Ancyra is Turcena hēafodstōl. Hē is onmiddan þǣre Lǣssan Asie.
Kemal Ataturk onƿendede þone rīcestōl of Constantinopolis on Ancyran in 1923 and siþðan þǣm geare bīþ Ancyra sē hēafodstōl.
Ancyra is Turcena hēafodstōl. Hē is onmiddan þǣre Lǣssan Asie.
Kemal Ataturk onƿendede þone rīcestōl of Constantinopolis on Ancyran in 1923 and siþðan þǣm geare bīþ Ancyra sē hēafodstōl.