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—  Hēafodburg  —
Cæþmandū on Nepal

Land Bysen:Country data Nepal Nepal
Underrice Bāgmatīscir
Brego Balendra Shah
• gerim

49,450,000 square metre
Hiehþu 1,300 m
• buend

845,767 buenda
Tidgyrdel UTC+05:45, Nepal Standard Time
Sprecungrim 01
Webstede Webstede

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Þis cyþþubox hæfþ Wikidata wihta

Cæþmandū (Niwenglisc: Kathmandu, Nepalisc: काठमाडौँ) oþþe Cæsþamændep is se hēafodburg of Nepal ond hits mycelmǣst burg. Sēo þæs burg hǣfen 845,767 buenda ond 4 þūusendfeoƿerfeld mann on hits neārbī byrig. Hit is on þǣm Cæþmandūde, a miceldele surrounded by hyllas on þǣre hīehþu tabelhyllas on centrum Nepal, at an hīehþu æf 1,400 metanas (4,600 feet).

Sēo ceaster is ān of þām ealdestan stōwum þe sind eallunga bewunod on worulde, āstaþelod on þām ōðrum hundwintrum æfter Cristes gebyrde. Sēo denu wæs hāten Nepal Mandala on ealdum dagum (þæt nama þāra gesceafta: wæter **Dha** mandala on þǣre Newar sprǣce, and ūpgang on rīce), and hæfð geara wunod þāra Newara folca, æðelborena burhwara on himala gescrafan. Sēo ceaster wæs cynelīce heofodburg þæs rīces Nepal, and hæfð bōrheallas, hēahhūsa and gerdna timbred of þām Nepaliscum þēodkynne. Hit hæfð gēara bēon hēafodsetl þæs Sūð-Āsian Aġencðrædennes for Gecynde Samrǣdene (SAARC) siþþan on 1985. Nū on ūrum dagum, hit is setl þæs rīces wealdunge þæs Frēoscyldendeman Folcriċes on Nepal, āstaþelod on 2008, and is dǣl þæs Bagmati scīres.

Hēafodstōlas on þǣm Asie
Centrumasie Ascgaburg, Turcmenistan • Astana, Casahstan • Mōnandæġburg, Tacgicastan • Piscpecc, Cirgisstan • Tæscēnd, Usbecastan
Eastasie Pecing, Cina • Pīonganc, Norþcorea • Seorabēol, Suþcorea • Taipei, Taiƿan3 • Tōcyō, Iapan • Ulanbator, Mongolland
Norðasie Moscoƿ, Russland
Sūðasie Alladōmburg, Pacistan • Campþunorcōf, BIGL (GC) * • Cabura, Afghanistan • Cæþmandū, Nepal • Celanēgport, Tāprabane • Dacca, Bængladesc • Mæle, Maldifīega • Nīwedelhēg, Indea • Þimpu, Bhutan
Sūþeastasie Bæncoc, Tæġland • Begawantūn, Brunei • Dili, Ēasttimor • Fientīān, Laoland • Flēogfisccōfe, Crīstesmæsse Īeg (Australand) • Hænoī, Fietnam • Iacarte, Indenīge • Manila, Filippinīega • Mūdīcflōdgemōt, Malægsia • Nepgīdō, Burma • Pennhyllburg, Cambodia • Singapore • Westīg, Cōcōsīega (Australand)
Ƿestasie Abu Dhabi, Geānedu Arabisc Bregorīcu • Æpiscōpige Cantonnema, Acrotīgrige and Dhecalie (GC) • Amman, Iordane • Ancyra, Tyrcland • Bæȝdæd, Irac • Bacu, Aserbaigan • Berytus, Libanus • Cuwaitburg, Cuwait • Damascus, Syria • Dōhæ, Catar • Erefan, Earmeniga • Ierusalem, Israhēl 1 • Lefcosiaa, Cipros • Manama, Bahrain • Mæscatt, Oman • Norþlefcosca, Norþcipros • Ræmæla, Palestīn (ðære gemynd) 2 • Rigadh, Saudisc Arabea • Sana, Gemen • Suhcumig, Æbcassiga 3 • Tiflis, Georgia • Tehrān, Persealand • Tsinhal, Suþossetie 3
1 Se hēafodburg of Israhēl is sceað, mǣst ricum forstandan Telfafif 2 Se hēafodburg of Palestīn is sceað, mǣst ricum forstandan Ræmæla 3Sceaðland