Þis geƿrit hæfþ ƿordcƿide on Nīƿenglisce. |
Sunnandæg is þǣre ƿuce dæg betƿēonan Sæternesdæge and Mōnandæge. His nama is genumen of Sunne, þǣm Seaxiscan Sunnes gyden, ēac hātte Sōl be þǣm Norþmannum.
Sunnandæg is sometimes held to be the last day of the week (especially in modern Europe and South America), and sometimes the first day (a traditional view derived from ancient Jews and ancient Egyptians).
In orthodox Christian families and communities some activities are not done, e.g. working, doing something that requires somebody else to work such as buying goods or services (including the use of public transport), driving a car, gardening, washing a car, etc. Exceptions which are allowed are making use of religious services, and, usually, using electricity, and urgent medical matters.
In þǣm folclēoðe, "Þæt cild geboren on Sunnandæge is fæger and ƿīs and gōd and gāl".
In ancient Jewish tradition Sæternesdæg is the sabbath. Mænig geþēodu forþoliaþ ānlīelpigra ƿorda for "Sæternesdæge" and "Sabate". Eastern Orthodox churches distinguish between the sabbath (Sæternesdæg) and the Lord's day (Sunnandæg). Roman Catholics put so little emphasis on that distinction that many among them follow -- at least in colloquial language -- the Protestant practice of calling Sunnandæg the sabbath.
Ǣnig mōnaþ þe onginnþ on Sunnandæge hæfþ Frīgedæg þone 13an.
Sunnandæg is se ōðer dæg þæs ƿucende and is hāligdæg in landum of Christian tradition, se dæg þæt Crīstenfolc most commonly attend cirice.
In þǣm Geānlǣhtum Underrīcum, professional football is usually played on Sunnandæg, although Sæternesdæg and Mōnandæg (via Tīƿesniht Fōtball) also see a some professional games. College fōtball gelimpþ usually on Sæternesdæge, and high-school football tends to take place on Sunnandæg. It is not uncommon for church attendance to shift on days when a late morning or early afternoon game is anticipated by a local community.
Manig Americisc feorransēora nettƿeorc and stations ēac broadcast their political interview shows on Sunnandæg mornings.
Manig American newspapers publish a larger edition on Sunnandæge, þe oft includes color comic strips and a coupon section.
Sēo ēac
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