Forma Frencisce Rīce
Þæt Frencisce Rīce Landgemæro, 1812 Scir þæs rices Mila |
Þæt Forma Frencisce Rīce wæs be Napoleon Bonaparte gestaðoled þæn weard he Francena Cāsere. Æt þæs rices mæste bradnesse inne his mearcum lagon eall Francland, ða Niðerland, Germanie norþmearca, Tuscania, Latium, Catalonia and Horotiga land.
Ofer his mearce heald Napoleones rice geneatland: Ispania, se Rin Geþoftscipe in Germanie, Italia þæt Cynerice (þæt wæs Italie norðdæl and þæs cyning wæs Napoleon), þæt Rice þara Twegra Sicilie (þæt wæs Italie suðdæl and þæs cyningas wæron Ioseph Bonaparte and Ioachim Murat), and þæt Warsaw Heah Þeodenrice.
Þis rice endede in 1814 þan Napoleon Casere forlæt his coronbeag and wæs adrufen on Elba þære iege, and in 1815 æfter þǣre Waterloo Beadwe.