Sanctes Petresburg
- For burh on Florida, see Sanctes Petresburg (Florida).

Sanctes Petresburg (Russisc: Санкт-Петербу́рг) is Russlandes mæst burg æfter Moscow, and heo ah fif þusend þusenda onwunenda. Heo stent at Nefa Æa muþan and be þæm Finnlandbyhte se is Istsæs earm. Ðeos burg is miclu hyð Russum to ceapienne on Istsæ.
Petrus I Russena Casere staðolede Sanctes Petresburg in þam 1703an geare and nemnede hie æfter þæm halgan his agnes naman. Heo wæs Petres Caseres 'Eagþyrl to þæm Weste'. He brohte his cynestol to þisse ceastre ða heo wæs eall getimbrod.
In Petres ylde betwuh þam 1713an geare and þam 1728an, and eac of þam 1732an oð þæt 1918e wæs þeos ceaster Russlandes caserlic heafodstol. In þam 1918an geare for se leodweard to Moscwe.
Todæg is Sanctes Petresburg 'þoftscipes underþeod' in þæm Russican rice.
In þam 1914an geare, gehwyrfde Nicolas II Casere þære ceastre naman þe he wearþ 'Petrograd' (Russisc: Петрогра́д) and in þam 1924an geare Gemænre æhte rædes geþafan gehwyrfdon hine to Leningrad (Russisc: Ленингра́д) æfter heora brego Fladimire Lenine. In þam 1991an geare geedstaðolode se niwa leodweard eft his eald naman Sanctes Petresburg.
Mære burhsetan
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- Bruno Arturovich Freundlich (1909-2002), plegere, Folces Arþmann ðære Sofiet Gesamnunge (1974)
- Konstantin Yuryevich Khabensky (b. 1972), pleghus plegere, Russlandes Folces Arþmann (2012)
- Harms (Yuvachev) Daniil Ivanovich (1905-1942), scop, writere
- Tsoi Viktor Robertovich (1962-1990), Sofietisc stangliwere, leodwritere. Staðolend and ladmann ðæs stangliwwerodes "Cinema"
- Stieglitz Alexander Ludvigovich (Lyubomirovich) (1814-1884), geldhusmann, ælmesgifa, þegn
- Yursky Sergey Yuryevich (b. 1935), pleghus plegere, lces Arþmann ðæs Russican Sofietiscan Geðoftedan Socialistiscan Cynewisan (1987)
- Alexey Konstantinovich Yagudin (b. 1980), oretmæcga (ishoppa), Olympisc ellenlæca (2002)
- Patrushev Dmitry Nikolaevich (b. 1977), wealdseca, ricesþegn [1][2][3]
- Maxim Gennadievich Barsky (b. 1974), 'Sibantracite' ladmann[4][5][6]
- Alexey Taycher (born 1979), entrepreneur, financier[7][8][9]
- Dmitry Doev (born in 1966) - General Director of the VIS Group infrastructure holding[10][11][12]
Niwu word
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]- gemænre (aj) æhte (sf gen) ræd (sm) - communism, "doctrine of common ownership"
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