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Papua Nīwguineg

Fram Wikipǣdian
(Edlǣded of Papua Nīw Guinea)
Papua Nīwguineg

Breges ƿīf mid trēoƿcangarū
Papua Nīƿ Guinea rīces tæcn
Þēodlic cwide: Ānnes in missenlicnesse
Heafodstol Moresbyhȳð
Ealdor Carl III Cyning
Forma Þegn James Marape
Bradnes 462,840 km²
Feoh kina
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid UTC+10:00, UTC+11:00, Pacific/Port_Moresby
Wægnplatung PNG
Webbnamena tægl .pg
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande +675

Papua Nīwguineg (Bysen:Lang-tpi) is īegrīce in Nīw Guinean ēasthealfe and on manigum īegum in Melanesia, se in Sericus Gārsecges sūþƿest healf and be norþen norþ of Australie. Nīƿguinean westhealf belimpeþ Indonesia.

Þæs rīces hēafodstōl is Port Moresby on Nīwguinean sūþƿest rime.

Þis land is gefrǣge in his missenlicnes. Man hæfþ getæled 852 gereord in Papua Nīƿ Guinea þæreof tƿelf næfþ nān cneaƿn libbend sprecere.[1] Seofen þūsenda þūsenda menn oneardiaþ þis land and se micla dæl ƿunend in lytlum mægþum þæs ƿealdes. Onmiddan his beorgum sind nīƿe gefūnden folcas and manig mōt bēon ungefūnden.

Earm is þis land ac ārƿelig. His folc sind gebūras and huntan, and in feorrum stedum sind hēafodhuntan.

Australiaþēod ricsoden in þisses landes sūþdæl of 1884 and nām his lāf of Germania in 1918. In 1975 ƿeard Papua Nīƿ Guinea sundorrīce under Elisabeþ II Cƿēne. Þis rīce is in midƿist þære Þēodacyneƿīsan.

  1. Papua New Guinea. Ethnologue
Carles III Cyninges rīciu
Antigua and Barbuda • Australand • Þā Bahamas • Belīs • Canada • Geaned Cynerice • Grenadieg • Iamaica • Niwsæland • Papua Nīwguineg • Sanctus-Christophes and Nefis • Sanct Lūcialand • Halga Uincentius and þa Grenadingas • Salomon Īege • Tufalu

Sericus Garsecges Iegland

Fanuatu • Ficgīege • Kiribas • Micronesia þā Geƿǣredan Rīciu • Marshall Īegland • Nauru • Niwsæland • Palau • Papua Nīwguineg • Samoa • Salomon Īege • Tonga • Tufalu

Americanisc landscipe: Americanisc Samoa • Guam • Hawaii • Norþerne Māriana Īegland • Geanedu Rica Lytlan Utligendan Iege • Wacanieg

Australisc landscipe: Crīstesmæsse Īeg • Cēoling Īege • Norþfolc Īeg

Bryttisc landscipe: Pitcearnīega

Cilisc landscipe: Ēasterīeg

Ficgīege landscipe: Rotuma

Frencisc landscipe: Frencisc Polynesia • Nīwe Scotta Ēaland • Wallis and Futuna

Niwsælendisc landscipe: Cociega • Niugue • Tocelaw