
Se Tasmansǣ is þæt grēate ƿæter betƿeox Australie and Nīƿum Sǣlande; hē is hūhƿega 2,000 þūsendmetera (oþþe 1,250 mīla) brād. Hit is nēan 2,800 þūsendmetera fram norþmestum dǣle oþ sūðan. Hit is sūþƿesterne dǣl þæs Sūðernan Sericus Gārsecges. Se sǣ ƿæs nemned æfter þǣm Niðerlendiscan aspyrgiende Abel Tasman, þe ƿæs se forma cūþa Europisca tō sēonne Nīƿe Sǣland and Tasmanie. Se Bryttisca aspyrgiende Stēormann Iacobus Cōc þǣræfter ƿīdlīce sæglode ofer þǣm Tasmansǣƿe in þǣm 1770 gēarum, dōnde dǣl his fare afindunge.
On Nīƿum Englisce on Nīƿum Sǣlande and Australie mann hāteþ þone Tasmansǣ "The Ditch" (þe is on Englisce "Sēo Dic"); and "tō gānne ofer þone Dic" tācniaþ þæt man gā ofer þone Tasmansǣ fram Australie tō Nīƿum Sǣlande oþþe ōðerlīce.