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Lobengula Khumalo
Cynedom Haligmonaþ 1868 oþ Se Æfter Gēola 1894
Gehalgod 1869
Foregenga Mzilikazi (fæder)
Æftergenga Nān
Bryd Lozikeyi and Lomalongwe
Bearn Mpezeni (ierfa), Njube, Nguboyenja, Sidojiwa, dēhter
Fæder Mzilikazi Matabela Cyning
Modor sum Swaza Hlāfdige
Geboren 1845
Deaþ Æfter Gēola 1894, sƿa hycgð man

Lobengula Khumalo (1845–1894) ƿæs se ōðra cyning þāra Matabela and se endmesta. His fæder ƿæs Mzilikazi se gestaþolde þone cynedōm þæs folces and Lobengula fang to rīce on sƿylcum folce æfter his fædres dēaþ in 1868.

Sēo mægþ

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Matabele sindon gesundredon of þæm Zulu folce and fōron norþƿeard ofer Limpopo þære ēa under Mzilikazi, Sciacan heretōga æfer 1830. Hiera nama, Matabele mænþ "Menn þāra langra scilda", forþaem þe hiera ƿigan bāren se Zulu langscild and gār.

Benorþen Limpopoa sceappon þes folc Matabelaland and nīƿ rīce þærin recaþ Zulu Matabele ofer manigum underþēodum and se Cyning ānƿaldede. Stearc ƿæs þæs cyninges þēaƿfæstnes onmang his folce and man se agyltede ƿæs ofslōgen.[1]

Lobengulan cynedōm

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Æfter Mzilikazan dēaþ in 1868, fang Lobengula to rīce mid þāra bregena laðunge, and þā ƿerodas þā cnēatoden ƿiþ Lobengulan cynedōm oferdrāf he æt sæcce mid ecgþræce.

In his ylde cƿōm hƿītmenn on Matabelum þā sōhtode huntoþ and æfterƿerd gold.

In 1870 geaf Lobengula Iohannes Sƿinburne Cniht sundorriht þe he meaht sēcan for gold and ore in Matabelelandes sūþdæle andlang Tati Ēa, and þes riht hēt Tati Tīþ. In 1888 cƿōmon Bretƿare and sōhtedon riht to delfenne in fyrðrum lande in Matabelarīce. Endlice sealde Lobengula his hande on bōc to Cecil Rhodes þe his gyld meahte delfan in eallum Matabelalande gif se gyld giefe him ƿæpnas and fēoh and be þissum foremæl noððe Niðerlendiscfolc noððe Portugalƿare mōtan setlan noððe habban tīþe in þæm rīce.

Bulaƿayo, ymbe 1900

In 1893 gecnēoƿ Lobengula Cyning þe Rhodes ƿolde agetan his landrīce and se Forma Matabele Geƿinn begann in Ƿinterfylleþ 1893. Se Bryttisc Sūþaffrica Gyld hæfde se Maxim gun ƿiþ þāra Matabela gār and hiera ƿigan ƿæron adrufon and adigloden.

Lobengula Cyning steaf in Gēolmonað 1893 oþðe in 1894. By Ƿinterfylleþ 1897 settloden hƿītmenn in eallum Matabelaland and geaf him þone naman Rhodesia.

Lobengulan giengste dōhtor

Ūtƿearda hlenas

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  1. Dodds, Glen Lyndon (1998). The Zulus and Matabele: Warrior Nations. Arms and Armour. ISBN 978-1-85409-381-3.