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Þā Bahamas sēo Cynewīse
Þēodlic cwide: Forward, Upward, Onward, Together
(Englisc: "Forweard, Upweard, Forþ, Ætgædre")
Ambihtlicu sprǣc Nīwenglisc
Steall 10. dæg Mædmonðes 1973, sundorrīcehād of Brettum
Heafodstol Nassau
Ealdor Carl III Cyning
Gemǣne Ealdorman Cornelius A. Smith Cniht
Forma Þegn Hubert Minnis, Philip "Brave" Davis, Perry Christie, Hubert Ingraham, Perry Christie, Hubert Ingraham
Bradnes 5,358 mīla2
Menniscu 351,461 (2010)
Landesforþbæro 2018 $12.612 x 109
Feoh Bahamisc dāler
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid UTC−05:00, America/Nassau in winter
Eallic tid −4 in sumor
Þēodlic antefn March On, Bahamaland
Wægnplatung BS
Webbnamena tægl .bs
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande +1 242

Þā Bahamas sind rīce þāra Westindīegum genemned Þā Bahamas sēo Cynewīse. Þæs rīces brego is Carl III Cyning se is Bretta and manigfealda þeoda Cyning.

Þes īeghēap hæfþ mār þon 700 īega, sandholmas, and igoþa in Westsǣ þā sind in þæm brādorum the Lucayan Īeghēap. He licgaþ æt þæs Caribiscan Sǣs norþernum ecg benorþen Cuba and þæm Lytlan Spēonlande, be westnorþ þæm Turcas and Caicos Īeglandum, and be sūþēasten Floridan (se is rīce þāra Geānedra Rīca American.

Þæs rīces hēafodstōl is Nassau se stent on Nīwu-Gestihtunge þære īege.

Wikimedia Commons hæfþ māran gemyndþrǣdas sibb mid:
Carles III Cyninges rīciu
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Land on Norðamerican
Ricu Antigua and Barbuda • Þā Bahamas • Barbados • Belīs • Cænada • Cūba • Dīepþland • Dominica • seo Dominicanisce Cynewise • Geanedu Ricu • Grenadieg • Guatemala • Hǣlendlond • Haitieg • Halga Uincentius and þa Grenadingas • Iamaica • Mexico • Nicānlond • Panama • Sanctus-Christophes and Nefis • Sanct Lūcialand • Þrines and Tobāgo • Weligrima
Nēatlandu Anguilla • Aruba • Bermuda • Bryttiscan Fæmne Iegland • Cægman Iegland • G.R. Fæmne Īegland • Grēneland • Guadelūp • Halga Petrus and Micelong • Martinic • Muntserræt • Nafāssa-Īeg • Niðerlandisc Antilles • Port Rīclond • Turcas and Caicos Īegland