Nīwlica andwendunga
Seoh þa niwostan andwendunga þisses wiki on þissum tramete
List of abbreviations:
- D
- Adihtung of Wikidata
- N
- Þeos adihtung scop niwne tramet (seoh eac getæl niwra trameta)
- ly
- Þeos is lytel adihtung
- þr
- Searuþræl fremede þas adihtunge
- (±123)
- Þæs trametes micelness wæs andwended þys rime greatbitena
- Temporarily watched page
15 Solmonað 2025
- Brucenda scyppunge tidgewrit 13:08 Brucendes wisboc Phonk NIE JEST podgatunkiem trapa motung adihtunge wæs gescepen
- User rename log 12:27 Aqurs1 motung adihtunge renamed user Taering (0 edits) to KaramABJ (per request)
- Āfeorsunge wisbōc 12:14 A09 motung adihtunge changed visibility of a revision on page Gāt: edit summary hidden (Inappropriate comment)
- scēaStǣr ly Gāt 02:21 +1 1234qwer1234qwer4 motung adihtunge (Ācierde ādihtunga fram Phonk NIE JEST podgatunkiem trapu (Gesprec); wendede on bæc tō ǣrran fadunge fram Reekraft) Tag: Rollback
- scēaStǣr Gāt 02:19 −1 Phonk NIE JEST podgatunkiem trapu motung adihtunge (fornom adihtunge sceortnesse) Tag: Reverted
14 Solmonað 2025
- User rename log 23:04 TenWhile6 motung adihtunge renamed user Icodense99 (0 edits) to Icodense (Per request on dewiki)
- User rename log 22:21 Queen of Hearts motung adihtunge renamed user Serial Number 54129 (0 edits) to Fortuna imperatrix mundi (per mailing list)
- User rename log 17:27 Aqurs1 motung adihtunge renamed user MaGz96 (0 edits) to Renamed user 1ab9ed72d91e2fe9644decf3a2ffdb22 (per request)
- Brucenda scyppunge tidgewrit 11:56 Brucendes wisboc WeirdSpooktastic motung adihtunge wæs gescepen Tags: Handsearulicu adihtung Handsprecenda webbes adihtung
- scēaStǣr Bysen:Scīra þāra Texasum 08:06 +192 Rylesbourne motung adihtunge
- scēaStǣr Bysen:Scīra þāra Texasum 07:40 +1 Rylesbourne motung adihtunge
- User rename log 04:27 J ansari motung adihtunge renamed user Դանայոս (0 edits) to Արշո (per request)
- scēaStǣr Law & Order 03:10 0 Stephan1000000 motung adihtunge (513)
13 Solmonað 2025
- scēaStǣr Bysen:Hēafodstōlas on Norþamerica 23:19 −12 Rylesbourne motung adihtunge
- scēaStǣr Bysen:Hēafodstōlas on Norþamerica 23:19 0 Rylesbourne motung adihtunge
- scēaStǣr Sanct Iohannēsburg, Antigua and Barbuda 23:17 −9 Rylesbourne motung adihtunge
- scēaStǣr Niwgefundenland and Labrador 23:15 +46 Rylesbourne motung adihtunge
- scēaStǣr N Sanct Iohannēsburg, Antigua and Barbuda 23:14 +748 Rylesbourne motung adihtunge (Nīwe tramet: :''{{for|byrig on Nīƿebrūnesƿīc|Sanct Iohanburg, Niw Brunswic}}'' {{Cyþþubox folcstede |nama = Sanct Iohannēsburg |flocc = Heafodburg |underrice = |brædu = |lengu = |biliþ = Metropolitan_Cathedral_in_San_Jose,_Costa_Rica.jpg |brǣdu = |motto = |ænglisc motto = |burgriht = |GDP getæl = |GDP ǣlcum hēafde...)
- scēaStǣr Cīpe 22:35 +38 چمچیاس گلیکوم motung adihtunge (Cīpe 2025) Tag: Visual edit
- scēaStǣr N Leax 19:47 +437 Hogweard motung adihtunge (Nīwe tramet: right|thumb|280px|Hleapende leax on Tuidi in Hcrocesburgscire right|thumb|200px|Leax '''Leax''' is fisc þæt buaþ brim and ea. In widum sæ is his lif ac leaxes æg sind gelægd æt burnena heafodum. Man sæd 'sceal on wæle mid sceote scriðan'. On his fare up on streame hleapeð leax of þæm wæter. Flocc:Fisc)
- User rename log 09:46 Turkmen motung adihtunge renamed user DCzoczek (0 edits) to Enxnt (per request)
- scēaStǣr ly Coritiba Foot Ball Club 09:05 −16 Hogweard motung adihtunge
- scēaStǣr Coritiba Foot Ball Club 08:56 +10 Makenzis motung adihtunge
- scēaStǣr Coritiba Foot Ball Club 08:56 −12 Makenzis motung adihtunge
- scēaStǣr Coritiba Foot Ball Club 08:56 −2,277 Makenzis motung adihtunge (→Gyldfōtþōðer players: 2015)
12 Solmonað 2025
- scēaStǣr Adreminte 23:03 +35 9h8s motung adihtunge
- scēaStǣr N Fēferfūge (disambiguation) 22:50 +464 9h8s motung adihtunge (Nīwe tramet: {{disambig}} '''Fēferfūge''' mæg ġeswutelian tō: * Adreminte, wyrt ġebrocen tō fēferfūge. * Curmelle seo læsse/lytle, oþþe curmealle/curmille/culmille, wyrte cynn ġebrocen tō fēferfūge. Heo is ġehāten ēac "centauria minor" ond is woeninga cnōsles ''Centaurium''.<ref>Biggam, Carole, ed. [https://digital.library.leeds.ac.uk/12201/1/LSE2013.pdf Leeds Studies in English: New Series XLIV]. School of English, University of Leeds, 2013</ref>) Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- scēaStǣr Neahwest 22:34 −45 Hogweard motung adihtunge
- scēaStǣr Neahwest 22:34 +2 Hogweard motung adihtunge
- scēaStǣr Neahwest 22:34 −95 Hogweard motung adihtunge
- Aweg tidgewrit 22:27 Hogweard motung adihtunge awegede þone tramet Nēahġebūrhōd to Neahwest (Authentic word)
- User rename log 21:45 Ternarius motung adihtunge renamed user Goodbichon (0 edits) to Blanchot69 (per request)
- scēaStǣr N Burrt 20:36 +30 motung (Redirected page to Nēahġebūrhōd) Tag: New redirect
- scēaStǣr Bysen:Firginiæ 20:33 +4 motung
- scēaStǣr Skibidi Toilet 19:01 −27 Hogweard motung adihtunge (Undo þa edniwunge 220417 fram (Motung)) Tag: Undo
- scēaStǣr Skibidi Toilet 15:42 +27 motung Tags: Reverted Visual edit
- Āfeorsunge wisbōc 13:23 A09 motung adihtunge forleas tramet Arab conquests (Not written in this project's language (global sysop action): innung wæs: 'The '''Arab conquests''', started in the 7th century in 633 after the death of Muhammad. He established a new unified polity in Arabia based in Medina that expanded after his death in 632 rapidly under the Rashidun Caliphate and the Umayyad Caliphate, culminating in Arab rule being established on three continents (Asia, Africa, and Europe) over the next century. Ac......)
- Āfeorsunge wisbōc 13:21 A09 motung adihtunge forleas tramet Mōtung:XHamster (No useful content (global sysop action): innung wæs: '@ 2409:40D2:1338:9C96:C4C:49FF:FE40:66A2 18:20, 8 Solmonað 2025 (UTC)' (and se ana forðiend wæs "2409:40D2:1338:9C96:C4C:49FF:FE40:66A2"))
- Āfeorsunge wisbōc 13:21 A09 motung adihtunge forleas tramet Bysenmōtung:Navy/testcases (Empty (global sysop action): innung wæs: '' (and se ana forðiend wæs ""))
- Āfeorsunge wisbōc 13:21 A09 motung adihtunge forleas tramet Mōtung:Bōcera riht (Empty (global sysop action): content before blanking was: "== Vivo y 8 ==")
11 Solmonað 2025
- User rename log 16:04 J ansari motung adihtunge renamed user Maganball (0 edits) to Humanoidstellar (per request)
- scēaStǣr Bysen:Scīra þāra Texasum 00:29 +19 motung
10 Solmonað 2025
- scēaStǣr Scira þæs Geanedan Cynerices 12:11 −4 Hogweard motung adihtunge (→Scire (eardfæstan))
- scēaStǣr Albanisc sprǣc 12:06 −64 Hogweard motung adihtunge (Undo þa edniwunge 220407 fram (Motung)) Tag: Undo
- User rename log 10:03 TenWhile6 motung adihtunge renamed user Dave Aly (0 edits) to Dave0414 (Per request on dewiki)
- scēaStǣr Beornweardestunnæs 07:31 −1 Zacwill motung adihtunge (The first element in the name "Falkirk" is "fah") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
- User rename log 03:07 Teles motung adihtunge renamed user Renamed user e54b16dc4f78477bc5b266cf21efc3b9 (0 edits) to O Geógrafo Amarelo (Undone rename due to sockpuppetry confirmed by checkuser)
- User rename log 00:55 J ansari motung adihtunge renamed user Yoav Nachtailer (0 edits) to YoavN123 (per request)
9 Solmonað 2025
- User rename log 21:28 Kızıl motung adihtunge renamed user MathAddict123 (0 edits) to AlexAndPedro (per request)
- scēaStǣr Albanisc sprǣc 19:25 +64 motung (The actual heck) Tags: Reverted Visual edit Handsearulicu adihtung Handsprecenda webbes adihtung