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Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/Eastermonað

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Þēodscipe for ādihtung gecorene gemynddagas
Todæg is Frīgedæg, þæt 20. dæg Haligmonþes 24; hit is nū 00:26 (UTC)


1. dæg Eastermonðes:

Americanisc þreat onswegeð Okinawan of þǣm Brime
Americanisc þreat onswegeð Okinawan of þǣm Brime

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Haile Selassie Sigelwara Casere
Haile Selassie Sigelwara Casere

2. dæg Eastermonðes:

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3. dæg Eastermonðes:

Osborne circolwyrd
Osborne circolwyrd
  • 1888 – Se forma ut endleofen ƿilddearlice morð befeallen of ƿīfmenn in oððe nēah Hƿītecapel se ƿæs earm læppa in Lundnes Ēastende.
  • 1936Richard Hauptmann ƿæs acƿalen in þæm ligetsetle forþæm þe he hæfde gefangen and amyrþrode þæt "Lindbergh bearn".
  • 1948Uphebbung begann on Jeju Īege, siþmeste afyldede hie 14,000 oððe 30,000 menn þa feallen in þissum unfriþ in fitte onmang þa sƿicena missenlicum æfterfylgungum, and þær be miclum ƿæl oþstilled Sūþcorēa Here þās ahebbunge.
  • 1973 – On Nīƿeoferƿicceastre strǣt, fram Martin Cooper Motorola afindere se ǣrrsta openlic cierm on handgeheoldnum unstaþþig feorrsprecan.
  • 1981 – The Osborne 1 (þæs gelicnes is hēr), the first successful unstaþþig circolƿyrd, ƿæs unbeƿrogen æt þæm Ƿestrīm Circolƿyrd Cēapgemōte on San Francisco.

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    4. dæg Eastermonðes:

    Carl II on wræcce

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    5. dæg Eastermonðes:


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    6. dæg Eastermonðes:

    Arður Wellesley, Eorl of Wiellingatun
    Arður Wellesley, Eorl of Wiellingatun

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    7. dæg Eastermonðes: Ƿoruld Hǣll Dæg

    Artist's conception of the 2001 Mars Odyssey rodorcræft

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    8. dæg Eastermonðes: Eallbærnet Gemynddæg on Israhēle (2013)

    Venus de Milo
    Venus de Milo

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    9. dæg Eastermonðes: Vimyhrycg Dæg in Canada; Þēodlic Ānnes Dæg on Georgie (1989)

    Marian Anderson, be Carl Van Vechten
    Marian Anderson, be Carl Van Vechten

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    10. dæg Eastermonðes:

    Zapata Heretoga and his hired
    Zapata Heretoga and his hired

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    11. dæg Eastermonðes:

    SMS Blücher
    SMS Blücher

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    12. dæg Eastermonðes: Yuri Niht; Cheti Chand in missenlicum dǣlum Indie (2013); Cosmonautics Dæg on Russum

    Terry Fox
    Terry Fox

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    13. dæg Eastermonðes: Visakhi on Sikhum

    George Frideric Handel
    George Frideric Handel

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    14. dæg Eastermonðes: N'Ko Stæfrǣƿ Dæg on Ƿestaffrican; Dæg þæs Georgisc sprǣces on Georgie (1978)

    Two-inch quadruplex videotape
    Two-inch quadruplex videotape

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    15. dæg Eastermonðes: Yom Hazikaron in Israel (2012); Patriots' Dæg in Maine and Massachusetts (2013)

    Hu Yaobang
    Hu Yaobang

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    Culloden feoht, be David Morier
    Culloden feoht, be David Morier

    16. dæg Eastermonðes: Meregrotes II Dēna Cwēne Cenningdæg on Denum; Yom Ha'atzmaut in Israhel (2013); Freodom Dæg in Hwæsingatune D.C.

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    17. dæg Eastermonðes:

    Iacobes Hlæder be Eadæle
    Iacobes Hlæder be Eadæle

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    18. dæg Eastermonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg on Simbabƿum (1980)

    A B-25 launching from the USS Hornet during Col. Doolittle's Raid
    A B-25 launching from the USS Hornet during Col. Doolittle's Raid

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    19. dæg Eastermonðes: Rama Navami (Hinduism, 2013); Halgan Ælfheagesmǣsse (Ƿestern Cristendōm)

    Carl VI Casere
    Carl VI Casere

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    20. dæg Eastermonðes: Ridván begins at sunset (Bahá'í Faith)

    Enoch Powell
    Enoch Powell

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    21. dæg Eastermonðes:
    Manfred von Richthofen, "The Red Baron"
    Manfred von Richthofen, "The Red Baron"

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    22. dæg Eastermonðes: Eorþ Dæg

    "The Old Gate", Tsinghua University
    "The Old Gate", Tsinghua University

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    23. dæg Eastermonðes: Ƿoruld Bōc Dæg; Sctes Georges Dæg in missenlicum landum; Bearna Dæg on Turcum

    Willelmes Scacasperes cenninghūs
    Willelmes Scacasperes cenninghūs

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    24. dæg Eastermonðes: Cyneƿīsan Dæg on Ðǣre Gambie (1970)

    Gemōtes Bōchord Bold on Hwæsingatune
    Gemōtes Bōchord Bold on Hwæsingatune

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    25. dæg Eastermonðes: Anzac Dæg (Australia and Nīƿe Sǣland); Huntadunscīr Dæg on Huntandūnscīre

    DNA twafeald gewende
    DNA twafeald gewende

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    26. dæg Eastermonðes:

    Chernobyl Cynefremmingbold
    Chernobyl Cynefremmingbold

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    27. dæg Eastermonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg on Togo (1960) and on Sierra Leone (1961)

    Ludwig van Beethoven
    Ludwig van Beethoven

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    28. dæg Eastermonðes: International Workers' Memorial Day

    William Bligh

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    29. dæg Eastermonðes: v Shōƿa Dæg on Iapan

    Endeavour gelicnes
    Endeavour gelicnes

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    30. dæg Eastermonðes:

    Americanisc scipfēða byrgeþ flyhtwic in Saigone, 1975
    Americanisc scipfēða byrgeþ flyhtwic in Saigone, 1975

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    Se Æfterra Geola - Solmonaþ - Hreþmonað - Eastermonað - Þrimilcemonað - Searmonað - Mædmonað - Weodmonað - Haligmonað - Winterfylleð - Blotmonað - Ærra Geol

    Þēodscipe for ādihtung gecorene gemynddagas