
Ƿestmynster is micel ceaster on Middelseaxum and is þæs Māran Lundnes dæl. Ƿestmynster stent on Temes norðofer and is Brettena rīces hēafodstōl.
In þǣm burgmiddle sind manig fægra andsīna and stǣrlica mearca, and onmang þissum þingum sind Ƿestmynsterheall, Buccingahamheall, se Ƿest Mynster and Middelseaxe Gyldheall.
Þēos ceaster ƿæs by Ēadƿeard Andettere Cyning gestaðoled on Ðorniege, seo ƿæs īeg betƿuh tƿǣm ēa. Hēr getimbrode se cyning his micla mynster and eftsōn stōd manig hūs and boldas hērymbe. Ƿestmynster ƿæs þæs rīces lēodƿeardes setl siððan ymbe 1200.
'Ƿestmyster' se nama is ēac binama for þǣm Bryttiscan lēodƿeard.