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Forma Þegn þæs Geānedan Cynerīces

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Ceir Starmer Forma Þegn

Forma Þegn þæs Geānedan Cynerīces, fullīce sē Forma Þegn þæs Geānedan Cynerīces Grēatbryttenes and Norþīrlandes, hƿīltīdum sē Bryttiscan Forma Þegn, is lēodrīces hēafod þæs Geānedan Cynerīces.

Sē Forman Þegn nū is Ceir Starmer.

Forma Þegn sceal ceosan eall oþru leodƿeardes þegnas. Hē is stōlmann þæs þegnarǣd and is þæs Cyninges fyrmesta rǣdgiefa. Sē Forman Þegn gerǣdeð ðone Cyning be his lēodweardes dǣdum and mōt gerǣdan þæn sceall he þone Ƿitenagemōt tolīsan.[1][2]

Ēac mōt sē Forman Þegn gerǣden ymbe hƿā sceall se Cyning settan to biscopas and to hlāfordas.[3]

Man secgþ þe Horace Walpole ƿæs Bretene ǣrrsta Forma Þegn, oþþæt þe in his dagum næs þes ambiht and man brōc þā ƿord sƿa bismer.

Forman Þegnas under George I (1714–1727) and George II (1727–1760)

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
Nama Yld Rǣdflocc Glēsing
Sir Robert Walpole
of 1742 1. Eorl of Orford
04/04/1721 11/02/1742 Hƿigamor Man hycgþ he ƿæs ærrsta Forma Þegn sƿa sƿa spricþ man todæg. His leodƿeard ƿæs Bretene lengsta.
Spencer Compton, 1. Eorl of Wilmington 16/02/1742 02/07/1743 Hƿigamor Unsund in lice; sē leodƿeard styrede John Carteret.
Henry Pelham 27/08/1743 06/03/1754 Hƿigamor Edniƿung þæs Cynelican Scipheres; accepted Gregorisca Rīmbōc.
Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1. Heretoga of Nīƿcastle-on-Tinan 16/03/1754 16/11/1756 Hƿigamor
William Cavendish, 4. Heretoga of Defenscīre 16/11/1756 25/06/1757 Hƿigamor
Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1. Heretoga of Nīƿcastle-on-Tinan 02/07/1757 26/05/1762 Hƿigamor

Forman Þegnas under George III (1760–1820)

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
Nama Yld Rǣdflocc Glēsing
Tomas Pelham-Holles, 1. Heretoga of Heretoga of Nīƿcastle-on-Tinan 02/07/1757 26/05/1762 Hƿigamor
Iohannes Stigweard, 3. Eorl of Būte 26/05/1762 16/04/1763 Torig Sē ærrsta on Scottum sē ƿæs Forma Þegn
Georgius Grenville 16/04/1763 13/07/1765 Hƿigamor
Carl Watson-Wentworth, 2. Mearcgerefa of Hroccingaham 13/07/1765 30/07/1766 Hƿigamor
Willelm Pitt, 1. Eorl of Chatham 30/07/1766 14/10/1768 Hƿigamor
Augustus FitzRoy, 3. Heretoga of Graftūne 14/10/1768 28/01/1770 Hƿigamor
Friðuric Norð, North Hlāford 28/01/1770 22/03/1782 Torig
Carl Watson-Wentworth, 2. Mearcgerefa of Hroccingaham 27/03/1782 01/07/1782 Hƿigamor Stearf in his þegndome
Willelm Petty, 2. Eorl of Scelburnan 04/07/1782 02/04/1783 Hƿigamor
Willelm Cavendish-Bentinck, 3. Heretoga of Portlande 02/04/1783 19/12/1783 Hƿigamor
Willelm Pitt se Giengra 19/12/1783 14/03/1801 Torig
Henric Addington 17/03/1801 10/05/1804 Torig
Willelm Pitt se Giengra 10/05/1804 23/01/1806 Torig
Willelm Wyndham Grenville, Grenville 1. Hold 11/02/1806 31/03/1807 Hƿigamor Endede þeoƿceapunge
Willelm Cavendish-Bentinck, 3. Heretoga of Portlande 31/03/1807 04/10/1809 Hƿigamor Be his sēocnesse and ylde ricsode Spencer Perceval ofer þǣm þegnarǣde
Spencer Perceval 04/10/1809 11/05/1812 Torig Ānlic Forma Þegn geslægen in ambihte
Roðberht Jenkinson, 2. Eorl of Liferpōle 08/06/1812 09/04/1827 Torig

Forman Þegnas under George IIII (1820–1830)

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
Nama Yld Rǣdflocc Glēsing
Roðberht Jenkinson, 2. Eorl of Liferpōle 08/06/1812 09/04/1827 Torig
Georgius Canning 10/04/1827 08/08/1827 Torig Stearf æfter þe hē cƿom on ambiht
Friðuric Iohannes Robinson, 1. Healfeorl Goderich 31/08/1827 21/01/1828 Torig
Arþur Wellesley, 1. Heretoga of Ƿellingatūne 22/01/1828 16/11/1830 Torig

Forman Þegnas under Ƿillelm IIII (1830–1837)

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
Nama Yld Rǣdflocc Glēsing
Charles Grey, 2. Eorl Grey 22/11/1830 09/07/1834 Hƿigamor
William Lamb, 2. Healfeorl Melbourne 16/07/1834 14/11/1834 Hƿigamor
Arthur Wellesley, 1. Heretoga of Wellington 14/11/1834 10/12/1834 Torig
Sir Robert Peel 10/12/1834 08/04/1835 Torig
William Lamb, 2. Healfeorl Melbourne 18/04/1835 30/08/1841 Hƿigamor

Forman Þegnas under Uictorie (1837–1901)

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
Nama Yld Rǣdflocc Glēsing
Sir Robert Peel 30/08/1841 29/06/1846 Torig
Lord John Russell
1. Eorl Russell
1846 21/02/1852 Hƿigamor
Edward Smith-Stanley, 14. Eorl of Derby 23/02/1852 17/12/1852 Behealdend
George Hamilton Gordon, 4. Eorl of Aberdeen 19/12/1852 30/01/1855 Freolic
Henry John Temple, 3. Healfeorl Palmerston 06/02/1855 19/02/1858 Freolic
Edward Smith-Stanley, 14. Eorl of Derby 20/02/1858 11/06/1859 Behealdend
Henry John Temple, 3. Healfeorl Palmerston 12/06/1859 18/10/1865 Freolic Stearf in his þegndome
Lord John Russell|John Russell, 1. Eorl Russell 29/10/1865 26/06/1866 Freolic
Edward Smith-Stanley, 14. Eorl of Deorby 26/06/1866 25/02/1868 Behealdend
Benjamin Disraeli 27/02/1868 01/12/1868 Behealdend
William Ewart Gladstone 03/12/1868 17/02/1874 Freolic
Benjamin Disraeli
Of 1876, 1. Eorl of Beaconsfield
20/02/1874 21/04/1880 Behealdend
William Ewart Gladstone 20/02/1880 21/04/1885 Freolic
Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3. Mearcgerefa of Searobyrig 23/04/1885 09/06/1886 Behealdend
William Ewart Gladstone 01/02/1886 20/07/1886 Freolic
Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3. Mearcgerefa of Searobyrig 25/07/1886 11/08/1892 Behealdend
William Ewart Gladstone 15/08/1892 02/03/1894 Freolic Lengsta þegnd ōm siððan Robert Walpole
Archibald Primrose, 5. Eorl of Rosebery 05/03/1894 22/06/1895 Freolic
Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3. Mearcgerefa of Searobyrig 25/06/1895 11/07/1902 Behealdend

Forman Þegnas under Ēadƿearde VII (1901-1910)

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
Nama Yld Rǣdflocc Glēsing
Arþur Balfour 11 Mæd. 1902 5 Geol. 1905 Behealdend
Henric Campbell-Bannerman 5 Geol. 1905 3 East. 1908 Freolic Sē ǣrrsta sē bār þā title Forma Þegn be ambihte
Herebeorht Henric Asquith 5 East. 1908 5 Geol. 1916 Freolic

Forman Þegnas under George V (1910–1936) and Ēadwearde VIII (1936)

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
Nama Yld Rǣdflocc Glēsing
Herebeorht Henric Asquith 5 East. 1908 5 Geol. 1916 Freolic
Dauid Lloyd George 6 Geol. 1916 19 Winterf. 1922 Freolic
Andreas Bonar Law 23 Winterf. 1922 20 Þrim. 1923 Behealdend
Stanleag Baldwin 23 Þrim. 1923 16 Æft-G. 1924 Behealdend
Hræmsig MacDonald 22 Æft-G. 1924 4 Blot. 1924 Ƿyrht Sē ærrsta Ƿyrht þegndōm
Stanleag Baldwin 4 Blot. 1924 5 Sear. 1929 Behealdend
Hræmsig MacDonald 5 Sear. 1929 7 Sear. 1935 Ƿyrht
Þeodlic Ƿyrht
Stanleag Baldwin 7 Sear. 1935 28 Þrim. 1937 Behealdend

Forman Þegnas under George VI (1936–1952)

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
Nama Yld Rǣdflocc Glēsing
Neville Chamberlain 28/05/1937 10/05/1940 Behealdend
Winston Churchill 10/05/1940 27/07/1945 Behealdend
Clement Attlee 27/07/1945 26/10/1951 Ƿyht
Winston Churchill 26/10/1951 07/04/1955 Behealdend

Forman Þegnas under Elisabeþe II (1952–2022)

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
Nama Yld Rǣdflocc Glēsing
Winston Churchill 26 Winterf. 1951 7 East. 1955 Behealdend
Sir Anthony Eden 7 East. 1955 9 Æft-G. 1957 Behealdend
Harold Macmillan 11 Æft-G. 1957 19 Winterf. 1963 Behealdend
Alec Douglas-Home cniht 19 Winterf. 1963 16 Winterf. 1964 Behealdend
Harold Wilsunu 16 Winterf. 1964 19 Sear. 1970 Ƿyrht
Ēadweard Hǣþ 19 Sear. 1970 4 Hreð. 1974 Behealdend
Harold Wilsunu 4 Hreð. 1974 5 East. 1976 Ƿyrht
Iacobus Callaghan 5 East. 1976 4 Þrim. 1979 Ƿyrht
Meregrot Þæċere 4 Þrim. 1979 28 Blot. 1990 Behealdend Sē ærrsta ƿīfmann in þissum þegndōme, and sē lengsta þegndōme, healf tƿelf ƿinter, siððan William Ewart Gladstone.
Iōhannes Mæġor 28 Blot. 1990 2 Þrim. 1997 Behealdend
Antonius Blār 2 Þrim. 1997 27 Sear. 2007 Ƿyrht Ānlic Ƿyrht Forma Þegn sē geƿonn þrie ceorunga and hiere lengsta in ambihte. Hē ƿæs sē giengsta Forma Þegn siððan Liferpōl Hlāforde in 1815
Gordon Brūn 27 Sear. 2007 11 Þrim. 2010 Ƿyrht
Dauid Cameron 11 Þrim. 2010 13 Mæd. 2016 Behealdend Geþoftscipe mid þæm Freolicflocce oð 2015. Æt 43 ƿintra ƿæs hē þæs rīces giengsta Forma Þegn siððan tƿæm hund gearum. He alēt his scīr æfter Bretƿare ceasen ðe ðæt rīce aƿend þā Europisce Gesamnunge
Teresa Mæġ 13 Mæd. 2016 24 Mæd. 2019 Behealdend Bretta rīces ōðru wīflic Forma Ðegn.
Boris Iōhannesson 24 Mæd. 2019 6 Halig. 2022 Behealdend

Forman Þegnas under Carle III (2022–þone God gehealdeð)

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
Nama Yld Rǣdflocc Glēsing
Elisabeþ Truss 6 Halig. 2022 25 Halig. 2022 Behealdend
Risci Sunak 25 Halig. 2022 5 Mæd. 2024 Behealdend
Ceir Starmer 5 Mæd. 2024 giet in ambihte Ƿyrht

Ūtƿearde hlencas

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
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