Alexander II Russena Casere
Alexander II | |
Cynedom | 2 Hrēþmōnaþ 1855 oð 13 Hrēþmōnaþ 1881 |
Gehalgod | 7 Haligmonaþ 1855 |
Foregenga | Nicholas I |
Bryd | Marie of Hetƿaralande and be Rīne Caþerine Dolgoroky Æþelic (morganatic) |
Bearn | Alexandra Alexandrovna Nicholas Alexandrovich Alexander III Russena Cāsere Vladimir Alexandrovich Hēah Þēoden Alexei Alexandrovich Hēah Þēoden Maria Seaxe-Coburg and Gotha Hlāfdig Sergei Alexandrovich Hēah Þēoden Paulus Alexandrovich Hēah Þēoden |
Full nama | |
Alexander Nikolaevich Romanov | |
Hus | Holstān-Gottorp-Romanov |
Fæder | Nicholas I Russena Cāsere |
Modor | Alexandra Feodorovna |
Geboren | 17 Eastermonað 1818 Sēo Fæstnes on Moscoƿe |
Deaþ | 13 March 1881 (2 March þære Iulianiscan Gerimbēc) |
Byrgen | Peter and Paul Hēafodcirice in Sanctes Petersbyrig |
Handseten |
Alexander II (Russisc: Алекса́ндр II Никола́евич ƿæs Russena Cāsere of 2 Hrēþmōnaþ 1855 oð 13 Hrēþmōnaþ 1881, þan man hine ofslōg be miclum sƿicdōm. Onmang his manigum binaman ƿæs Alexander Cāsere Polena Cyning and Hēah Þēoden of Finnlande.
Alexandres mǣrosta dǣd ƿæs his frēotgifu for eallum Russlandes þēoƿas in 1861, þærfor het he Alexander se Frēogend. Manig þing ellesƿīse ednīƿede he to bysene he asetede ednīƿende þā dōmlicu bysen, and staðolede folcgeceorren stōƿlican dēmeras and fordiglode licgeboren ƿite.[1] He rās stōƿlic selfþegnung þurh þære zemstvo and endode micel eorlriht.
In 1867, sealde Alexander Russisc America þāra Geānedan Rīcu American in 1867. He sōhtde friþ and in 1872 ƿæs ƿam mid Germanie and mid Ēastrīce in þæm Geþoftscipe Þāra Þrēora Cāsera þærof ƿæs gestaðolung on þæm Europiscum rīcum. Noþȳlǣs, he feaht scort geƿin ƿiþ þæt Oþomanisce Rīce in 1877–78 and forþode his landgemæro in Siberie and in Caucasus þæm beorgum and he gehiersumode Turcastan. Oððæt ðe he ƿæs aþƿāt be his rīces gestrēonum of þæm Berlin Ǣhte in 1878, Alexander Cāsere abād be sƿylcum foremǣl.
In þæm Ǣfterra Gēole of 1863 ƿæs miclu uphebbing on Polum. Alexander Cāsere ƿæs sigefull ƿiþ sƿylcum scicdōme and he andsƿarede be þe he acƿæþ Polena rīces sundorgrundgesetnesse and gecnyttede þæt land in Russland þærin ƿæs hit underriīce.
In þæm 1880 gearum hogde Alexander for furðrum ednīƿunge in his lēodƿearde ac sƿīca hine ofslōg in 1881.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- ↑ Reformation by the Tsar-Liberator: InfoRefuge