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Selffērende wægn

Fram Wikipǣdian
Selfērende wægn “Mazda6”, 2018
Benz Auto, 1886
Ford T gecynd, oft geþōht se forma ƿel cēapiendlica ƿægn gearu Americaniscum lēodum

Selffērende ƿægn (ēac ānfealdlīce selffērend oþþe ƿægn gehāten; on Nīƿenglisce hāteþ car oþþe automobile) is hƿǣled, fōrsearƿed ƿægn þe is genotod tō berenne faran. Se mǣsta dǣl tōmearcunga þæs þinges segeþ þæt selffērendas sind amearcode tō farenne oftost on rādum, tō healdenne fram ānum oþ eahta hāda, tō geƿunelīce habenne fēoƿer hƿēoglu, and tō ƿesenne getimbrod hēafodlīce tō berenne lēoda ǣr þonne ƿara.[1] Nāþȳlæs is þæt ƿord selffērend sƿīðe brād, for þǣm þe þǣr sind manig gecynd cræfta þe dōþ gelīc ƿeorc.

Þǣr sind hūhƿega 600 þūsund þūsenda farena ƿægnas geond þā ƿorulde ( þæt is nēan ān ƿægn for ǣlcum endleofonum lēodum ).[2][3] Ymb þǣre ƿorulde ƿǣron þǣr nēan 806 þūsend þūsenda ƿægna and lēohtra hlæstƿægna ƿyrcende tō farenna in þǣm 2007. gēare; sēo micelness eles nytte ƿiexþ hraðe, ānlīce in Cīne and Indie.[4]

  1. compiled by F.G. Fowler and H.W. Fowler. (1976). Pocket Oxford Dictionary. London: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-861113-7. 
  2. WorldMapper - passenger cars. Writen fram the original on 2017-11-12. Begieten on 2010-05-14.
  3. http://www.worldometers.info/cars/
  4. Plunkett Research, "Automobile Industry Introduction" (2008)

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