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Cynelica Niðerlendisca Sciphere

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De Zeven Provinciën
Niðerlendisc schipheres stefnfāna

Se Cynelica Niðerlendisca Sciphere (Niðerlendisc: Koninklijke Marine) is se sciphere þāra Niðerlanda. His frūma is in þæm Eahtig Wintra Gewinne gfeaht of 1568 oþ 1648 þærin gewonnen þā Niþerlendisc underrīcu hiera sundorrīcedōm of þæm Habsburgingum.

In þæm 17. gearhund wæs þære Niðerlendiscan Cynewīsan sciphere onmang þisse woruldes strengstum sǣþrēatum and hit feahte on manigum brimum ofer eallum middangearde in gewinne wiþ Engle, Francas, Spene and wiþ missenlicu rīcu in Europan and elleswīse. In 1795 oferwearp Francas þā Niðerland and hie staþoledon þā Batauisce Cynewīse (1795–1806) and æfterweard Holland þæt Cynerīce (1806–1810) swa scolmannrīcu and se sciphere þegnede þās rīcu and hiera Frenciscu hlāfordscipe in þāra Napoleoniscan Gewinnum.

In 1814 staðolde Willelm of Orange þone cynedōm be naman Niþerland þæt Cynerīce and þāra Niðerlendiscan scipena lāf gædrede he in þæs cynerīces nīwan 'Cynelica Niðerlendisca Sciphere'.

Se Cynelica Niðerlendisca Sciphere his miclu rihtgesetnesse fuleode þe hit wearde Niðerlanda rice in hiera landbūnessum in Asie sūþēastdæle. In þære Ōðru Woruldgūð feaht se sciphere wiþ þone Cāserlica Iapanisca Sciphere.

Siþðan þære Ōðru Woruldgūþe hæfþ the Cynelica Niðerlendisca Sciphere seglede in friþweardum farum.


[adihtan | adiht fruman]

The main naval base is located at Den Helder in Hollande. Ēac sind scipwicas æt Amsterdam, Fluscing, Texel, and Willemstad (on Curaçao).