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Pages linking to disambiguation pages

The following pages contain at least one link to a disambiguation page. They may need to link to a more appropriate page instead.
A page is treated as a disambiguation page if it contains the tag __DISAMBIG__ (or an equivalent alias).

Þa folgendan gecyþnessa sind in horde and nis siððan 05:03, 1 Se Æfterra Gēola 2025 edniwde. Na mar þon 5,000 andword sind fere in ðæm horde.

Showing below up to 50 results in range #1 to #50.

Seoh (ærre 50 | ) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)

  1. Frīgedæg (adiht)Englisc
  2. Hafoc (adiht)Englisc
  3. Myrra (adiht)Englisc
  4. Ēadgār Engla Cyning (adiht)Ēadmund
  5. Wōden (adiht)Ælf
  6. Norþsæ (adiht)Ælf
  7. Heorotbrēr (adiht)Bēam
  8. Rīdungfȳrramm (adiht)Eiríksfjorðr
  9. Manama (adiht)Palestīn
  10. Tygelwīg (adiht)Gamen
  11. Seofon dēadlica synna (adiht)Gregorius Pāpa
  12. Fuþorc (adiht)Englisc
  13. Feoh (rūnstæf) (adiht)Englisc
  14. Nīl (adiht)Nile
  15. Nīwe Delhi (adiht)Palestīn
  16. Ēsatrēowþ (adiht)Ælf
  17. Drēag (adiht)Ælf
  18. Gealdor (adiht)Ælf
  19. Wuldor (adiht)Ælf
  20. Wiht (wist) (adiht)Ælf
  21. Ēse (adiht)Ælf
  22. Germanisc Hǣðenscipe (adiht)Ælf
  23. Norþhymbraland (adiht)Norþhymbraland (scīrung)
  24. Berserca (adiht)Ælf
  25. Ōsgeard (adiht)Ælf
  26. Moscow (adiht)Palestīn
  27. Niwenglisc spræc (adiht)Englisc
  28. 3. Æfterran Gēolan (adiht)Englisc
  29. Niht (gyden) (adiht)Ælf
  30. Īslendisc sprǣc (adiht)Englisc
  31. Sceadu (gyden) (adiht)Ælf
  32. Þunres Hamor (adiht)Ælf
  33. Niðerseaxland (adiht)Englisc
  34. Wyrd (adiht)Ælf
  35. Abu Dhabi (adiht)Palestīn
  36. Major League Soccer (adiht)Ēastūn
  37. Ierusalem (adiht)Palestīn
  38. Ancyra (adiht)Palestīn
  39. James Hetfield (adiht)Englisc
  40. Burg (adiht)Englisc
  41. Tasmansǣ (adiht)Englisc
  42. Elsass (adiht)Elsass (scīrung)
  43. Pecing (adiht)Palestīn
  44. Josh Duhamel (adiht)Transformers
  45. Gēol (adiht)Ælf
  46. Germanisca sprǣca (adiht)Englisc
  47. World Trade Center (adiht)Nīwe Eoforwīc (scīrung)
  48. Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (adiht)Nīwe Eoforwīc (scīrung)
  49. Nelson Rockefeller (adiht)Nīwe Eoforwīc (scīrung)
  50. Tiflis (adiht)Palestīn

Seoh (ærre 50 | ) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)