Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/Æfterra Geola
1. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola: Niwes Geares Dæg oþþe Ianes duru
- 1801 - Giuseppe Piazzi onfand þone ǣrost steorrcyn, 1 Ceres.
- 1801 - Þæt Īrland Cynerīce þēodeþ mid þǣm Grēatan Brytene Cynerīce to ƿearðienne þæt Geānlǣhte Cynerīce and þȳ ætīeceþ Hālga Patrices rōd mid þǣm Gaderscypefānan.
- 1959 - Foresittend Fulgencio Batista of Cuban þǣm Dominicaniscan Cynƿīsan flugon hƿīle heras under Fidel Castro nāmon ƿeald ofer Hafanan.
- 1983 - Sē ARPANET changed its core networking protocols of NCP tō TCP/IP, þe betæcnede þā āginnes þæs Genettes sƿa sƿa tōdæg cennaþ ƿe hit.
- 1995 - Sēo World Trade Organization scoppede man to replace the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
2. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola:
- 366 - Þā Alamanni oferfōr þone gefrorenan Rīn in grēatum rīmum tō insƿōgenne þæt Rōmānisce Rīce.
- 533 - Mercurius ƿearþ Iohannes II Pāpa, se forma pāpa tō nimenne nīƿne naman æt ūpāhafennesse tō þǣm pāpdōme.
- 1492 - Reconquista: Los Reyes Catōlicos framādrāf Boabdil Granadan, þone endemestan þǣra Mōriscra rīcsera, ūt of þǣm Iberiscan Næsse.
- 1946 - Forþǣm þe hē ne cūðe edfōn tō rīce æfter Ōðru Ƿoruldgūþ, Zog Albania Cyning ofgeaf ac hēold his āgnunge þæs gumstōles.
- 1949 - Luis Muñoz Marīn ƿearþ se forma þēodisclīce gecorena Ƿissiend Rīces Portes.
3. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola:
- 1749 - Stǣr Vermontes: Benning Wentworth begann ingefeallan þā Nīƿe Hampscīr Landbēc on lande þæt Nīƿe Eoforƿic āhte.
- 1888 - The 91-cm refracting feorglæs æt Lick Observatory, æt þǣre stunde þæt man brūcode þæt grīeteste feorglæs in þǣre worulde for þǣre ǣrestan tīde.
- 1958 - Tīene Bryttisca landbūnessa in þǣm Caribiscan Sǣ geānlǣhton tō macienne nīw forþgelang rīce, se Westindīegena Geþoftscipe.
- 1973 - George Steinbrenner and investoras bōhton þā Nīƿe Eoforƿic Yankees for 10 millionan Geandra Rica daleras.
- 1990 - Manuel Noriega Heretoga āwearp "Panamum Strangmann", forleorton.
4. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola:
- 871 - Rēadinga Beadu - Denisc flocrād forhīende Æþelræd Ƿestseaxna Cyning and Ƿestseaxisc here æfter blodig beadu.
- 1493 - Cristofer Columbus biþ þā Nīƿe Ƿorulda faren, and his ǣrest for endode.
- 1884 - Se Fabianisca Fēolagascipe ƿæs in Lundene gestaðolod.
- 1948 - Burma, under Thakin Nu of þǣm Anti-Fascist People's Frēodōm League, gefērode his sundorrīcehād of þǣm Brittiscan Rīce and forlǣt þā Þēodacyneƿīsan.
- 2004 - Se NASA Mars Rover Spirit landode spēdlīce on Tīƿe æt 04:35 UTC.
5. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola:
- 1527 - Felix Manz, lādmann þǣre Anabaptistan ciricƿare in Turice, Sƿita byrig, ƿæs ofslōgen mid besencunge.
- 1933 - Geƿeorc þǣm Gyldnan Geat Brycge in San Francisco Byht onginnþ.
- 1968 - Alexander Dubček fang to rice sƿa Foresittend in Cecoslofacie, and he begann gyldcræftes ednīƿunge gecnāƿen sƿā "Socialism mid mannlicum nebbe".
- 1970 - Se forma māra þonne nigon þūsend episoda Ealra Mīnra Cildra ƿearþ tobræden on the ABC fēorsīe nettƿeorce.
6. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola: Sƿeotolungdæg (Þrēora Cyninga Dæg) in Crīstendōme, Zvaigznes Diena in Lettlande
- 1661 - Thomas Venner and þā Fīftan Ānƿealdanmenn unsigefæstlīce attempted to seize control of Lundene fram þǣm nīƿe edgifnan lēodƿeard of Carl II.
- 1838 - Samuel Morse acunnode gesundfulle þone electrical telegraph forman sīðe.
- 1907 - Maria Montessori openode hire ǣreste scōle and dægƿeard stede for ƿyrhtena hādes bearnum in Rōme.
- 1995 - Forƿēned fȳr in clȳstre in Manila on þāra Philippine Īegum læd Aida Fariscal burgƿeardes bētend and hiera gegyldan to findan and beendan þā fācengecƿis sēo man nemnded Operation Bojinka, foregenga þæs Onhryras 11 Hāligmōnaþ 2001.
7. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola: Crīstesmæssan Dæg in þǣre Iuliscan gerīmbēc and manigum Ēasternum Ciricum
- 1558 – Francis, Duc of Guise (on biliðe), Francena heretoga, nām Calais of Englum, se ƿæs þæs lēodes endmeste agennes on Europan.
- 1785 - Frencisc Jean-Pierre Blanchard and Americanisc John Jeffries faraþ of Dofrum, Englaland tō Calaise, Franclande in a gas balloon, and ðȳ ƿearden hie þā ǣrrstan menn þe oferfōr þone Sūþsǣ be flēohte.
- 1927 - Seo ǣrrste ofergarsecglice feorrspreca-clepung, of Nīƿe Eoforƿicceastre to Lundene.
- 1975 - OPEC stigede the price of crude oil be 10ð dæle.
- 1979 - Pol Pot and se Khmer Rouge ƿǣron overthrown in Cambodie be Fietnamiscum þrēate.
8. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola:
- 871 - Æþelræd Westseaxna Cyning and his broðor Ælfrēd forhiendaþ Dene æt sæcce be Ascesdune.
- 1198 - Lotario de Conti wierþ Innocent III Pāpa. His ǣrost geweorc wæs sēo edstaðelung þæs pāpdōmes in Rōme
- 1889 - Herman Holleriþ þigeþ sweotolgewrit for his spearcgedrufnum bredgewritsearwe.
- 1926 - Abdul-Aziz ibn Saud fange to rice swa cyninge ofer Hecgase, þæt todæg is Saudiscan Arabean dæl.
- 1989 - Cagganweorþ Lyftfær: Britisc Midland Fleoht 92 feoll and snǣsde on þone balc þæs M1 motorweg, scort of þǣm rynweg þæs Eastmiercna Lyfthæfnes on Lægreceastrescire.
- 2004 - RMS Queen Mary 2, þæt mǣste farenda scip ā getimbrod, ƿæs genemned be his genamnan nift, Elisabeþ II Cƿēn.
9. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola:
- 1768 - Philippus Astley gefremede se ærresta dægenlica hringsetl in Lundene.
- 1839 - Seo Frencisce Witancræftes Scol gemeldode ðæt Daguerreotype leohttæfrung gang, genemnod æfter his onfindere, Hloðwig Daguerre.
- 1878 - Hunbeorht se Goda wierþ Italia Cyning.
- 1916 - Forma Woruldgūþ : Þæt Oþomanisce Rīce sigoraþ æfter þǣre Galipoli Beadƿe.

10. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola:
- 49 BC - Iulius Cāsere and his tēoða legie āsetaþ Rubicone þone ēa. Þēos dǣd bricþ Romaniscne lage and onginnþ ingefeohte.
- 1776 - Thomas Paine ingefielþ þā bōc Common Sense, sēo ūtadrāf ðā Americanisc Onƿendunge on þǣm folce.
- 1810 - Se gaderscipe Napoleones and Iosephinan is tōlȳsd.
- 1929 - Hergē Belgisc cræfta scōp Tintin, dihtes hād se gān forþ to ƿeordenne gesƿutelod in mār þon 200 þūsenda ðūsend biliþbōcum in 40 gereordum.
11. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola:
- 532 - Lufiendas scridræsum bræcon in sum neadcleofan and onburnon dælum Constantinopoles; her ongann þa Nica Ūphebbung.
- 1787 - Willelm Herschel fand Titanian and Oberon, twegen monan þæs planetan Uranes.
- 1879 - Þæt Bryttisc-Zulu Gūð ābærst ūt.
- 1922 - Insulin wæs frumcyrre gebrytnod tō menniscum þoliende mid diabetan in Toronto on Canadan.
- 1964 - In niedmicelre cwiddunge forþbrohte Luther Terry Americisc Ealdorlæce þa warnunge þæt "smeocung mæg beon pleolic for hwæs hǣlþe".
12. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola:
- 1838 - Tō losienne ēhtunge ƿiþ Mormonan, Joseph Smiþ, Jr. and his æfterfolgeras flugon of Ohion to Missourin.
- 1966 - Batman the television series, mid steorramann Adam Ƿeste, ƿæs first broadcast on ABC.
- 1969 - Britisc stænen flocc Led Zeppelin ālīesde his ǣrost record album, ēac Led Zeppelin gehāten.
- 1970 - Se selfhātte Biafra sēo Cyneƿīse in sūþēasternum Nigerie forlēt, þe beendode þone Nigerisc Ingeƿinn.
13. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola:
- 1898 - Ēmile Zola sƿutoldede "J'Accuse" þe he unƿriēh þæt Dreyfus þing, þærin stāliede he þone Frencisc lēodƿeard for Iūdeashete.
- 1957 - Wham-O sēo plegþing company geƿrohtede hiera forma flēogend disc, later renamed the Frisbee.
- 1967 - Gnassingbē Eyadēma heretoga fang rīce in Togolande æfter rīcessæcce. Oð his dēað in 2005 þegnede he se lengsta sƿa cyneƿīses hēafod on Affrican.
- 1986 - Mōnaþlang stracu uphebbung ongann in Aden on Sūþiemene betƿeonum Ali Nasir Muhammad folgendas and Abdul Fattah Ismail folgendas, and þūsanda menn ƿæron forslegen.
14. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola: Pongal
- 1301 - Sē Arpadinga Ungera cynecynn endede.
- 1639 - Ðā Grundgebodu, ðā ƿæron Connecticutes forma geƿriten grundgesetnes seo forsceap leodƿeard, onfōn man in þǣre landbūnesse.
- 1954 - Joe DiMaggio beƿodede Marilyn Monroe.
- 2004 - Sē folcfāna Georgie, se man hēt þone Fīf Crūc Fanan, ƿæs geedstaðoled to brōce in þǣm rīce æfter 500 ƿintra gine.
- 2024 - Friðuric X Dēna Cyning fang to rīce æfter his modor, Meregrot II Cwen forscrah hiere cynedom.
15. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola: Jallikattu
- 1759 - Þæt Britisce Museum openode.
- 1919 - Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, tū þāra forðhlīfendra socialista in Þēodisclande, wæron forðwyrft and ofmyrðrode be þæm Freikorps.
- 1943 - Man hæfþ gefullode geweorc þæs grēatostan ambehthus þǣre worulde, Þæs Pentagones.
- 1967 - Þā Green Bay Packers forhiendon þa Kansas City Chiefs in þæm Americanisc fotþoþer cempascipegamnum þæt man nu hatte Super Bowl I.
- 2001 - Þæt Niwe Englisc Wicipǣdia, Wicilicu frēo-understandennesse wīsdōmbōc wæs ambihtlīce forþsende on Ƿicipǣdian Dæge.
- 27 BC - Se Romanisca Senatus giefþ tō Gaius Octavius þone tītule Augustus.
- 1547 - Ivan se Gryrelic is sƿā Tsar ofer eallum Russlande gebēagod.
- 1605 - Se ǣrost bōc Don Quixote, El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha be Miguel de Cervantes, is on Madrid on Spēnum ābenþ.
- 1909 - Þæt færeld forlǣdede be Ernest H Shackleton Cniht fund þone stede þæs Sūþendes īserntēondes.
- 1991 - Gulfgūþ : Ƿestestorm Faru onginnþ.
17. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola: Martin Luþer King Dæg in þǣm Geānedum Rīcum (2005)
- 1893 - Se Burgmanna Rǣd for Folcēade and se Geānedra Rīca Scipfēðan Ƿerod underplantodon Liliuokalani Haƿaii Cƿēn (on biliðe) and þone Haƿaii Cȳnedōm.
- 1929 - Popeye se Scipfarend, cartūn lēasspellmann be Elzie Crisler Segar gescapen, ǣrrste ætieƿede in tīdungpaper comic stripas.
- 1946 - Þæt UN Borggemōt hæfde his ǣroste geþeaht æt Ciricehūse on Lundene se is on Brytene.
- 2002 - Nyiragongo se fyrbeorg ūpāblǣƿþ in Congolande, and seteþ 400,000 lēoda of.
- 1778 - Iacobus Cook Sciphlāford becymþ tō þǣm Sandwices Īegum.
- 1871 - Willelm I Prūssena Cyning is sƿā ǣrosta Cāsere þæs Þēodiscan Rīces ingefēoll.
- 1958 - Willie O'Ree þāra Boston Bruins plægeþ his æroste gamen in the National Hockey League, and þærin brāc þæt cneosibclūstor in professional īshocig.
- 1977 - Man on findeþ þæt seo uncūðe Legiemannes seocnes is caused by a novel bacterium þæt man nū hātte Legionella.
- 2003 - The Canberra Fyrstorm: Bushfires burning out of control began blazing through residential areas of Canberra on Australiaðeode.
19. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola:
- 1419 - Hundredgēaru Gūþ: Roðem forlēt in Heanrices V Engla Cyninges and Englacynn hæfþ Normandige genumen.
- 1839 - Þā Cynelican Scipfēðan landedon at Adene to stop flotmenn fram onsæcce wiþ Britisc scip to and fram Indie. Aden abād under Brittiscum ealdordome oð 1967.
- 1942 - Ōðru Ƿoruldgūþ : Iapanisc heras onswēogon Burman.
- 1977 - Iva Toguri, sēo man secgð ƿæs Tokyo Rōse, gemiltsode se Foresittend.
- 1983 - Apple Computer introduced the Apple Lisa, hiera ǣrrsta commercial personal computer mid graphical user interface and a circolƿyrdes mūs. Hit hæfde 1 MB of RAM, and was priced at US $9,995 for ælcum.
20. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola:
- 1265 - Ācīegde fram Simon de Montfort, gehēgde se forma Englisc Parliament his forman þing in þǣm Ƿestmynster Heall.
- 1320 - Æfter edānlǣcunge Polandes, man bēagode Władyslaw þone Scortne sƿā cyning in Krakōwe.
- 1885 - Tō LaMarcus Adna Thompson ƿearþ geƿriten bōc þæs roller coaster.
- 1892 - Þæt forme sōþlice binnballes gamen ƿæs gepleged æt þǣm YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts.
- 1942 - Nazis in þǣm Wannsee Þing in Berline dēmdon þā "enderǣselan for þǣm Iūdēa fregne", þæt tō þǣm Eallbærnete ƿearþ.
21. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola:
- 304 - Man hæfþ Hālge Agnes, þrēotīenegēare mægden and hālge þāra mǣdencildra, gecƿeald for þǣm þe sēo ƿiernode sum hǣmede.
- 1793 - Frencisc Ƿiðerƿinnung: Æfter þǣm þe his underþēodena Þēodlic Gesamnung hine scyldod of sƿicdōm, hæfþ man Hloþƿig XVI Francena Cyning beheafod mid æxgealgan onforan rōtum geþrȳle.
- 1915 - Se forma Kiƿanis þegnestgesīðscipe ƿearþ gestaðolod in Detroite on Michigane. Þǣr sind nū mā þonne 600,000 gildan in 94 landum.
- 1976 - Þā Concorde ofersōngāndan oferferiend ongunnon cēapiendlica flygan tō Lundene, Parise, Bahraine, and Rio de Janeiro.
22. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola:
- 1879 - Britisc here in Zululande ƿæs geflȳmed æt sæcce be Isandlwana.
- 1901 - Æfter þe hē hæfde heold þā titule Wēala Þeoden for siextig ƿintrum, fang Ēadƿeard VII Cyning to rice and he ƿæs se ieldsta mann to fengan tō þǣm Bretta rīce in Brittiscum stǣre.
- 1905 - Russisc Onƿendung: Cempas þæs Russena Cyninges ƿælhrēoƿlīce cƿealdon friðsum oncƿeðeras þæt Gapon Prēost lǣde, būtan þǣm Ƿinter Healle in Sanctes Petresbyrig on Blōdigan Sunnandæge.
- 1973 - Roe ƿið Ƿade: Se Ealdordōmærn þāra Geānedra Rīca American geaf his dōm in hefige cƿide on ofdrǣfunge.
- 1980 - Man Andrei Sakharov hæfted in Moscoƿ, þæt ƿæs unlȳtel forþframmere þæs Sofiet hydrogen byrstend and ƿinnere þæs 1975 Nobel Peace Prize, and hē ƿæs ellende in Gorki þǣre ceastre (seo hæfþ nū hiere ǣrnaman Nicgnig Nofgorod).
23. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola:
- 1579 - Þone Ættreocum Gæd onseglode man, se ānlæhtede underrīca in Niðerlandes norþdæle.
- 1719 - Carl VI Cāsere scōp þæt nīƿe Þēodenrīce Lēohtenstāne, hit is ān dǣl þæs Hālgan Rōmāniscan Rīces þe stendeþ tōdæg.
- 1960 - USS Trieste se bathyscaphe arecede dēop dēoper þon ā recede man þe ƿæs 35,813 fēt in þǣm Challenger Dēop æt þǣm sūþende þǣre Mariana Fyrh.
- 1968 - USS Pueblo ƿæs afōn be Norþcoreanisc here, se sǣd ðe þæt scip hæfde onswogen hiera rices sæ amang hlosnunge.
24. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola:
- 41 - Æfter gēarum scendunge, cƿealdon Cassius Chaerea and þā earfoþhyldan Prǣtoriscan Ƿeard dēorlīce þone Rōmāniscan cāsere Gaius and his geonge cynn.
- 1438 - Eugenius IV Pāpan bād þæt Synoð æt Basle ðe he ǣmetigie his setl.
- 1848 - James Ƿ. Marshall fand gold æt Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California, and þes onbrōhtede þone California Goldrǣs.
- 1924 - Petrograd, þā staðoled Petrus se Grēata, Russena Cāsere in 1703, ƿearþ ednemnod Leningrad 3 dagum æfter þe Vladimir Lenin forþferde.
- 1984 - Se forma Apple Macintosh cƿōm on þone ceapstōƿe.
25. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola: Burns Niht on Scottum
- 1327 - Ēadƿeard III se ƿæs fēoƿertiene ƿintereald ƿæs gehalgod sƿa Engla Cyning, ac þæt rīce his mōdor Isabella Cƿēn ƿēold mid hire lufere Roger Mortimer.
- 1924 - Se ǣrest Winter Olympic Games openode æt Mont Blances beorgfōt in Chamonixe on Franclande.
- 1971 - Idi Amin sē heretoga nām ƿeald in Ugandan of Forma Þegn Milton Obote, þe begann eahta gēar of herelices ānƿealde.
- 2004 - Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity lendede on Tīƿe and fōr in Eagle crater, lytlum cratre on þǣm Meridiani Planum.
26. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola: Australia Dæg in Australie (1788), Cynewīse Dæg in Indealande (1950).
- 1700 - Se magnitude 9 Cascadia Eorþryne gelamp be þǣm Sericus rīma þæs Garsecgrīm Norþƿest, sƿa sōðeþ Iapanisc egeƿielmbēc.
- 1788 - Sē Britisca Ǣresta Flēot, gelǣddon be Arþur Phillip Sciphlaford, cƿōm up æt Sydneycofan ūtƿeard tōdæges Sydney, and he gestaðoled þā ǣrrste unlæne Europiscan landbūnes in Australie.
- 1950 - Foresittend Rajendra Prasad æfterfolgode Rajaji, þone Gemǣnelic Gereca, sƿā cyneƿīses hēafod Indian and Hēafodcampealdor þæs Indiscan innheres.
- 1983 - Lotus 1-2-3, sƿīðe folcisc sprædleaf rungestreon, ǣrreste ālīesed man.
- 2016 - Caþnǣs sēo scīr afeng hiere agnan fānan.
27. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola: Eallbærnet Myndgung Dæg in þǣm Geānedan Cynerīce.
- 1888 - Sēo National Geographic Society, sƿutelendas þæs National Geographic magazine, ƿæs gestaðoled.
- 1945 - Se Rēadhere alysede 7,500 rǣplinga lāf in þǣm Auschwitz cƿeallungƿicum in Oswiecim on Polum.
- 1951 - Cyrneƿæpen gerecenes æt þǣm Nevada Gerecenesstede ongann mid ān-kiloton fȳræg gedropen on Frenchman Flats.
- 1967 - Se Apollo 1 rodorcræft ƿæs adiglod be fȳre æt þǣm Kennedy Rodorƿice, and he slōg Gus Grissom, Edward White and Roger Chaffee steorrseglendas.
- 1973 - On þǣm Paris Peace Accords saldan spalan heora hondsetene and ðis ðing geaf ende þǣre Fietnam Gūþe.
28. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola:
- 1521 - Se Worms Æht ƿearþ efencumen tō mōtienne Martin Luther and þā Cirice Ednīƿunge in þǣm Hālgan Rōmāniscan Rīce.
- 1855 - Locomotive on the Panama Railway made þisse ƿorulde ǣrrosta fareld ofer ƿorulddǣle on 48 mīla fare oð þǣm Ƿestsǣ to þǣm Sericus Garsecg.
- 1918 - Ƿiþersacan afōn Helsingfors þā ceastre, and be niede fliemede þæt Senatus of Finnland undergrund in þǣm Finniscan Ingeƿinne.
- 1921 - Man dyde Gemyndstōƿ þæs Uncūðan Cempan under þǣm Arc de Triomphe, se is Siges Boga, (on biliðe) in Parise.
- 1986 - NASA Rodorsceaþel be naman Challenger forbursted 73 seconds in his teoð fare.
29. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola:
- 1845 - Se Hræfn, folcmǣre lēoþ of Edgar Allan Poe, ƿæs ǣrost geƿīdmǣrsod in þǣm New York Evening Mirror.
- 1856 - Þone Victoria Crūc man ǣrestlīce geaf, þe hit amearcan ellendǣdas in þǣm Taurica Gewinne.
- 1886 - Carl Benz bēna wæs for sweotolgewrite for þone forma frumfullan gasoline-gedrifnan selffērende wægn.
- 1959 - The Disney animated film Sleeping Beauty was first released.
- 2002 - In his Rǣden þǣre Samƿrǣdnesse mæðele, tōmearcode George Ƿ. Bush U.S. Foresittend þe Irac, Persealand and Norþcorea bēon "rīcu þe onfōþ brēgnesse", maciaþ "Eaxe Yfles".
- 1649 - Carl I þone cyning hæfþ man gehēafdod for hlāfordsƿice fore þǣm Symbel Hūs in Ƿestmynster æfter þǣm Engliscan Ingeƿinn.
- 1820 - Edƿard Bransfield þæs Cynelican Scipheres fand Antarctican.
- 1933 - Adolf Hitler nām āþ sƿa Germanie Cancelere.
- 1948 - Nathuram Godse him abeag fore Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (þǣm sǣd man ƿæs Indeum Fæder) ahālettede hine, þæn ofsceat hine dēad mid Beretta pistole.
- 1994 - Þā Buffalo Bills ƿeardon þone ǣrrstan team in þǣm National Football League to plegenne in feoƿer Super Bowlum in æfterfylginge.
31. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola: Sundorrīcesdæg in Nauru (1968)
- 1606 - Guy Fawkes ƿæs gecweald for his befealdunge in þǣre Gundūst Sierƿunge ƿiþ þæt Englisce Gemōt and Iacobus I Cyning.
- 1747 - Se ærresta læccecleofa specializing in the treatment of hæmedādl wæs geopned.
- 1876 - Þā Geānedan Rīcu budon ealle Inlende Americansǣte tō geƿendenne intō cynntūnum.
- 1946 - On Geugoslafie, staðelode nīƿu gesetednes þā six dǣlcyneƿīsan: Bosnia and Herzegofina, Croatia, Mæcedonia, Sƿeartbeorg, Serbia, and Slofenia.
- 1961 - On borde Mercury-Redstone 2, wearþ Ham se Cimpanse þæt æreste menniscdēor in ȳterran rodore.