Nīwe Sūþwealas

Nīƿe Sūþƿealas rīce is rīce in Australie. His heafodstōl is Sydney.
Australie ƿæs sēo ǣreste Bryttisce landbūnes in Australie, æfter þǣm þe Sciphlāford Cook cƿōm to Botany Byhte and landsētan cƿōm in Ǣfterran Gēolan 1788. Sciphlāford Cook geaf þǣm lande þone naman Nīƿe Sūþƿealas æfter þæs landes gelicnesse to þǣm sūþdǣle Ƿeala-land in Brytene.
Fore gēarum ƿæs Nīƿe Sūþƿealas eall þæs ēastdǣles Australie, ǣr þǣm þe man hine dǣlde of landscipum for fyrðra landbūnessa; Cƿēneland. Uictoria and Van Diemans Land.
Nīƿe Sūþƿealas is Australie mæste rīce be būendum and Sydney hire mæste burg.