in Spitsbergenīege on Norþmanna rīce.
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    20. dæg Searmonðes: Ƿoruldes Friðbēnan Dæg; Fanadæg in Argentinan; Ƿest Virginia Dæg in Americanisc rīce Ƿest Virginia.

    Uictoria in hiere cynegerela þærin ƿæs hēo gehalgod

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    21. dæg Searmonðes: Eormenlendisc Ȳþrīdung Dæg; Þēodlic Scrælinga Dæg on Canadan

    Gelicnes þære Mameceaster Smæl -cale Experimental Searu

  • 217 BCŌðru Puniisc Gūþ: Þa Cartainisc þreat þærof ƿæs Hannibal heretoga fremmede micel ambush se ƿæs þæt mæste sƿylce þing in stǣre æt þære Trasimene Mere Beadƿe and in þæm stede hæfde Hannibal micel sige ofer Romƿarum.
  • 1898 – In blōdlǣsum dǣd in þære Speonisc–Americanisc Gūþ, fōn þā Geānedan Rīcu Guam of Spēnum.
  • 1919Ludwig von Reuter Scipheretoga scuttled þone Germaniscan Hēahsǣ Flēot in Scapa Flēote þe sƿylce scipu ne beon anām and betƿēox his fiendum beon bedǣled.
  • 1948 – Sēo Mameceaster Smælgrad Experimental Searu, middangeardes forma hordcofarungestrēon rimere, ran his forma rimere rungestrēon.
  • 1964 – Þreo civil rights workers were lynched be cynlingum þæs Ku Klux Klan neah Philadelphia on Mississippi.
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    22. dæg Searmonðes:

    Checkpoint Charlie

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    23. dæg Searmonðes: Jani wearþ in ealdan Lettlande.

    Banff National Park

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    24. dæg Searmonðes: Beadƿe Carabobon Dæg on Fenesƿelan (1821), Fête nationale du Québec (Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day) in Québec, Canada

    Ēatūn Felwascipes Capel

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    25. dæg Searmonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg on Mosambice (1975)

    Igor Stravinsky

  • 1910Se Fȳrfugol, se forma micel geƿeorc be Igor Stravinsky Russisc gliƿƿritere (on biliþe), ƿæs in Paris ǣrreste æteaƿed.
  • 1940Ōðru Ƿoruldgūþ – Man fulfremmede to arymenne ælmæst 200,000 geþofteda rīcena feðan of Frenciscum hȳðum.
  • 1950 – Seo Coreagūþ angann þær fremmede Norþcoreaisc þreat hergung fore dægrēde ofer þæm gemæro æt þæm 38. parallel in Sūþcorean þæt land.
  • 1960 – Tƿegen rūncræftƿyrhtan þa ƿeoceden for þæm United States National Security Agency left for vacation to Mexico, and fram þær forþfliemed to þæm Sofiet Gesamnunge.
  • 1967 – More than 400 million menn behealdon Our World, the first live, international satellite television production.
  • 2006Gilad Shalit Israhelisc cempa ƿæs kidnapped in a cross-border raid from the Gaza Strip on the crossing Kerem Shalom, and was held hostage by Hamas until 2011.
  • 2009Michael Jackson Sangere cƿeall æfter þe he suffering heortan cnys æt his hāme be Los Angeles, which authorities later declared a manbann caused by þone lybbgemange in his lice.
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    26. dæg Searmonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg on Madagascare (1960); Fāna Dæg on Romanie

  • 363Iulianus Andsaca Rōmānisc Cāsere forþferde in his fromlād odf his fare ƿiþ þæm Sassanid Rīce.
  • 1740Jenkins Ēar Ƿig: Speonisc ƿerod mid 300 feðan, frēo sƿeartmanna fyrd and Scræling helpendlica ƿigan abræc Brytƿarena strategically crucial stede æt Mose Byrig on Floridan.
  • 1886Henri Moissan Frencisc chemist sǣd þe he fremede to bedǣlenne fluorine þone hēafodgesceaft, and for þissum dǣde he later won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
  • 1948Shirley Jacksones bōc "The Lottery", one of the most famous short stories in American literature, ƿæs gesƿutoled.
  • 1963John F Kennedy Americisc Foresittend geaf his "Ich bin ein Berliner" gemæþel (on biliþ), underlining þāra Geāndena Rīca underƿreþung for democratic Ƿestgermania shortly after Soviet-supported Ēastgermania timbrode þone Berlinƿeall.
  • 1996 – Irisc crime reporter Veronica Guerin was morð while she was stopped at a traffic light, an event which helped establish Ireland's Criminal Assets Bureau.
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    27. dæg Searmonðes: Mixed Race Day on Brasilfolce

    Georgius II be Dettingum

  • 1571Elisabeþ I Engla Cƿēn asended cynelice bēc þærbe staðoldede hie Iesus Fēolagascip, se ƿæs se ǣrresta Oncƿeðenda fēolagascip æt Oxnaford Eormengylde.
  • 1743Gūþ þæs Ēastrīces Irfe: Æt Dettingen Beadƿe on Bægƿarum ƿæs Georgius II Grēatre Bryten Cyning heretoga þæs Bryttiscan þrēat on ƿælfelde and þes ƿæs se æftresta cyrre þærin forelǣdede Bretta cyning his here be his agan hande in feohte, and se Cyning geƿonnen sige ofer Francum.
  • 1899A E J Collins scored 628 runs nā ūt, the highest-ever recorded score in cricket.
  • 1986 – In Nicaragua ƿiþ Geānedum Rīcum dēmede se Irmenþēodlic Rihtsele þe þā Geānedan Rīcu hæfdon gebrocen irmenþēoda riht be þe hie fultumedon þā Contras in hiera uphebbunge ƿiþ Nicaraguan lēodƿearde.
  • 1989 – Seo Inlendisc and Mægþbūend Folcena Gemēting 1989, micel irmenþēodlic gemēting ymbe inlendisca folcas, and a forerunner þæs 2007 Bann ymbe Inlendisca Folcena Rihta, was adopted.
  • 2008Foresittend of Simbabƿe Robert Mugabe ƿæs be onfeallendym cyrre eftceosen æfter his opponent Morgan Tsvangirai withdrew a week earlier, citing violence against his party's supporters.
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    28. dæg Searmonðes: Vidovdan in Serbie.

    Sarajevo burgweard feng Gavrilo Princip, 1914

  • 1389 - In þǣre Cosofo Beadƿe, habbaþ Turcas forhīendon Serbas and Bosniaƿare.
  • 1914 - Iugoslafisc þēod geþafa mann Gavrilo Princip ācƿellode Fransicus Ferdinand Hēahheretoga Ēastrīces, sƿylce dǣd ƿæs se ǣrspearca þǣre Forman Ƿoruldgūþe.
  • 1919 - Se Friðuƿǣr Versailles was signed and endode þǣre Ǣrest Ƿoruldgūþ.
  • 1956 - Ƿyrhtan in Posne on Polum healdan micla sacunga demanding the lowering of food prices, raising of wages and revoking some recent law changes that worsened working conditions, but were violently repressed on ðæm æfterfolgendan dæge.
  • 1969 - Ongeagn to burgƿeard onræs ǣt þǣm Stānƿeall Inn in Nīƿeoforƿicburg, bæddelhēap begannon sacunga ƿiþ Nīƿe Eoforƿic Burgƿeard gerēfum, sparking the modern worldwide LGBT social movement.
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    29. dæg Searmonðes: Hāligdæg þǣre Gebundennes for sanctas Peter and Paul (ƿesterne Cirica).

    Canadisc Vimy Gemind

  • 1184 - Sverre ƿæs sƿā Norrena Cyning gebēagod.
  • 1613 - Þæt ǣrrste Globe Pleghūs in Lundne eall forbærnet æfter þe cannon genotod for sundorfremminge misgebyrsted on ðe man fremmed Heanrig VIII and hit onælode þæs pleghūses hrōf.
  • 1874 - Crēcisc politician Charilaos Trikoupis sƿutoled cūþcarte in þǣre Aþēnas dæghƿanlic ymele Kairoi getītulodne "Hƿā is scyldig?", hƿǣrin onsetted he his cearunga ƿiþ Georgie Creca Cyning.
  • 1922 - Francland hæfþ km² æt Vimy Hlinc (biliþ riht)Canadan giefen tō brēmanne Canadisc geƿinn in þǣre Vimy Hlinc Beadƿe on þǣre Ǣrestan Ƿoruldgūðe.
  • 1995 - Þæt Sampōnges dālhēddærnmarket tōfēoll in þǣre Seocho-gu scīre æt Seoule, Sūþcorēan byrig, and hit cƿealde 501 and derede 937.
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    30. dæg Searmonðes:

    Henric II Francna Cyning
    Henric II Francna Cyning
  • 1559 – In jousting gamen, geaf Gabriel Montgomery þæs Scyttiscan Ƿeardes Henrice II Francna Cyninge bealoben, ðan he gesticode þone cyning in þǣre ēage mid his æsce.
  • 1859Charles Blondin Frencisc spilere gang ofer Niagaracrundle on rāpe, and þærof ƿeard he þisre ƿorulde mǣrosta Rāpgengan.
  • 1908Micel byrst belimpede neah seo Podkamennaya Tunguska Ēa in þæm land þæt is nū Krasnoyarskland on Russlande and befeall 80 þūsenda þūsend trēoƿa þa beƿrogen 830 mīla þaes feoƿerscyte.
  • 1922 – Þā Geānlǣhtan Rīcu and sēo Dominicanisce Cyneƿīse onsigloden agreement þærbe æfter tƿǣm ƿintrum beendoden Americaƿare hiere onsettunge þære Dominicaniscan Cyneƿīsan seo ƿæs of 1916 oð 1924.
  • 1972 – The Irmenþēoda Tīdambehtsele éacede þa ǣrreste bises hƿīlsticce þæm Coordinated Eormentīd tīdes grad.
  • 2009Bahia Bakari leornungmægð ƿæs seo ānne mann þe aliyfde þær feall Yemenia Fleoht 626 in þone Indiscan Gārsecge and cƿeall 152 menn.
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    Þēodscipe for ādihtung gecorene gemynddagas