
Crīstendōm is ǣ þǣre bȳsen is Iesus Nazarenisces līf and lār. Þā Crīstenan gelīefaþ þæt Iesus Godes Sunu wæs and Hǣlend, and sēo Nīwe Gecȳþnes is his lār, ac se mǣsta dǣl Cristena ēac rǣdaþ and ymbþencaþ þā Ealdan Ǣ, þe is sēo hāligbōc þāra Iudēa.
Crīstendōm is sēo mǣste ǣ in þǣre ƿorulde. On þǣm 2008an gēare wǣron 2.2 billion manna þā hī selfe crīstne hēton.