Bryttisce Rīce
(Edlǣded of Bryttisc Rīce)

Þæt Bryttisce Rīce (Nīƿe Englisc: British Empire) ƿæs ærest ƿoruldlic mægen and rīcost hēafodrīce in stǣre þǣre ƿorulde. Þæt ƿæs ƿæstm of þǣre Europiscan Āspyrungtīde, þe þæt ongann mid þǣm sǣhierdum Portugales and Spēonlandes in fīftēoðan ielde. In 1921 rīcsode þæt Britisce Rīce ofer 458 millionena lēoda (fēorðandǣl þæs folcesrīmes þǣre ƿorulde) and hæfþ ofer 14.3 millionena ecgmīlena gebrǣded.
Se fruma and sēo rīcsung þæs Bryttiscan Rīces ƿæs þæt Geānlǣhte Cynerīce and sƿīðost Englaland. His hēafodstede ƿæs Lunden, and sēo sprǣc ƿæs Nīƿe Englisc.