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Fram Wikipǣdian
Īrland is gefunden be ƿestan þǣm Europiscan ƿorulddǣle, þe is dǣl þæs landblōman Eurasie.

Īraland (Éire on Īrisce) is sēo þridde mǣste īeg on Europan. Hit ligþ be ƿestdǣle þæs Īriscan Sǣs, nēah Brytene þǣre īege. Sēo īeg is dǣled on tƿǣm: Īrland Cyneƿīse, þe brǣdeþ fīf þāra six dǣla þǣre īege (sūþ, ēast, ƿest, and norþƿest) and Norðerne Īrland, þæt is þæs Geānlǣhtan Cynerīces dǣl, þe brǣdeþ þone norþēasternan sixtan þǣre īege.

Sēo lēodrǣden þǣre īege is hƿæthƿegu 5.8 þūsenda þūsenda lēoda (2001), þāra mǣst lifþ on þǣm ēastan sǣrīme; 4.1 þūsenda þūsend in Īrlande þǣre Cyneƿīse (hƿærof sind 1.5 þūsenda þūsend in Grīetran Difeline[1]) and 1.7 þūsenda þūsend in Norðernum Īrlande [2] (hƿærof sind 0.6 þūsenda þūsenda menn in Grīetran Belfaste).

  1. Īrisce Gerīmambiht Lēodrǣden þǣre Mearce Grīetran Difelines stīgþ tō 2 þūsenda þūsend be 2021 www.cso.ie
  2. Norðern Īrland Hāmleōdrǣden and Dǣlas Hwierfunge, 2004 talu Archived 2015-12-11 at the Wayback Machine Demography and Methodology Branch, NISRA - Excel file