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[[Ymele:Flag of Venezuela (state).svg |right|thumb|180px|Fenesƿelisc fana]]

Feneswelan stede

Fenesƿela oþþe fullīce sēo Bolifarisce Cyneƿīse Fenesƿelan (Spēonisce: República Bolivariana de Venezuela) is cyneƿīse in Sūðamerican. Fenesƿele landscape is 916,445 fēoƿerscētra þūsendmetera brād. Hire lēodrǣden is 28,946,101 hāda, æfter þǣre 2011. gēares folctellunge. Fenesƿelan ƿihta fǣgness is sƿīðe grēat, mid ge burgum ge regnƿealdum ge feldum.

Landbūendas framm Spēonlande cƿōmon to Fenesƿelan on þǣm 1522. gēare, þēah þā inlendiscan ƿiþstōdon hīe. Man hēht selfƿeald for hire on þǣm 1811. gēare, ac næs þæt fæst oþ þæt 1821. gear tō dǣle þǣre geānedan cyneƿīsan Grēatre Colombie, fram þǣre hēo afōr þæs 1830. gēares).

In 1998 fang Hugo Chávez to his setle swa foresittend and in his ylde feall þis micle land in earmþu ðe manig fliemedon oþ his dēaþ in 2013 and by his æftergenga Nicolás Maduro orwēnede se hele folc þe Feneswelan witenagemō wolde hine gesettan and nū is swylce gedrēfednes þe ne meaht nā mann andgitan be hwǣm is þisses rīces ealdormann.

Wiki letter w Þis gewrit is stycce. Þu most Wikipædie mid ætiecunge hire helpan.

Land on Sūðamerican

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