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Hēr is līcnesse tƿēgra froggamanna mid Siebe Gorman CDBA ongēanǣðmendum rīdendra rīdungfȳrramm.
Siluro a Lenta Corsa maiale
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Se rīdungfȳrramm ǣrest hātte in Italisce saƿ Siluro a Lenta Corsa, þe sægþ "Slāƿ-rinnende fȳrramm." His scufend ƿæs spærclecræftig. Næs in him lyftrūm sƿā in dȳfendbāte oþþe undersǣbāte oþþe undersǣscipe. His tƿēgen scipmenn ƿerodon dȳfungrēaf and ridon on him sƿā on horse. Hit hæfde searƿe tō styrianne. Hit hæfde gūðhēafod þe man miht oflǣfan dyrne under scip tō tobrecanne scipu mid utberstende. Þonne hit fōr tō gūðe, sum grēatora scip (þe oft ƿæs undersǣsip) bær hit tō stede nēam þǣm gefeohtstede, and frēogede hit.

Gēarƿrītung dǣda rīdungfȳrramm

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
  • 1909: Hēr se Bryttisca searumann Commander Godfrey Herbert macode cynelicne ƿyrhtan rihtƿriotu for his rīdungfȳrramme, ac þenden seo Ǣresta Ƿoruldgūþ rann, þā gūðscealcas aƿurpon þone geþōht sƿā unbruclīcne.
  • 1918: Hēr tƿēgen Italisce macode rīdungfȳrramm and on him he macodon onscyte tō Austria-Hungarialandisce scipu in Trieste hȳðe. Ac næs tō him æðmungsearƿe and hīe þurfton rinnan mid heafdum ofer ƿætere.
  • 1930-1939: Betƿēox þissum gēarum sƿammen sum Eotolƿare under ƿætere mid odenlicum oxygenongēanaðmiende tō īeþ fiscianne mid gāre for ƿynne, and of þǣm ongann sēo dȳfung mid scuban in ƿorulde. And sēo Regia Marina, þe is Italie scipfierd, dyrne macode rīdungfȳrrammas, and tōhte gūðfroggamenn and hēt hīe nuotatori, þe sægþ "sƿimmeras". And þā froggamenn hēton hira þis cynn rīdungfȳrramma maiale, þe in Italisce sægþ "sƿīn", for þǣm þe þæt ǣrest cynn maiala ƿǣron earfoðlīce tō styrianne. And hīe ƿǣron in scirfierde dǣle gehātenum "Decima Flottiglia Mas", and Ernesto Forza ƿæs his fierdtoga.
  • 1940 10 Sēremōnaþ: Hēr Mussolini hēt gūþ ƿiþ Brytene.
  • 1940 21 Ƿēodmōnaþ: Hēr se Italisca undersǣbāt Iride fōr of La Spezia ƿiþ Calpis, and in Bomba-cofan on Libyae sǣriman men lǣdde on hit fēoƿer rīdungfȳrrammas, ac þǣr Bryttisce lyftcræftas sencton hit.
  • 1940 21 Hærfestmōnaþ: Hēr se Italisca undersǣbāt Gondar fōr of La Spezia berende þrīe rīdungfȳrrammas and eahta rīderas, and in 28 dæges ǣfne cƿōm hit tō Alexandriam on Ǣgypte, ac Bryttisc gūþscip seah hit and fōhte ƿiþ him and sencte hit, and his scipmenn gieldedon.
  • 1940 24 Hærfestmōnaþ: Hēr se Italisca undersǣbāt Scire fōr of La Spezia berende þrīe rīdungfȳrrammas and eahta rīderas, and on 29 dæge nēah Calpis man bebād hit eft gān tō La Maddalena, for þǣm þe þā Bryttiscan gūþscipu ēodon of Calpise.
  • 1940 21 Ƿinterfylleþ: Hēr se Italisca undersǣbāt Scire fōr of La Spezia tō Calpis berende þrīe rīdungfȳrrammas and eahta rīderas, and hīe ēodon in þæt hȳðƿætere, ac hīe ne derede scip, and þāra menn man fēng tƿēgen, and six ēodon on Hispaniam and þanon eft on Italiam.
  • 1941 25 Þrimilcemōnaþ: Hēr se Scire fōr of La Spezia berende þrīe rīdungfȳrrammas, and æt Cādiz in Hispaniam dyrne lǣdde siex fȳrrammrīderas. And hit fōr ƿiþ Calpis, ac þǣrinne hīe ne fundon gūðscip, ac hīe sōhton sincan scip, ac ne spēoƿ him, and þā siex rīderas sƿummon tō Hispaniam and þanon eft cƿōmon tō Italiam.
  • 1941 27 Þrimilcemōnaþ: Hēr sēo Bryttisca sǣfierd fōhte ƿiþ þǣm Bismarck and sencte hit, and forðȳ hīe ne ƿǣron gūðscipu in Calpis.
  • 1941 26 Mǣdmōnaþ: Her tƿēgen Italisce rīdungfȳrrammas and tīen sƿifte Italisce bātas berende ūtberstendas fōron ƿiþ Valletta on Malta īege, ac hīe ne sencte scip, and in Vallettan ƿæs heard scēotung of lande, and 15 hira asƿulton, and 18 ƿurdon hæftas.
  • 1941 10 Hærfestmōnaþ: Her se Scire fōr of La Spezia berende þrīe rīdungfȳrrammas, and æt Cādiz in Hispaniam dyrne lǣdde siex fȳrrammrīderas. And hit fōr ƿiþ Calpis, and hīe sencton þrēo scipu, and þā rīderas sƿummon tō Hispaniam and þanon eft cƿōmon tō Italiam.
  • 1941 Gēolmōnaþ 3: Her se Scire fōr of La Spezia berende þrīe rīdungfȳrrammas, and æt Leros īege in Aegea-sǣ dyrne lǣdde siex fȳrrammrīderas. and on Gēolmōnaþ 19 hit cƿōm tō Alexandriam in Ǣgypte, and hīe fōron in þǣre hȳðe and sencton ele-fatu-scip and sāre deredon þā grēate and strange Bryttiscan gūðscipu HMS Valiant and HMS Queen Elizabeth, and hīe sǣton on þǣre hȳðe botme, and þurh monðas man ne miht brucan þā tƿā scipu. and þā siex rīderas ealle ƿurdon hæftas.
  • 1942 Ēastermōnaþ 29: Her se Italisca undersǣbāt Ambra fōr of La Spezia berende þrīe rīdungfȳrrammas, and æt Leros īege in Aegea-sǣ dyrne lǣdde siex fȳrrammrīderas. And on Þrimilcemōnaþ 14 hit cƿōm tō Alexandriam in Ǣgypte tō sincanne grēate Bryttisce flēotende hȳðe, ac sum seah þone Ambra, and hīe ne sencton scip, and þā siex rīderas ealle ƿurdon hæftas.
  • 1942 Ēastermōnaþ: Hēr dyrne þā Bryttisce sǣfierdmenn Commander G.M.Sladen and Commander Ƿ.R. "Tiny" Fell ongunnon tǣcan froggamenn. And sēo scipfierd hēt þā rīdungfȳrrammas chariots, and gēo chariot ƿæs sƿift unhefig ƿīgcræt þe tƿā sƿifte hors togodon. And þēos froggamenn hātton þone Experimental Submarine Flotilla, and ǣreste hīe ƿunodon æt Portesmūðan.
  • 1942 Sēremōnaþ: Hēr se Bryttisca Experimental Submarine Flotilla ēode tō "Port D" þe ƿæs on Eiríksfjorðe in Scotlande. and hīe gefengon hira ǣrestan rīdungfȳrramm þe hæfde scufend, and hit ƿæs þæs cynnes "Mark I Chariot", and miht faran 2.9 scipmīl in stunde, and miht unplēolīce dȳfan tƿentig fēt under sǣ, and his līc ƿæs 21 yncas ƿīd, and his frumstemn bær 600 pund utberstendes. Sēo tǣcung ƿæs heard, and þurh þā plēo dȳfunge mid ungemiscodum oxygene and sēo ellorlīcnesse þāra rīdungfȳrramma oft ƿæs gesƿōgung and fylleƿærc under sǣ, for þǣm þe se oxygen ƿierþþ ator æt þritig-gerīme fōta under ƿætere. Oft ƿæs lǣssa hearm sƿā eara tunnebotma berstung and hearm in hira holum in heafde þe hātte sinus. and man tōhton hīe aran and stīeran lange under ƿætere and æfter þǣm þe ceorfan þurh ƿerungnett hȳða. and ƿæs heardost lǣran ƿeorcan mid þǣm fȳrramma gūðhēadfum.<!—what is this sentence trying to say?-->
  • 1942 Mǽdmónaþ: Hēr þā Italiscan froggamenn cƿōmon tō þǣm lādberendum scipe Olterra þe ƿæs in Algeciras neam Calpise, and hīe lange dyrne hæfdon denn þǣrinne.
  • 1942 Mǽdmónaþ 13: Her tƿelf Italisce froggamenn sƿummon of þǣm Olterran in Calpishȳðe and settedon ūtberstendas and ealle geƿendedon tō hira fierde, and hīe sencton fēoƿer scipu.
  • 1942 Ƿēodmōnaþ: Hēr þā Bryttiscan fȳrrammrīderas ongean ƿunian æt Base HHZ on Loch a' Chàirn Bhàin in Scotlande tō tǣcanne faran ƿiþ grēatorum dēoporum ƿerodorum stedum, and in þisse tǣcunge ān fȳrrammrīdere asƿealt.
  • 1942 Hærfestmōnaþ: Hēr se Norþƿegisca scipfierde bebēordere Leif Larsen sōhte farung ƿiþ þǣm grēatan Germaniscan gūðscipe Tirpitz, þe ƿunode in Asenfjorde þe is telga Trondheimdfjordes in Norþƿege.
  • 1942 Ƿinterfylleþ 26: Hēr se fiscungbāt Arþur fōr of Brytene tō Norþƿege and seofon Bryttisce froggamenn and þrīe Norþƿegisce and tƿēgen rīdungfȳrrammas ridon dyrne in him.
    • 1942 Ƿinterfylleþ 28: Hēr Arþur cƿōm tō Norþƿeges sǣriman neah Edøy.
    • 1942 Ƿinterfylleþ 30: Hēr Arþur ongann togian þā fȳrrammas.
    • 1942 Ƿinterfylleþ 31: Hēr storm bræc þāra rīdungfȳrramma clommas, and hīe losodon, and sēo farung ādrēas.
    • 1942 Blōtmōnaþ 1: Her æt Breivik hīe sencton Arþur and in tƿǣm hlōðum hīe sōhton Sƿēoland. Nigon þāra tīen manna cƿōmon tō Sƿēolande, and Germanas fēngon ānne and æfter þǣm þe āscuton hine.
  • 1942 Blōtmōnþes æfterra dǣl: Hēr Bryten sendede 26 rīdungfȳrramma tō Melita īege, and hīe ƿurdon dǣl þæs Tenth Submarine Flotilla. Man gefæstnede on þrȳm þāra undersǣbāta fate tō healdanne rīdungfȳrrammas.
  • 1942 Blōtmōnaþ 28: Hēr sēo Bryttisca undersǣbātas P-311 berende þrīe rīdungfȳrrammas and hira menn fōron of Marsamxett on Melitan ƿiþ Madalena on Sardiniam, and þēos farung hātte Operation Principle, ac hit slōh flēotendne utberstend neah Sardiniam and sencte mid þrȳm rīdungfȳrrammum and tīen hira rīdera and eallum his scipmanna.
  • 1942 Blōtmōnaþ 30: Hēr þā Bryttiscan undersǣbātas Thunderbolt and Trooper berende fēoƿer rīdungfȳrrammas and hira menn fōron of Melitan, and þēos farung eac hātte Operation Principle.
  • 1942 Gēolmōnaþ 4: Her se Italisca undersǣbāt Ambra fōr of La Spezia tō Algiers berende froggamenn and tƿēgen rīdungfȳrrammas, and tīen froggamenn berende gecleofiende ūtberstendas sƿummon mid þǣm rīdungfȳrrammum. Ac þurh fyrlu he ne mihton gān in þā hȳðe, ac hīe ēodon tō scipum ūt þǣre hȳðe and sencton tū and deredon tū.
  • 1942 Gēolmōnaþ 17: Her æt Calpis fōron siex Italisce on þrȳm rīdungfȳrrammas of þǣm Olterran ƿiþ þǣm Bryttiscum gūðscipum Nelson, Formidable, Furious. Ac Bryttisce ƿeardbāt ofslōh hira ānes bēgen menn mid dīepþūtberstende. And Bryttisce ƿeardbāt seah hira ānne and scēat tō him and fylgode hit and fēng his tƿēgen menn. And ān forbēah eft tō þǣm Olterran ēan his æfterran manne. <!—what is ean?-->
  • 1943 Æfterra Geola 3: Hēr in Operation Principle Thunderbolt and Trooper berende fēoƿer rīdungfȳrrammas and hira eahta menn cƿōmon tō Siciliae sǣriman neah Palermo in unƿedere.
    • Ān rīdungfȳrramm settede his gūðheafod on þǣre Italiscan gūðscipe Ulpio Traiano, and æfter þǣm þe lǣssan utberstendas on fēoƿer scipum. And þǣræfter Ulpio Traiano sanc.
    • Ān rīdungfȳrramm settede his gūðheafod on þǣm Italiscan lādberendan scipe Viminale. and þǣræfter Bryttisc undersǣbāt āsceat Viminale mid mannlēasum fȳrramme þenden man togode hit of hȳðe.
    • Tƿēgen rīdungfȳrrammas þurh unƿedere ne fundon þā hȳðe.
    • Man þearf ālǣttan ealle þāra rīdungfȳrramma þǣr, þurh gesƿīcunga þāra searƿa oþþe misgelimp manna, and ān hira rīdera asƿulton, and fīf þorfton gān on lande þǣr, and sēo Bryttisca undersǣbāt P-46 nerede tƿēgen. Ac in Romam tƿēgen þissa hæfta forflugon of hira ƿeardum and hȳddon in þǣm Vaticane oþþæt Americisce fēngon Rōmburg in gēare 1944. And tƿēgen hira forflugon of ƿeardum on Libyam and in Tripoli ceastre middan fundon Bryttisce fierdmenn, and hīe ēodon eft tō Englalande. In þisre farunge man settede ūtberstendas on scipu and ƿeardbātas and sencton sume hira, ac sume þāra ūtberstandas ne ūtbǣrston.
  • Æfter þǣm þe bebidon on Maltan eahta rīdungfȳrrammrīderas and tƿēgen rīdungfȳrrammas.
  • 1943 Æfterra Geola 18-19: Hēr þās tƿēgen rīdungfȳrrammas fōron mid scipum þe þā Germanas ƿoldon sendan tō Tripoli tō forstoppanne his hȳðe, and undersǣbātas bǣron hīe. Ac þā froggamenn cƿōmon oferlæt and ne mann and ne rīdungfȳrramm cƿōm ongean tō Maltan.
  • 1943 Æfterra Geola: Hēr æt Loch a' Choire and Loch a' Chàirn Bhàin in Scotlande man ongann tǣcan nīƿe torpedorīderas.
  • 1943 Ēastermōnaþ 16: Her Bryten sendede fēoƿertīene nīƿan fȳrrammrīderas tō Maltan. And in æfterdagum man sendede tō him rīdungfȳrrammas þæs nīƿes cynnes gehātenes Mark II Chariot þe ēac hātte se Terry. His æfterra rīdere sæt on bæcling. Hit mihte rinnan 4.5 scipmīla in stunde. His gūðheafod miht beran 1100 pund þæs utberstendes gehātenes Torpex.
  • 1943 Þrimilcemōnaþ 8: Hēr þrīe Italisce rīdungfȳrrammas fōron of þǣm Olterran ƿiþ Calpis in unƿedere and sencton þrēo Bryttisce scipu and eall geƿendedon tō þǣm Olterran.
  • 1943 Sēremōnaþ: Þurh þisne mōnaþ oft se Bryttisca undersǣbāt Unseen bær þrīe rīdungfȳrrammas of Maltan and hira rīderas geondscēaƿodon ymbe Siciliam tō findanne plēo for landfierdum þe ƿoldon cuman tō lande þǣr. And hīe geondscēaƿodon 100 mīla sǣriman.
  • 1943 Sēremōnaþ 11: Hēr þā ōðre Bryttisce fȳrrammrīderas ēodon tō Loch a' Chàirn Bhàin.
  • 1943 Sēremōnþes æfterra dǣl: Her Bryten ēac sendede siex rīdungfȳrrammmenn tō Maltan, and hīe ƿoldon faran ƿiþ Taranto.
  • 1943 Sēremōnaþ 25: Hēr Mussolini ālǣtte his heahscealcscip and Mearhscealc Badoglio fēng tō his rīce. And forðȳ þā Bryttisce froggamenn ne fōron ƿīð Taranto, and hīe ealle ēodon tō Scotlande. And æfter þǣm þe ƿæs āne ān farung rīdungfȳrramma in Ƿendelsǣ.
  • 1943 Mǣdmōnaþ: Hēr æt Loch a' Chàirn Bhàin fȳrrammrīdere āsƿulton þurh misgelimp.
  • 1943 Ƿēodmōnaþ 3: Hēr in ǣfne þrīe Italisce rīdungfȳrrammas fōron of þǣm Olterran ƿiþ Calpis and sencton þrēo scipu and ealle āƿendon tō þǣm Olterran, ac ān mann hira ƿearþ gefangen.
  • 1943 Hærfestmōnaþ 8: Hēr Italia ēode on hand and æfter þǣm tīman fuhton þā Italiscan mid þǣm Bryttiscum. And æfter þǣm þe man togode þæt Olterra on Calpis and man fand hƿæt gelamp þǣrinne.
    • 1943 Hærfestmōnaþ 20: Hēr Bryttisce froggamenn in lȳtlum undersǣbātum, X-craft gehāten, fōron ƿiþ þǣm Tirpitz and þǣm Scharnhorst in Kåfjord on Norþƿege and sāre derede þæt Tirpitz, ac þæt Scharnhorst næs þǣr.
  • 1943 Heorfestmōnaþ 24: Her Bryten sendede 4 rīdungfȳrrammas and 12 fȳrrammrīderas of Scotlande tō Lundaváge in Hjaltlande tō leornianne faran gemang Norþƿeges īegum.
  • 1943 Ƿinterfylleþ 2: Her greatora Italisce froggamannberend gehāten Siluro San Bartolomeo oþþe SSB ƿolde faran ƿiþ Calpise, and hit bær fēoƿer froggamenn, and hit ƿæs 33 fēt lang, ac þurh Italiam gieldunge hit ne fōr.
  • 1943 Ƿinterfylleþ 14: Her Bryttisc fȳrrammbāt berende tƿēgen rīdungfȳrrammas and hira fēoƿer menn fōr of Lundavāge tō Tevik-cofan on Norþmannum and settede on lande mann gehatenne Job tō bīdanne oþ Germanisc scip cume, ac Germanisce lyftcræftas fundon þone fȳrrammbāt and fuhton ƿiþ him and se fȳrrammbāt þorfte flēon tō Brytene sāre geƿundod and hit cƿom tō Dynbær in Scotlande. And æfter fēoƿerum dagum sum fȳrrammbāt brōhte Job eft tō Hjaltlande.
  • 1943 Ƿinterfylleþ oþþe Blōtmōnaþ : Her Bryttisc fȳrrammbāt berende tƿēgen rīdungfȳrrammas and hira fēoƿer menn fōr of Lundaváge tō Nordfjord in Norþƿege and settede on lande mann tō bīdanne oþ Germanisc scip cume, ac in tƿǣm dagum nǣnig Germanisc scip cƿom, and hīe ēodon eft tō Hjaltlande.
  • 1943 Blōtmōnaþ 11: Her Bryttisc fȳrrammbāt berende tƿēgen rīdungfȳrrammas and fēoƿer menn for him fōr of Lundaváge tō Tevik-cofan in Norþƿege and settede on lande mann tō bīdanne oþ Germanisc scip cume tō Askvoll hȳðe, ac in tƿǣm dagum nǣnig Germanisc scip cƿom, and snāƿ feoll, and man segde þæt miht bēon þæt īs forstōd Askvoll hȳðe, and þenden se fȳrrammbāt ēode eft tō Hjaltlande hit þorfte ālǣttan þā rīdungfȳrrammas þurh unƿedere.
  • 1943 Ƿinterfylleþ 31: Hēr oþþe ǣrra Bryttisce and Americisce fēngon Napoli ceastre þe nū oft hātte Naples (ac hire ieldst nama ƿæs in Crecisce Neapolis, þe sægþ Nīƿceaster).
  • 1943 Ƿinterfylleþ oþþe Blōtmōnaþ : Hēr fōron tō Brindisi in Italiam Bryttisce froggamenn, and þā Italisce froggamenn þe ƿǣron in landum þe þā Germanas ne rixodon, and þā Italisce froggamenn þe Bryten ærra fēng, and hīe ealle ƿurdon ān hlōð froggamanna.
  • 1943 (1944?) Ēastermōnaþ 15: Hēr X-cræft fōr ƿiþ þǣre fleotendan hȳðe Laksevåg æt Bergen on Norþmannum, ac þurh misgelimp sencte lādberendscip and ne þā fleotendan hȳðe.
  • 1944 Þrimilce: Her man sendede 14 fȳrramrīdera tō Trincomalee in Taprabane.
  • 1944: Hēr fore D-dæge Bryttisce rīdungfȳrrammas geondscēaƿodon under sǣ ymbe Normandiges sǣrimum.
  • 1944 Midsumermōnaþ 6: Hēr ƿæs D-dæg, and Bryttisce froggamenn tobrǣcon manige īrenstacan þe Germanas settedon under sǣ ƿiþ þǣm fierde. And ān fȳrrammrīdere drāf scriðdracan on land.
  • 1944 Midsumermōnaþ 21: Hēr þæt Italisce gūþscip Grecale fōr of Bastia in Corsicam berende þrīe sƿifte bātas and Italisce froggamenn and tƿēgen Bryttisce rīdungfȳrrammas, ƿiþ þǣm Italiscum gūðscipum Bolzano and Gorizia þe Germanas hæfdon in La Spezia. Þæt Grecale bǣron hīe and þā bātas, and æfter þǣm þe þā bātas bǣron hīe and frēogedon hīe þrēo mīla of La Spezia hȳðe. Ān rīdungfȳrramm ongann blēdan lyft of his flēotungfate and man þorfte ālǣttan hine, ac ān rīdungfȳrramm macode utberstan þæt Bolzano, and his geƿiht ƿæs 10,000,000 kilogrammas. Ealle fēoƿer hira manna þurfton gān on lande þǣr: ān cƿōm ongēan tō his fierde and Germanas fēngon þrīe.
  • 1944 Hærfestmōnaþ 11: Hēr X-cræft fōr ƿiþ þǣre fleotendan hȳðe Laksevåg æt Bergen in Norþƿege and sencte hit.
  • 1944 Ƿinterfylleþ 27-28: Her se Bryttisca undersǣbāt Trenchant berende tƿēgen rīdungfȳrrammas fōr ƿiþ Phuket hȳðe in Thailande and frēogede hīe siex mīla of þǣre hȳðe. And þāra menn hēton þā tƿēgen rīdungfȳrrammas "Tiny" and "Slasher". And hīe sencton tƿēgen lādberungscipu. And æfter siex stundum hēr and on ānre tīde Bryttisce fȳrrammrīderas ridon eft tō hira mōdorscipe. Ac æfter þǣm þe se Trenchant þorfte sincan þā rīdungfȳrrammas tō gānne sƿiftora, for plēo Iapanisces MTB bātes; and se Trenchant bær þa fēoƿer rīderas tō Trincomalee. Nǣfre æfterra rīdungfȳrramm fōr tō gūðe.
  • 1945 Mǣdmōnaþ 31: Her Lieutenant Fraser and se dȳfere James Joseph Magennis fōron in þǣm X-cræfte XE3 ƿiþ þǣm Iapaniscan gūþscipe Takao in Johore-nearƿe nēam Singapore and sencte hit, and þǣræfter man geaf tō æghƿilcum hira þā Victoria-rōde.

Bēċ and āstyriende gelīcnesse

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
  • Sume þissa ƿrītunga sind of bēċ Above Us the Waves, C. Ƿarren and J. Benson (Harrap 1953).
  • Āstyriende gelīcnesse Above Us the Waves, gemacod in 1955; hit is mǣste ymbe þā farunge X-cræfta ƿiþ þǣm Tirpitz.
  • Bōc: "Chariots of War", Robert Ƿ.Hobson ƿrāt hit, publ. Ulric Publishing 2004, ISBN 0-9541997-1-5.
  • In gēare 1958 man macode āstyriende gelīcnesse The Silent Enemy. Hit ne scǣƿþ þā trēoƿan gelimp rihte. In þisse bēċ Bryttisce froggamenn fōron of Calpis tō þǣm Olterran and fore him and in him hīe fuhton hearde ƿiþ Italiscum froggamannum and āhton ƿǣlstoƿe geƿald and bærnedon þæt Olterra; ac þis ne gelamp.

Æfter gēare 1945

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

In sumum landum man gīet macaþ rīdungfȳrrammas:

  • Sēo hēr Archived 2008-04-25 at the Wayback Machine ymbe rīdungfȳrrammas in Italiam.
  • Sume macodon rīdungfȳrrammas tō ƿarianne under ƿætere andlang ele-ǣdrum and sƿylċum, oþþe tō rīdanne for ƿynne, and sƿylce ne hæfþ gūðhēafod ac oft his stefna ƿierþþ nearu sƿā his steort. Sum þǣra ƿæs Dolphin þe man macode on Ƿiht īege in þǣm 197*-gēarum.

Rīdungfȳrrammas nū

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
  • Man mæg sēon þreo rīdungfȳrrammas in Eden Camp Museum Archived 2006-01-15 at the Wayback Machine þe is neah Mæðeltūne (þe nū hātte Malton) in Norþ Eoforƿīċscīre in Englalande.
    • Sum is Italisc maiale.
    • Sum is Bryttisc Mark II and man fand hine ealdne and unƿeorlīċne for gemeltanne in īrenþreaxgearde in Portesmūðan and ednīƿode hit.
    • Sum is ƿeorclīċ rīdungfȳrramm and in him sind gōde miht and sƿiftnesse, and man macode hit in odene in Middeltūne þǣra de Cahaignes in gēare 1992, and his ūterra līcaþ Mark I, ac his innoþ nis ilċa, and nis ūtberstend in his gūðhēafod. Man seah hit on feorrseounge.
    • Is āstyriende gelīcnesse "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" ymbe James Bond, and in him man siehþ rīdungfȳrramm: ac nis in him miht and hit is āna þæt þe nū hātte film prop.
    • Is Italisc maiale þæs cynnes SSB in þǣm Naval Museum æt Groton in Connecticut underrīċe in GRA.

Ūtanƿearde bendas

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]