Pluto (tacnes: [1] and [2]) is dweorgplanēta in þǣre sunnlican endebyrdnesse. Of his findunge in 1930 oþ 2006 wæs hē se nigoða planēta gehāten, ac in 2006 on 24 Wēodmōnþes, cēas sēo IAU tō ādihtenne þæt word dweoligend tungol, and þus is Pluto nū dweorg dweoligend tungol gehāten.
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- ↑ JPL/NASA (2015-04-22). What is a Dwarf Planet?.
- ↑ (2004) in John Lewis: Physics and chemistry of the solar system, 2, Elsevier.
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Þā dƿeligendan tunglas: Ƿōden - Frig - Eorðe - Tīƿ - Þunor - Sætern - Uranus - Neptune | |||
Dƿeorhtungles: Ceres - Pluto - Haumea - Makemake - Eris | |||
Ōðer: Sunne - Mōna - Rūmstāngyrdel - Comētas - Kuiperes gyrdel - Gestrogden rand - Oortes ƿolcen | |||
Sēo ēac tungollicu þing and sēo sunnlicre endebyrdnesse getalu þinga, gedihted be ymbhringe oþþe ƿihte. |
Wikimedia Commons hæfþ māran gemyndþrǣdas sibb mid: Pluto |