Land þǣre worulde
Her byþ āwrīten endebyrdnes ealra þīna landa geond middangeard. Micle and smā, brāde and hēa, þās cyningdōmas, þēodrīcu, þēodwīsan landa, and wīglīce āþēod landa syndon þæt þætte manncynne is gecȳþed.
Her byþ āwrīten endebyrdnes ealra þīna landa geond middangeard. Micle and smā, brāde and hēa, þās cyningdōmas, þēodrīcu, þēodwīsan landa, and wīglīce āþēod landa syndon þæt þætte manncynne is gecȳþed.