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Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/Hreðmonað

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Þēodscipe for ādihtung gecorene gemynddagas
Todæg is Tiwesdæg, 14 Se Æfterra Gēola, 2025; hit is nū 17:10 (UTC)

1. dæg Hreðmonðes:

Morning Glory Pōl in Geolustānedisce

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2. dæg Hreðmonðes:

Europa on se bula
Europa on se bula

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3. dæg Hreðmonðes:

Alexander II Russena Cāsere
Alexander II Russena Cāsere

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1. dæg Eastermonðes: Halgan Casimires Dæg in Liþuanie and Polalande

Charlie Chaplin

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Halgan Basiles Hēafodcirice on Moscow
Halgan Basiles Hēafodcirice on Moscow

5. dæg Hreðmonðes:

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6. dæg Hreðmonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg in Ghanan (1957)

Dmitri Mendeleev

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6. dæg Hreðmonðes:

Roald Amundsen

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8. dæg Hreðmonðes: Irmenþeodlic Wīfadæg; Mōdradæg in Albania

Anne Bretta Cwen

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Adam Smiþ
Adam Smiþ

9. dæg Hreðmonðes: Baron Bliss Dæg on Belisan

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10. dæg Hreðmonðes:

Fulgencio Batista

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11. dæg Hreðmonðes:

Sukarno Indonesie foresittend

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12. dæg Hreðmonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg in Mauritius (1968)

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13. dæg Hreðmonðes:


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14. dæg Hreðmonðes: Hƿīt Dæg in Iapane, Pi Dæg

Jack Ruby sceoteþ Lee Harvey Oswald
Jack Ruby sceoteþ Lee Harvey Oswald

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Gaius Iulius Caesar
Gaius Iulius Caesar

15. dæg Hreðmonðes:

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16. dæg Hreðmonðes:

Ferdinand Magellan

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17. dæg Hreðmonðes: Sanctes Patrices Dæg

14th Dalai Lama with 43rd President of the US

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18. dæg Hreðmonðes:

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19. dæg Hreðmonðes: Sanctes Iosephes Dæg be þǣre Rēmiscan Cirican and Fæderes Dæg in manigum rīcum.

Robert Cavelier de La Salle

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20. dæg Hreðmonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg on Tunisie (1956)

Gelicnes in 1880s bysen þǣre bē Uncle Tom's Cabin
Gelicnes in 1880s bysen þǣre bē Uncle Tom's Cabin
  • 235 – Maximinus Thrax fang to rīce on Romƿarum, se forma þāra cempƿīces caserena þā fōn þæt rīce forþǣm þe hie hæfde diht ofer þǣm here.
  • 1600 – Fīf radboran þæs Polena and Sƿēona Cyning se ƿæs Sigismund III Vasa ƿæron beheafod ǣƿunge, and sƿylc dǣd endod Sigismundes cynedōm.
  • 1815 – Æfter ðe he hæfde of ƿræcce on Elban abyrsted, cƿōm Napoleon Casere on Paris, and þæn begannon his "Hund Dagena" rīce.
  • 1852 – Bōc be Harriet Beecher Stoƿe, Americanisc ƿritere, be naman Uncle Tom's Cabin ƿæs ǣrrste sƿutoled, profoundly affecting attitudes toward African Americans and slavery in the United States.
  • 2006Cyclone Larry made landfeall in Fearrnorþ Cƿēnalande, eventually causing ælmæst AU$1 billion in eallicum ƿene and adiglede over 80 in ælce hund on Australie banana cropp.
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    21. dæg Hreðmonðes: Ƿoruld Doƿns Syndrome Dæg; Naw-Rúz (þæs Bahá'í gerīmbēc); Modora Dæg in þære Arabena eard; Sundorrices Dæg on Namibie (1990)

    Thomas Cranmer Ercebiscop
    Thomas Cranmer Ercebiscop
  • 630Eastromanisc casere Heraclius eftbrohtede þone Rihtan Rōd to Ierusaleme.
  • 1556Thomas Cranmer Ercebiscop of Cantaƿarabyrig (on biliþe), se wæs an on þæm staðolerum þære Cirice Ednīwunge on Englum wæs gebærnet æt þæm stange in Oxnaford on Englum.
  • 1800 – Æfter þe man hæfde him geceorren to beon pāpa for ðe he wæs gesēm to cyste æfter manigfealdum monaðum on twēon, Pius VII Pāpa fōn papan coronbeag in Venice mid hƿilendlicum bufantigeran ūt papier-mâché.
  • 1871 – Staþolere þæs Germanisc Rīce Otto von Bismarck bannede se Casere to beonne his forma Cancelere.
  • 1989 – Tramet in Sports Illustrated alleged þe Pete Rose, se ƿæs manager of the Major League Baseball team Cincinnati Reds, ƿæs in involved in gambling.
  • 2006 – A man using a hammer eall abrāc þā gelicnesse of Phra Phrom in þǣm Eraƿan Scrīn in Bangkoke on Þailande, and ƿæs eftsōn to dēað geslōgen be bistandum.
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    22. dæg Hreðmonðes: Woruld Wæter Dæg

    1765 tax stamp
    1765 tax stamp
  • 238 – Forþæm his fæder ealdaþ ƿæs Gordianus II gebanned to bēon se Rēmisca Casere mid Gordianus I Casere.
  • 1765 – Se Grēatbryten Witenagemōt gesetede þā Stamp Act, requiring þe manig printed þing in þǣm Þrēotīene Landbūnessan in Britiscum American bere scot mearc (on biliþe).
  • 1920 – Nēahhergung in Shushan þǣm tūne on Nagorno-Karabagh, be Azerum adiglede þā læppan þæs tūnes hƿærin bōgedon Armeniafolc.
  • 1933Eallbærnet: Man fullendede to timbrienne þone aorma Natsi eaalgadrung ƿic æt Dachau.
  • 1963Please Please Me, the first album recorded by The Beatles, was released.
  • 2006 – Þrēo gīslas ðā ƿæron Cristen Friþwyrhtan Tēamena lāf wæron gegēocod of hiera Iraciscum frumgripum be þrēat of sundrigum rīcum.
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    23. dæg Hreðmonðes: Middangeardes Stund (20:30 be stōƿlicum tīde in missenlicum stedum, 2013); Cyneƿīsan Dæg in Pacistane (1956); Dæg þæs Ungarisc–Polisc Geƿinscip on Ungarƿarum and Polum.

    Patrick Henry
    Patrick Henry
  • 1775Americanisc Onƿendung: Patrick Henry bannede his gemaðel "Geaf me Frēodōm, oððe geaf me Dēaþ!" þǣm Burgƿarena Hūse Uirginie, þǣrin urging he herelic dǣd ƿiþ þæt Bryttisce Rīce.
  • 1848 – Scytiscu landsetlan on John Ƿickliffe þǣm scipe, þærof ƿæs Ƿilliam Cargill sciphlāford, gelandode æt stede si is nū Chalmershȳð in Otagan þǣm lande in Nīƿe Sǣlandes sūðdǣle.
  • 1879 – Beadu in þǣm Sericus Rīm Geƿinn betƿuh Cile and Peruƿiscan–Bolifiscan fultum opnede mid þǣm Topáter Sæcc.
  • 2007Persisc herefolc ætfōn 15 Bryttiscan Cynelican Scipheres menn, claiming that they had entered Persealandes agan brim.
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    24. dæg Hreðmonðes: Dæg of Remembrance for Truth and Justice in Argentina

  • 1603 – Iacobus VI Scottena Cyning fang to rice on Englum and on Īrum ðe he bið Iacobus I Engla Cyning and in him ƿæron geānlǣhted sƿlyca þrie rīcena cynedōmas.
  • 1721Johann Sebastian Bach geaf Christiane Hloðƿige Mearcgerēfan of Brandenbyrig-Schƿedte siexe tosæmneglēoƿeorcas, þā nū hataþ þā Brandenburg tosæmneglēoƿeorcas.
  • 1860 – Hlāfordlēassa samurai þæs Mito Eorldōmes ofslōgon Ii Naosuke Iapanrīces Hēafodþegn, forþǣm þe hie upset with his role in the opening of Japan to foreign powers.
  • 1927Nanking Getænge: Æfter ðe Nancing sēo ceaster feall to geþoftscipe of Þēodfæste and Gemǣnre ǣhte rǣd fēðan, slōgon Bryttisc and Americanisc æscas þā ceastre mid fȳragum þe hie mōtan ƿerian elelendisca menn þǣr.
  • 1944Ōðru Ƿoruldgūþ: Bryttisca Herenuman þæs Cynelican Lyftþrēates begann "se Micla Æthlēap", and abrācon of þǣm Germaniscan Herenumanƿice be naman Stalag Luft III.
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    25. dæg Hreðmonðes: Sundorrīces Dæg on Crēacum (1821)

    Ward Cunningham
    Ward Cunningham
  • 1655Christiaan Huygens Niðerlendisc tungolƿita afund Titan, se is Sæternes þæs dƿeligendan tungles mǣsta mōna.
  • 1807 – Seo Þēoƿceapung Gesetnes ƿeard ǣ, seo ageat þā Atlantisc Þēoƿceapung geond þǣm Bryttiscan Rīce.
  • 1948Ƿedercunning menn æt Tinker Lyftþrēatƿice in Oklahomaceastre sƿutolede Middangeardes ǣrrestan ðodenforecƿide æfter ðe his ƿitan understōdon ƿederþing gelic ǣrroro þoden se hæfde þone stede geslōgen fif nihte ærror.
  • 1957 – Ƿestgermania, Italia, Francland, þā Niðerland, Belgice and Letseburg onsigloden þone Rōm Foreƿeard, se gestaþolded þā European Economic Community.
  • 1975Faisal Saudisc Arabea Cyning ƿæs be Faisal bin Musa'id his nefan ofsceotede and ofslean.
  • 1995Ƿard Cunningham Americanisc Rimererūnƿritere (on biliðe) staþolded se ǣresta ƿici ƿebbstede, be naman WikiWikiWeb.
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    26. dæg Hreðmonðes: Sundorrīcesdæg on Bængladesce (1971)

    Narita Geondrīce Lyfthæfn on Iapane
    Narita Geondrīce Lyfthæfn on Iapane
  • 1484Ƿilliam Caxton beþrycte se ǣrrsta Englisc onƿended ƿeorc Aesopes Spell.
  • 1913Forma Illyricum Geƿinn: Æfter fifmonaþlang besettung, befang se Pulgarisca Oðru Here Adrianopolis þā ceastre of þǣm Oþomaniscan Rīce.
  • 1939Spēonisc Ingeƿinn: Nationalists ingannon hiera endmesta onsæcc þæs geƿinn, and æt his ende healden hie ælmæst eall Ispania.
  • 1978 – Feoƿer nihta beforan þe Iapanes Narita Lyfthæfn (on biliþe) ƿolde man openan, forsacena flocc adiglede micel dǣl þæs geares in þǣm control ture mid fȳrbyttum
  • 1997 – Burgƿeard in Rancho Santa Fe, California, fund 39 manna licas þa ƿæron of Heofnes Geat þǣm flocce and hæfdon forsƿolten in selfmyrþrunge sƿa hycgþ man.
  • 1999Jack Kevorkian, Americanisc foresprēca for and practitioner of physician-assisted suicide, was found guilty of morð in the death of a terminally ill patient.
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    27. dæg Hreðmonðes: Ƿæpned Þrēat Dæg on Burman

    CGI rendering of the Tenerife airport disaster
    CGI rendering of the Tenerife airport disaster
  • 1782Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2. Mearcgerefa of Hrocingaham, firmest British Hƿigamorflocces rīcetoga, begann his oðer ungefolgend tīd þe he biþ Forma Þegn of Micle Bretene.
  • 1915Typhoid Mary, se ǣrresta mann ðe ƿæs fund þe hie bið tācnlēas berend typhois þæs ādles, ƿæs beclysned of mannum, and in þǣm ƿise belæstede hie hiere līf.
  • 1977 – Tƿegen Boeing 747 lyftcræftas asnǣseden him ætgædre (rimeres gelicness ofer) on mirce on þǣm ryneƿege æt Tenerife Norþ Lyfthȳðe on Tenerife þǣre īege seo is on Fortunatus þǣre Īegum, and 583 menn ƿæron þærbe ofslōgon, and þis þing ƿæs se worst aircraft accident in aviation history.
  • 1980Nelson Bunker Hunt and his brōþor failed in their attempt to corner the Woruld market in seolfor, causing panic in commodity and futures exchanges.
  • 1998 – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the drug sildenafil, better known by the trade name Viagra, for use as a treatment for erectile dysfunction, the first pill to be approved for this condition in the United States.
  • 2005Golden Globe Award-winning medical drama, Grey's Anatomy, commenced airing on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), in the United States.
  • 2009 – Selfcƿellend abyrstend cƿeall at least 48 menn æt mosque in Jamrude, in þǣm Khyber Þegndōm þāra Geþoftscipes Ƿeald on þǣm Þēodmægna Landum on Pacistane.
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    28. dæg Hreðmonðes: Lārtēoƿena Dæg in þǣm Ceciscan Cyneƿīsan; Þēoƿa Freotgifu Dæg on Tibete

    James Callaghan
    James Callaghan
  • 193Praetorisc Ƿeards ofslōg Pertinax þone Romaniscan Casere and seald þæt rīce in hrōpe to Didius Iulianus.
  • 1862Americanisc Ingefēoht: Onsƿegung in þone Niƿmexico Landscipe be þǣm Geþoftedan Rīca Here ƿæs ahealted æt sæcce æt Glorieta Pass.
  • 1910 – Near Martigues, France, French aviator Henri Fabre's Fabre Hydravion became the first seaplane to take off from water under its own power.
  • 1933 – Farend abord the Imperial Airways biplane City of Liverpool set a fire on board, causing it to break apart in mid-air and crash.
  • 1979James Callaghan Forma Þegn þæs Geānedan Cynerīces (on gelicnesse) ƿæs be ānnum stemne ofergedrifen in a motion of no confidence by þǣm Gemǣna Hūs æfter his þegnscipe ƿæs sigeleas to cope with widespread strikes by trade unions during the "Winter of Discontent".
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    29. dæg Hreðmonðes: Boganda Dæg in þǣre Middelafficaniscan Cyneƿīsan

    Ricard Eorl of Wæingawice æt Togtūne
    Ricard Eorl of Wæingawice æt Togtūne
  • 1461Eoferƿicisc þreat geƿonn sige ƿið Lonceastrisc ðreat in þǣre Palmsunnandæg Beadƿe æt Togtūne on Eoferƿicscīre on Englum, and þes ƿæl ƿæa se mǣsta onsæcce þāra Rōsegūðra oð ðæm tīd and þæræt gefeallon 20,000 menn.
  • 1807Heinrich Ƿilhelm Matthäus Olbers Germanisc tungolƿita afund 4 Vesta, þæs Tungolcynngyrdles beorhtsta tungolcynn and his mǣsta lic būton Ceres.
  • 1911 – The M1911 single-action, semi-automatic pistol developed by American firearms designer John Browning became the standard-issue side arm in the United States Army.
  • 1941Ōðru Ƿoruldgūþ: Scipu þæs Brittiscan Cynelican Scipheres and þæs Cynelican Australiscan Scipheres intercepted and sank or severely derodon þā scipu þæs Italiscan Regia Marina nēah Creto sēo īeg.
  • 1999 – Se strengsta eorþstyre þe ā slog on þǣm foothills Ēastcaucasus þāra beorgena in more than nigontig ƿintrum cƿeall 103 menn.
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    30. dæg Hreðmonðes:

    Crawford Long
    Crawford Long
  • 1282Siciliaþēod ongegan to ahebbenne ƿiþ Carl I Neapolis Cyning, and þȳs ongann þone Sicilisca Uespers Geƿinn.
  • 1842 – Americanisc læcce Craƿford Long (on biliþe) ƿeard se ǣrrsta mann to bryccenne diethyl ether sƿa sƿa anesthetic in surgical procedure.
  • 1918Bolshevik and Dashnak ðreat suppressed a Muslim uphebbunge in Baku seo is on Azerbaicgan þǣm lande, and of þissum cƿællon 30,000 menn þǣre ceastre.
  • 1954 – The Yonge–University–Spadina line, the first subway on Canadan and the busiest in Toronto, opened.
  • 1981 – Trying to impress Jodie Foster seo sceoƿestre, obsessed fan John Hinckley, Jr. sceot and forbennede Ronald Reagan Foresittend þāra Geānlǣhtra Rīca and þreo oþru menn ūtƿeard the Hilton Hotel in Ƿæscingtūn DC
  • 2009 – Tƿelf gunmen attacked the Manaƿan Burgƿeard Training Leornunghūs on Lahore on Pacistane, and healdon hit for manigum stundum beforan ðe security forces meahte eftniman hit.
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    31. dæg Hreðmonðes:

    Eiffel torr

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    Se Æfterra Geola - Solmonaþ - Hreþmonað - Eastermonað - Þrimilcemonað - Searmonað - Mædmonað - Weodmonað - Haligmonað - Winterfylleð - Blotmonað - Ærra Geol

    Þēodscipe for ādihtung gecorene gemynddagas