Cartaina (Bōclæden: Carthago) ƿæs miclu burg on Affrice, on þǣre Ƿendelsǣhealfe. Cartaine nama is fram þǣm Ealdpeniscan gereorde, and mǣneþ "nīƿe burg".
Cartainaþēod ƿæs Pene þā setledon on Affrice fram Phoenicia (sēo is nū Libanus). In þǣre bēc Æneid cƿæþ Uirgilius þe Dido cƿēn brōhte Cartainaþēode fram Tyre. Hīe folgodon þā Cananēiscan ǣfæstnesse.
Cartaina ƿæs scipstrang and hæfde micel rīce ofer Ƿendelsǣ. Cartainisce landbūnesse lǣgon in Ispanie and on Ƿendlesǣƿes strandum, sƿā feorr sƿā Masilia. Ēac on hiere rīce ƿæron Corsica, Sardinia and Sicilia īege.
Cartaine mǣste heretogan ƿǣron Hannibal and Hasterbal, gebrōþer, Amilcor, hiera fæder and Hanno.
Þā Peniscan Gūða
[adihtan | adiht fruman]Sēo Rōmanisce Cyneƿīse feaht mid Cartaine fram þǣm 264. gēare fore Crīste ōð þæt 146. fōre Crīste. In þǣm 202. fore Crīste æt Zama oferƿann Scipio Africanus Hannibal þone heretogan and his fyrde. Cartaina belēas hiere landscipas and ƿearþ Rēmisc gafolgiefa.
Nōþȳlæs Rōm næfde lufe for Cartaine. In Rēmiscum Senatum cƿæþ Caton:
Carthago delenda est
- þæt is "Adilegod sceal Cartaina bēon", oððe hē ofertēah ǣlcne cwƿde mid:
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
"Ēac, ic hycge ðe man sceal Cartaina adilegian."
Æfter fīftig gēara begann nīƿe gūþ in þǣm 149. gēare fore Crīste. Rōmƿare besǣton þā burg fram þǣm 149. fore Crīste ōð þæt 146. fore Crīste, þā nam Scipio Aemilianus þā burg and eall adolegode Cartaine burg. Hiere land on Affrice ƿearð Underrīce Affrica.
Rōmisc Cartaina
[adihtan | adiht fruman]Under þǣm Rēmiscan Rīce getimbrode man Cartaine nīƿlīce. Hēo ƿæs hēafodburg þæs Underrīces Affrice, and hēo ƿæs eft sēo mǣste burg on Norþaffrice būton Alexandria.
Dido and Eneas
[adihtan | adiht fruman]In ealdgesegene ƿæs ǣrest Cartaine cƿēn Dido. Se Æneid telþ þe Ƿindas drifon Eneas, Troia æþeling, tō Cartaine mid his scipum. Þǣr Dido begann tō lufienne hine forsƿīðe. Þā beglād hire Eneas þā lāð hē tō Italie, barn Dido cƿēne selfe on āde and in hiere dēaþe sƿōr Cartainaþēode ēcelīc hāt ƿið Eneases folc, þæt ƿearþ Rōmƿare.