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Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/Mædmonað

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Þēodscipe for ādihtung gecorene gemynddagas
Todæg is Tiwesdæg, 17 Haligmonað, 2024; hit is nū 19:49 (UTC)

1. dæg Mædmonðes: Canada Dæg on Canadan.

Hægþornhrycg Fæsten geberst be Sunnan ēa in 1916
Hægþornhrycg Fæsten geberst be Sunnan ēa in 1916
  • 1520 - La Noche Triste: Spēonisc Conquistadors under Hernán Cortés barely succeeded in escaping from the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan.
  • 1569 - The Union of Lublin was signed, merging the Polaland Cynerīce and se Hēah Þeodenrīce Liþuania in ānum rīce, seo Polisc-Liþuanisc Cyneƿise.
  • 1867 - The Bryttisc Norðamerica Act came into effect, uniting the Canada Underrīce, Nīƿe Brunsƿic, and Nīƿe Scotland in þone Canadisc Confederation.
  • 1916 - Ǣrest Ƿoruldguþ : The first day þǣre Beadƿe þǣm Sunnan ƿearþ blōdigost dæg in þǣm stǣre þǣs Bryttiscra Heres, mid 57,470 dead hƿærof ƿæron stearfon 19,240 oþþe hæfdon hiera bealubenna.
  • 1991 - The Warsaw Pact was officially dissolved at a meeting in Prague.

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    2. dæg Mædmonðes:

    Se ǣrost Tseppelin

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    3. dæg Mædmonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg on Hƿītrusslande.

    Hugo Francena Cyning
  • 987Hugo Capet fang to rīce sƿa Francena Cyning, and ƿeard Capet Hūses ǣrrsta ƿealdend, which þæt heald Franclandes cynedōm oþ hit ƿæs ofergeƿeorpen æt þære Frenciscum Aƿendunge in 1792.
  • 1608Quebecceaster, ǣrest Frencisc stede in Norðamerican, ƿæs be Samuel de Champlain āstemnode.
  • 1778Americisc Aƿendung Ƿig : Loyalists and Iroquois killed or tortured over 300 Patriots æt þǣm Ƿyomingdenu ƿæl.
  • 1863Pickettes Onræs, disastrous Confederate feþan ætsæcce ƿið Gædes Here stedum, occurred in þǣm endmestan and blōdigostan dæg þæs Gettysburg fēohtes, and ðis ðing betæcnod ƿendungstede in þǣm Americaniscan Ingefeohte.
  • 1866Prēossisc here geƿonn sige ofer Ēastrīce's here æt þǣm Cyningesgrätz Beadƿe, se ƿæs se ƿealdenda sæc þæs Geƿinnes.
  • 1938 – The LNER Mallard broke the world speed record for a steam īsernƿeg locomotive, reaching a speed of 203 km/h.

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    4. dæg Mædmonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg in þǣm Geānedum Rīcum, Filipinisc-Americanisc Frēondscipes Dæg in þǣm Filippīnum

    Micel Gædes Fana þāra Þrēotīene Landbūnessa in 1776

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    5. dæg Mædmonðes: Sundorrīces Dæg on Algerie (1962), Grēnenæsse (1975) and Fenesƿela (1811)

    Styccas þæs Stæffordscīr hord
    Styccas þæs Stæffordscīr hord
  • 1775 – Seo Ōðru Ƿorulddǣles Gemōt of Bretcynnes Þrēotīene Landbūnessa genām þā Eletƿig Giernesse þærbe hæfdon hie hōpe þe hie mōtan avoid ƿig ƿiþ Grēatbrytene.
  • 1954BBC Tidung brohtede on lyfte hiere ǣrreste tīdung tosǣƿet be feorrsīen of gebōceden cneordclyster in Alexandra Healle on Middelseaxum.
  • 1977Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq Heretoga ahƿearf Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Forma Þegn of Pacistane be heresƿicdōme.
  • 1987 – Þa Sƿeartan Tigras þara Tamil Tigrena ƿrohten hiera forma sylfcƿal onsæcce ƿiþ þone Taprobanisc Here in Nelliady on Taprobane.
  • 2009 – Þone mǣstan maðmhord of Engliscum golde ā afunden, se ƿæs of ofer oþerheaf þūsend þingum begeat man nēah Hammerƿic se tūn, se is nēah Liccedfeld on Stæffordscīre.
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    6. dæg Mædmonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg in Malawan (1964) and in Comoros (1975), Rīcehāddæg in Liþþuanie (1253); Iohannes Hus Dæg in Ceclande; the Gilddagas þæs Halgan Fermín omginnþ in Pamplonan on Spēnum.

    Hloðwig Pasteur

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    7. dæg Mædmonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg in þǣm Salomones Īegum (1978); Tanabata in Iapane; Kupalaniht in Russlande and þǣm Ucrægnan.

    Russelles Tūnmidde in Lundene, 7 Mǣdmōnaþ 2005

  • 1798 – Sēo Healf-Gūþ, ungecȳd wig gefohten ealle on þǣm brime, ongann æfter þǣm þe þā Geānedan Rīcu forhrērdon hira foreƿearda mid Franclande.
  • 1807Alexander I Russa Casere and Napoleon I Francena Casere geinsiglodon þone ǣrrsta ānnes þæs Forewearda Tilsittes, endode þā Gūþ þæs Fēorðan Geþoftscipes.
  • 1846Americisc þrēat gedrufon be Commodore John D. Sloat geseted Monterey and Yerba Buena, and þærin begann sēo gecnyttunge mid Californie.
  • 1937 – In þǣre Marco Polo Brycg Wyrde, feoht se ongann þone Ōðre Seringa-Iapanwara Gewinn, Iapanes Caseres Iapanisca Here gewonne sige ofer þǣre Cīna Cynewīsan Þēodlic Uphebbunges Here on Pecinges Marco Polo Brycg.
  • 2005 – Egesƿyrhtan gefeoht in Lundene underwege.

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    8. dæg Mædmonðes: National Day of Commemoration in Īrland (2007).

    Poltava Beadu

  • 1709Micel Norþernes Gūþ: Æt Poltavan in Ucrægnan, Petrus I Russa Casere forhīende Carl XII Sƿēona Cyning in þǣre Poltavan Beadƿe and endode Sƿēolandes almægen in Europan.
  • 1859Carl XV fang to rīce on Sƿēonum and on Norþmanna æfter his fæderes Osgares I dēaðe.
  • 1889 – The first issue of The Wall Street Journal, an influential international daily newspaper, was published.
  • 1947 – Various news agencies ƿrāt gehȳrnesse ymb gefeng of "flēogendum underbollan" be mannum þæs Geānedan Rīces Lyftðrēat of hiera hereƿice æt Rosƿielle Heres Lyftþrēatƿic in Rosƿielle, Nīƿe Mexico.

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    9. dæg Mædmonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg in Argentinan.

    Carl Brycg

  • 1357 - Se grundstān þǣre Carl Brycg (āmētte) in Prag ƿæs be Carl IV Hālig Rōmānisc Cāsere gelegd.
  • 1816 - Se Tucumán Gemōt sƿutoled Argentinan sundorrīcedōm, be hiere ǣrnaman, se is þā Geānlǣhtedan Underrīce þǣre Platan ēa, of Spēonland.
  • 1922 - Johnny Weissmuller sƿamm þone 100-meter freoƿise ryne in 58.6 seconds, breaking ƿoruld sund record and the "minute barrier."
  • 1955 - Ðā Russell-Einstein Sƿeotolunge ƿæs forþypped onmiddan þǣre Cealdgūþe, calling for geþæhte ðærin motan ƿītan "appraise the perils that have arisen as a result of the development of ƿǣpnas of ealcƿale."
  • 2002 - Ðone Affricaniscan Gæd staðoled man in Durban on Sūðaffrican, and ceas ðe Thabo Mbeki Sūðafrican Foresittend biþ his ǣrrosta hēafodmann.

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    10. dæg Mædmonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg in þā Bahaman; Sƿīgnesdæg.

    William I of Orange

  • 1584Willelm se Swige (on biliþe), se wæs Oranges Þeoden, wæs gecwellode æt his huse in Delft se is in Holland, be Balthasar Gérard.
  • 1796Carl Friedrich Gauss se Þēodisc rimcræftige man and uþwita afand þe ælc anwalg rim meaht man spelian swa geihtnysse of an oððe twegen oððd ðrie þriscyta getalu, and herbe wrate he in his dægbec his mære word, "Heureka! num= ."
  • 1925Meher Baba Indisc guru begann his silence of 44 ƿinter oþ his dēaþ in 1969.
  • 1962Telstar, the world's first active, direct relay communications satellite, was launched by NASA aboard a Delta rocket from Cape Canaveral.
  • 1985Frencisc intelligence agents bombed and sank the Greenpeace scip Rainbow Warrior, while docked in Aucland hȳðe on þǣm Nīƿan Sǣlande, to prevent her from interfering in a nuclear test in Moruroa.

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    11. dæg Mædmonðes: Naadam onginþ on Mongolum.

    Heanric VIII Engla Cyning

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    12. dæg Mædmonðes: Se Tƿelfa : Gemunung þǣre Beadƿe þæs Bogn in Īrlande.

    Beadu þæs Bogn

  • 1543Heanrig VIII Engla Cyning beƿeddod Caþerine Parr, his sixte and endmeste ƿīf, æt Hamtunhof Healle.
  • 1580Ostrog Bible, ǣrost bibliþēca in Ealdciricanslafisce, ƿæs gemālod in Ostroh, Ucrægnland fram Ivan Fyodorov.
  • 1806 – Sixtīene Þēodisc rīcelicu rīcu forleorton þæt Hālge Rōmānisce Rīce and macodon þæt Midgefērung þæs Rīnes.
  • 1862 – The U.S. Army Medal of Honor was first authorized by the U.S. Congress.
  • 1975Sanctus Tomas and Príncipe ābēonn selfdōm of Portugale.
  • 1979 – Þā Gilbert Īega nāmon selfdōm and ƿeard Kiribas be naman.

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    13. dæg Mædmonðes: Bon Festival in Iapane.

    Jean-Paul Marat

  • 1772HMS Resolution beebbod of Sūþtun on Defnum, Englaland, under þǣm Sciphlāforde Iacobe Cōce.
  • 1793Jean-Paul Marat (in gelicnesse), ladmann in þǣm Frenciscan Onƿendunge, ƿæs in his bæþ ācƿellode be Charlotte Corday.
  • 1893 – Þrīe dagas of gæglbǣrnesse ongann in Nīƿeoforƿicburg be opponents of new laws passed by the United States Congress to draft men to fight in the ongoing Americanisc Ingefeoht.
  • 1878 – The major powers in Europan redrew the map of þæs Illyrice in þǣre Berlin Ānnesse.

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    14. dæg Mædmonðes : Bastille Dæg in Francland.

    Bastille sēo Castel

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    15. dæg Mædmonðes :

    Rosetta Stān

  • 1410Polaland þæt Cynerīce and Liþuania þæt Hēah Þēodenrīce geƿunnen sige ofer þǣm Munucrīce þāra Þēodiscan Cnihta in þǣm þǣre Campƿīge be Tannebeorge, sēo decisive garmitting þǣre Polisc-Liþuanisc-Þēodisc Gūþ.
  • 1685Iacobus Scott, Heretoga of Monmūþan, behēafod man for for sƿicdome in þǣm Monmūþa Rebellion, hƿærin ƿolde he oferƿeorpan Iacobus II Engla Cyning.
  • 1799Frenciscan cempas gefūndon þone Rosetta Stān (in biliþe) in Rosettan, Ǣgyptiscum hȳðƿic.
  • 1823 – Fȳr adiegeled þā ealde Basilica Sanctes Paules Ūt þǣm Ƿeallum in Rōmbyrige. Sēo cirice would later be restored by 1840.
  • 1974Þēodweorðiendas þærof wæron Creca rican borhand asettedon Macarios Ercebiscop, Cipros Foresittend, in rīcessæcce and in his stede settedon hie Nikos Sampson.

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    16. dæg Mædmonðes : Marine Dæg in Iapan (2007).

    "Trinity", seo ǣrrste cyrnebystung

  • 622 – The epoch þǣre Islamiscan gerīmbēc occurred, and betǣcnð þone gear hƿǣrin cēped Muhammad his Flēam of MeccanMedīnan.
  • 1769Spēonisc munuc Junípero Serra staðoled Mission San Diego de Alcalá, sēo ǣrrste Franciscan sande in Hēam Californie þǣm lande of Nīƿe Spēonland.
  • 1945Manhattan Project: "Trinity", ǣrost cyrnƿǣpnes oferfundennes, gebyrsted man neah Alamogordo, Nīƿe Mexico on þǣm Geānlǣhtum Rīcum. (on biliðe)
  • 1979Saddam Hussein replaced the resigning Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr sƿā Iraces foresittend, æfter ðe he hæfde be stalgangum agnetted geƿeald of his gesƿēor.
  • 1994Þunor þæt dƿeoligende tungol ƿæs gestricen be brytsenum of Shoemaker-Levy 9 þæs cometan, causing a fireball which reached a hēast temperature of about 24,000 K.

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    17. dæg Mædmonðes: Grundgesetnes Dæg in Sūþcorea (1948).

  • 1762Petrus III slōg man æt Ropshan, fēa nihte æfter ðe his cƿēn Caþerine II hine he asettede of his cynedōm and heo fang to rīce.
  • 1815Napoleonisc Gūða : Napoleon made his formal surrender to Bryttisc þreat anbord HMS Bellerophon æt Rochefort-hȳðe on Francum, sƿylc beended þā Hund Dagas.
  • 1936Nationalist ƿiðerfeohtendas in Spēonlande genēðedon rīceslege ƿiþ þǣre Oðer Spēonisc Cyneƿīse, an ongannen þone Spēonisc Ingefeoht.
  • 1945Winston Churchill, Iosef Stalin and Harry Truman met æt þǣre Potsdam Geþæhte to gerǣdenne hū man mōt gerecan Þēodscland æfter þǣre Oðran Ƿoruldgūþe.
  • 1998 – Biologists reported in the scientific journal Science how they sequenced the genome of Treponema pallidum, the bacterium that causes syphilis.

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    18. dæg Mædmonðes:

    Rōmbyrig æled

  • 64 – Se Grēat Rōmisc Fyr ongann onmang scoppan ymbe þone Circus Maximus þærin seald man ældberende ƿare, and his brand adilglode fēoƿer of fēoƿertiene Rēmisc læppan and hefige derode seofen læppan, þærin ƿæs healf þǣre ceastre forbærned.
  • 1863Americanisc Ingefeoht: Læd be Robert Gould Shaw Gædes Heres Ƿerodþegne, ƿæs se 54þ Massachusetts Volunteer Feþna Ƿerod, se ƿæs se forma African American ƿerod, se ord in þǣre onræsse on Ƿagner Byrig neah Charleston on Sūþcarolina.
  • 1982Guatemalan ðreat and hiera paramilitary allies onslōgon over 250 Mayaƿare campesinos in Plan de Sánchez þǣm ƿīce, se is on Niðrum Verapaze bedǣlunge.
  • 1966 – Se Americaniscan ƿoruldrūmmission Gemini 10 ongann.
  • 2002 – Þær nām Spēonisc cempan Petersiligeīeg of Marocaniscan sǣfaroþ endode sēo "Petersiligeīeggūþ" (on biliþe).

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    19. dæg Mædmonðes:

    Maria Engla Cƿēn

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    Buzz Aldrin on þǣm mōnan, mid Neil Armstronge gescinen in his helme

    20. dæg Mædmonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg on Colombie (1810)

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    21. dæg Mædmonðes : National holiday in Belgicum, Racial Harmony Day in Singapore.

  • 1298Englisc and Īrisc cempan under Ēadƿeard Langscancan forhīendon Ƿilliam Ƿallaces Scyttiscan here in þǣre Fealdcirice Beadƿe.
  • 1831 – In Brysel hæfþ Leopold I fōn tō rīce sƿā ǣrost Belgƿara Cyning.
  • 1861 – Se Forma Beadu æt Bull Run ongann, hēo ƿæs ǣrest grēat beadu in þǣre Americaniscan Ingefeoht.
  • 1954Forma Indochinan Gūþ : Se Fietnamisca Unfyrdlica Dǣl ƿæs gestaðoled æt þǣm Genf Geþæht, bedǣlung Fietnam andlang þæt Seofontēoþa gemēt, in Norþfietnam ƿǣrin gerecede Ho Chi Minh and Sūþfietnam hƿǣrin ricsode Bảo Đại Cāsere.
  • 1970 – Ðæt Asƿan Hēa Demm in Ǣgypte ƿæs gefullendod æfter 11 ƿintrum hƿǣrin man timbrode hit.

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    22. dæg Mædmonðes : Ieldrandæg in þǣm Geānlǣhtan Rīcum (2007); Pi Approximation Dæg; Symbeldæg for Mary Magdalene.

    Iohannes Hunyadi

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    23. dæg Mædmonðes : Onƿendunge Dæg on Ǣgypte.

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    24. dæg Mædmonðes : Simon Bolivar Dæg in Ecƿador and Fenesuelan.

    Machu Picchu

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    25. dæg Mædmonðes : Commonwealth Constitution Dæg in Rīcehȳð; Galicia Dæg in Galicie; Symbeldæg for Sanctus Jacob se Micel.

    Louis Blériot

  • 306Constantīn I was proclaimed Rōmānisc cāsēre be his cempas.
  • 1261 – Se Lǣden Rīce ƿæs endode æfter Michael VIII Palaeologus and his Nicēnisc here nōm Constantinopolis eft to staðolienne þæt Ēastrōmānisc Rīce.
  • 1909Frencisc fliegend Louis Blériot (bilið) made the ǣrrste crossing of þæs Sūþsǣ in a heavier-than-air lyftcræft.
  • 1978Louise Brown, the world's first test-tube bearn, ƿæs in Aldehulme on Englum geboren.
  • 2000Air France Concorde Flight 4590 crashed after takeoff in Paris, killing 113 people.

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    26. dæg Mædmonðes : Sundorrīcesdæg in Liberian (1847) and on þǣm Maldifīegum (1965)

    Afonso I Portugl Cyning

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    27. dæg Mædmonðes : José Celso Barbosa Dæg in Rīcehȳðe.

    Philippus II Francena Cyning

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    28. dæg Mædmonðes : Þæs Cyninges acennungdæg, Sundorrīcesdæg in Perƿe (1821). Alīs Gebyrddæg on Persum (2007).

    Maximilien Robespierre

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    29. dæg Mædmonðes : Ólavsøka in þǣm Faroe Īege.

    Anlaf II Norrena Cyning

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    30. dæg Mædmonðes : Sundorrīcesdæg in Fanuatu (1980)

    NASA biliþ of Maldenīege.

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    31. dæg Mædmonðes : Ka Hae Haƿai‘i Dæg in Haƿai'i, feast day of Sanct Ignatius Loiolan.

    Lunar Rover-Manned land vehicle (NASA)

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    Se Æfterra Geola - Solmonaþ - Hreþmonað - Eastermonað - Þrimilcemonað - Searmonað - Mædmonað - Weodmonað - Haligmonað - Winterfylleð - Blotmonað - Ærra Geol

    Þēodscipe for ādihtung gecorene gemynddagas