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Scira þæs Geanedan Cynerices

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Her sind getalu þara scīra and angelīcena dǣla þæs Geānedan Cynerīces:

Scire (eardfæstan)

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Þæt Geāned Cynerīce hæfþ tƿa and hundnigontige scīra. Ēac hātaþ þisse scīra eardfæstan scīra oððe gamola scīra.

Þisse scīra nabbað ane gerecþegnung, æfter mdccclxxxviiij, oððæt ðe to mdcccclxxviiij stōƿlicu āstyrung bād gestaðolod on hieran gierdum.

Scir Gierd Byrg in þære scire
Aberdonscīr 1,950 scitemila Aberdon, Ellon, Fraserburh, Huntleah, Inverurie, Peterheafod, Turriff
Anagus 889 scitemila Forfar, Dundee, Aberoþic, Brechin, Carnoustie, Kirriemuir, Montros
Angleseg 276 scitemila Beaumaris, Amlƿch, Haligheafod, Llangefni, Menai Brycg
Antrimscīr 1,175 scitemila Belfast, Antrim, Ballymena, Ballymoney, Carnlough, Larne, Portrush
Arregaðel 3,110 scitemila Lochgilphead, Campbeltun, Dunoon, Inveraray, Oban, Tobhair Mhuire
Ardmachusscīr 512 scitemila Armachus, Newry
Ægrscir 1,129 scitemila Ægr, Cumnoc, Irvine, Cilmarnoc, Cilwinning, Largs, Sealtcotas, Troon
Banffscīr 641 scitemila Banff, Buckie, Dufftown, Keiþ, Macduff, Portsoy
Beadanfordscīr 465 scitemila Beadanford, Bicleswæd, Dunestaple, Leahtun, Ligtun, Sandig
Bearrucscīr 722 scitemila Readingas, Æbbandun, Braccanheal, Finchamstæde, Mægðenhyð, Ulfretun, Wealingaford, Waneting, Windlesora, Woccingaham
Berewicscir 457 scitemila Grenehlæw, Coludingatun, Coludestream, Duns, Egemuþa, Lauder
Brecenscīr 743 scitemila Brecan, Builth Wiellas, Hæge-on-Wæge, Llanwrtyd Wiellas, Talgarþ
Buccingahamscīr 745 scitemila Æglesburg, Buccingaham, Middeltun, Sloh, Wicham
Butscīr 225 scitemila Roþeseg, Brodic, Lochranga, Millport
Cardiganscīr 815 scitemila Cardigan, Aberystƿyþ, Llanbedr, New Quay, Tregaron
Carmarðenscīr 1,095 scitemila Carmarðen, Ammanford, Kidwelly, Llandovery, Llanelli, Scte Clears
Carnarfonscīr 480 scitemila Carnarfon, Bancoraburg, Conweg, Llandudno, Porþmadog, Pwllheli
Caþanǣs 618 scitemila Wic, Casteltun, Halkirk, Þurso
Cent 1,555 scitemila Maidstone, Cantawaraburg, Bromleag, Dærentaford, Dofras, Folcestan, Grenewic, Hrofesceaster, Sandwic
Cincardinscīr 380 scitemila Stanhæfn, Banchory, Inverbervie, Laurentiuscirice
Cinross-scīr 73 scitemila Cinross, Milnathort
Ciricecuðbrihtscīr 899 scitemila Ciricecuðbriht, Castle Douglas, Dalbeattie, Niƿ Galloƿay
Clahmannanscīr 48 scitemila Clackmannan, Alloa, Dollar, Tillicoultry, Tullibody
Cornƿeall 1,349 scitemila Bodmin, Truro, Camborne, Falmuþa, Newquay, Pensans, Redruþ, Sanct Austell
Crumbaþynscīr 370 scitemila Crumbaþyn, Ullapol
Cumbraland 1,516 scitemila Luel, Bromtun, Ceseƿic, Penriþ, Hwitheafodhafen, Weorcingatun
Defenascīr 2,405 scitemila Escanceaster, Suðtun, Bardanstapol, Dærentamūþa, Hlydanford, Niƿtun þæs Abbas, Pægntun, Tæfingstoc, Twegenfordtun, Torre, Tottaness
Denbiscīr 640 scitemila Ruþin, Abergele, Denbi, Llangollen, Ƿrexham
Deorbyscīr 1,029 scitemila Deorby, Æscburna, Badecanƿiellon, Buccestun, Ceasterfeld, Hrypadun, Ilkeston, Matlock, Sƿadlincote
Dorsæte 980 scitemila Dornƿaraceaster, Poole, Sceaftenesburg, Scireburn, Sƿanaƿic, Ƿeymuþ

, Ƿinburn

Dumfriesscīr 1,063 scitemila Dumfries, Annan, Gretna, Langholm, Lockerbie, Moffat, Sanhwar
Dunholmscīr 1,015 scitemila Dunholm, Rægeheafod, Cuncacestir, Deornoþingatun, Heortapol, Stoctun on Tese, Sundrodland, Ƿessingatun, Gyrƿas
Dūnscīr 950 scitemila Dunpatric, Bancoraburg, Haligewudu, Niwcastel, Strangford
East Loðene 267 scitemila Haddingatun, Dynbær, East Lintun, Bereƿic, Tranent
Ēastseaxe 1,542 scitemila Ceolmæresford, Beorhtelesdun, Berecingas, Brentwudu, Colneceaster, Herehlaƿ, Mældun, Romford, Suþend-on-Sæ, Strætford Langþorn, Ƿaltham
Eoferƿicscir 6,066 scitemila Eoferƿic

East Þriding: Anlafesbūr, Berhtelingtūn, Cotingaham, Cyngestūn on Hul, Driffield, Fīlēah, Godmundingahām, Gūlhlaða, Hāse, Hornsǣ, Inderawuda, Mǣlescroft, Market Wicstūn, Poclintūn, Stængfordesbrycg, Weliġbūr Wudemannsēah

Norþ Þriding: Middlostburh, Cetreht, Chenaresburg, Heargata, Norþallerton, Scarðaburg, Steinmore, Strēoneshalh, Tresc

Ƿest Þriding: Bradanford, Cyhhalēah, Loidis, Sheffield, Wacanfeld, Beorneslēah, Elmete, Hāligfeax, Hæþfeld, Hripas, Oxanhope

Fermanagh 715 scitemila Enniskillen, Belleek, Irvinestown
Fif 504 scitemila Cupar, Dunfermline, Burntisland, Coƿdenbeaþ, Glenroþes, Kirkcaldy, Sancte Andreas Stoƿe
Flintscīr 640 scitemila Mold, Connah's Quay, Buckley, Flint, Haligewiel, Prestatyn, Rhyl, Rudelan, Sancte Asafes Stoƿe
Geltland 551 scitemila Lerƿic, Baltasund, Scallowæg
Glamorgan 845 scitemila Cardiff, Sƿansæ, Barry, Brycgend, Carphilly, Merþyr Tydfil, Neð, Pontypridd
Gleawcesterscīr 1,225 scitemila Gleawanceaster, Brycgstowe, Celtanhamm, Cirenceaster, Puclancyrce, Strud, Teodecesburg, Wincelcumb
Grantabrycgscīr 820 scitemila Grantabrycg, Elig, Chatteris, March, Grantabrycgscir, Ƿitlesmere, Ƿisebec
Hamtunescīr 1,622 scitemila Ƿintanceaster, Hamtun, Portesmuþa Andeferas, Basingastoc, Burnanmuþ, Niƿport, Tƿeonaem, Ƿihtgaraburg
Heortfordscīr 727 scitemila Heortford, Sancte Albanes Stoƿe, Hæþfeld, Hemel Hempstead, Stevenage, Ƿatford
Herefordscīr 833 scitemila Hereford, Bromgeard, Cyningtun, Ledbury, Leofemynster, Ross-on-Ƿæge
Hrocesburgscīr 666 scitemila Jedburgh, Haƿick, Calchoh, Magilros, Roxburg
Huntandūnscīr 359 scitemila Huntandūn, Hramesige, Læccesleah, Scte Ifes, Sancti Neod
Inferness-scīr 4,211 scitemila Inferness, Ƿilelmes Burg, Kingussie, Niƿtonmore, Portri
Lanercscīr 879 scitemila Lanerc, Glasgoƿ, Coatbrycg, Carluke, East Kilbride, Hamilton, Modorƿiell
Lefenax 241 scitemila Alcluiþ, Alexandria, Cledofer, Cumbernauld, Elenesburh, Kirkintilloch
Legeceasterscīr 1,027 scitemila Legeceaster, Bercenheafod, Creƿe, Deuennport, Macclesfield, Rumcofa, Stockport, Ƿalaseg
Lincolnscīr 2,646 scitemila Lincoln, Icanhoh, Gæignesburh, Grantham, Grimsby, Lūd, Scunþorp, Skegness, Stanford
Lonceasterscīr 1,880 scitemila Lonceaster, Liferpol, Mameceaster, Preostatun, Bearƿe, Boþltun, Hæsham, Weringtun
Lundendeoryscīr 816 scitemila Lundenderry, Coleraine, Limavady
Lægreceastrescīr 800 scitemila Lægreceastre, Coalville, Hinckley, Loughborough, Lutterƿorþ, Meltun
Merioneð 780 scitemila Bala, Barmuþ, Blaenau Ffestiniog, Dolgellau, Harlech, Toƿyn
Middelseaxe 285 scitemila Lundene, Bregentford, Ƿestmynster, Cealchyð, Gillingas, Enanfeld, Hearge, Poteres Bar, Stan, Tuiccanham
Midloðene 362 scitemila Edinburg, Bonnyrigg, Dalkeiþ, Musselburh, Penicuik
Monmuþscīr 530 scitemila Monmuþa, Niƿport, Abergavenny, Blæcƿudu, Ceapstow, Cwmbran, Tredegar
Morefscīr 476 scitemila Elgin, Fochabers, Lossiemuþa, Forres, Roþes
Muntgumniscīr 780 scitemila Muntgumni, Llanidloes, Machynlleth, Nitun, Ƿelshpool
Narranscīr 200 scitemila Nairn, Auldearn, Calder
Norþfolc 2,044 scitemila Norþwic, Cromer, East Dereham, Great Gearamuþa, Hunstantun, Linn, Swæfaham, Þeodford
Norþhāmtūnescīr 984 scitemila Norþhamtun, Burh, Corby, Ketering, Ƿellingaburh, Yrtlingaburg
Norþhymbraland 2,018 scitemila Niwcastel on Tinan, Alnwic, Bebanburg, Berewic, Corebrycg, Hagustaldesea, Lindisfarena eg, Morpeþ
Orcanege 376 scitemila Ciricewæl, Balfour, Stromness
Oxnafordscīr 756 scitemila Oxnaford, Beranburg, Bicester, Carterton, Dorciccæstræ, Henley-on-Temse, Tamu, Ƿitney
Peblesscīr 548 scitemila Pebles, Innerleithen, Ƿest Lintun
Pembrocscīr 655 scitemila Pembroke, Fishguard, Haverfordwest, Milford Haven, Tenby, Sancte Dauides Stowe
Perþscīr 2,493 scitemila Perþ, Blairgowrie, Callander, Crieff, Pitlochry, Rattray
Readanorascīr 485 scitemila Preostahæmed, Cnighttun, Llandrindod Ƿells, Readanora, Rhayader
Renfrewscīr 245 scitemila Renfrew, Barrheafod, Greenock, Johnstone, Kilmacolm, Paisley, Glasgow Hyþ
Ross-scīr 3,089 scitemila Ðingweal, Alness, Invergordon, Stornaƿay, Tain
Roteland 152 scitemila Acham, Cottesmore, Uppingaham
Scrobbesbyrigscīr 1,343 scitemila Scrobbesburh, Cƿatbrycg, Ludlow, Market Drayton, Osƿaldes Treo, Tomas Telfordes Niwe Burg, Hƿitcirice
Seleciricescīr 267 scitemila Selecirice, Galashiels
Snotingahamscīr 825 scitemila Snotingaham, Mansfield, Niƿƿeorc, Retford, Suðƿellan, Ƿorksop
Stæffordscīr 1,171 scitemila Stæfford, Liccidfeld, Stoc, Heantun, Byrtun, Cannock, Tomtun, Teotanheal, Ƿalhshalh
Striuelinscīr 447 scitemila Striuelin, Brycg of Allan, Dennig, Fahcirice, Grangemuþa, Cilsyþ
Sumorsǣte 1,640 scitemila Tantun, Baðon, Æþelingaig, Brycgƿæter, Brycgstoƿe, Ceoddor, Glestingaburg, Sumurtun, Ƿesttun, Weðmor, Wyllas, Yeovil
Sūþfolc 1,489 scitemila Gipeswic, Sancte Eadmundes Stowe, Bungay, Dommocceaster, Felixstoƿe, Haverhill, Loƿestoft, Sudbury
Sūþrige 758 scitemila Gyldeford, Brixton, Cerotæsei, Crogdenu, Cyningestun, Suþrige, Egham, Fearnhamm, Lambhyð, Scean, Suðgeƿeorc, Sūþtun, Ƿandsƿorþ, Ƿimbledon, Ƿocingas
Sūþseaxe 1,458 scitemila Cisseceaster, Andredesceaster, Bucganora, Beorhthelmesstan, Burna, Craƿley, Hæstingas, Horsham, Hufe, Læƿes, Weorþingas
Suðraland 2,028 scitemila Dornoch, Brora, Durness, Golspie, Helmesdæl, Lairg, Tunge
Tirowen 1,260 scitemila Omagh, Cookstown, Dungannon, Strabane
West Loðene (Linliþgoƿscir) 120 scitemila Linliþgoƿ, Armadæl, Baþgeat, Borroƿestunnæs, Brocesburna, Livingastun, Hƿitburna
Westmoringaland 783 scitemila Appleby, Ambleside, Kendal, Kirkby in Lonesdæle, Ƿindermere
Wigreceastrescīr 738 scitemila Wigornaceaster, Cydelamynster, Dudley, Eofeshamm, Malvern, Halesoƿen, Sturebricg, Ƿic
Wigtūnscīr 487 scitemila Ƿigtun, Niwtun Stigweard, Stranraer, Hƿitern
Wiltūnscīr 1,370 scitemila Searoburg, Bradanford on Afene, Cippanhamm, Devizes, Mældubesburg, Mærlebeorge, Swindun, Treowbrycg, Weremynster, Wiltun
Wæringscīr 885 scitemila Wæringwic, Beormingaham, Cofentreo, Nunnena Eatun, Hrycgburh, Solihull, Strætford

Scira for Stoƿlicre Gerecþegnunga & Fyrmest Eardas

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Þa hīehstan-hād stōƿlican gerecþegnunga þæm Geānlǣhtan Cynerīce habbað missenlican naman and þegnunga.

In Uladstire, stoƿlica ræden edniƿung in mdcccclcciij arærde tƿa-endebyrdnes stoƿlica ræden æt regio and læppa had; eall Uladstir ƿearþ seo regio.

On Engla and Norþ-ƿealum, þæt Local Government Act 1972 arærde scira for þæm gesetnesa forþsetennesse utƿeard Grietran Lundene and Sylliege. Þa gerecþegnung scira on Ƿealum ƿæron endedon in mdcccclxxxxvj.

In Englalande ƿæron mænigefealde læppan gesundrede fram hierum scirum æfter mdcccclxxxx[1]. Ælc "anfeald eard" (buton þa fram Bearrucscire[2]) is scir be selfe for þære gesetnesa, mid ānan læppan geond hierum halum earda, and hiere geþinge is sēo geþinge þære scīre oððe sēo geþinge þæs læppan.

Scotland and Norþƿealas habbaþ an-endebyrdnes "geþingedomas" and "fyrmestan earde", þa on Ƿealum sume hetaþ "scīra" and sume "scīr-burgscipas".

Þæt Grietra Lunden eard (seo ne hatan næfre "scīr") ƿæs gearæred in mdcccclxv. Þæt Grietra Lunden Gerec (Se Lundene Burgeald and Lundene Ymbcyme) ƿæs in mm gearæred.

On 1 Ēastermōnaþ 2009 (mmuiiii) ƿeard þā Scīrgeþingas for Cornƿeallum, Dunholmscīre, Norþhymbralande, Scrobbesbyrigscīre and Ƿiltunscīre ælc ānfeald scīr. Beadanfordscīre and Ceasterscīre Scīregeþingas ƿæron beendedon.

Scir Eardcynn Dǣl þæs Cynerīces Geþinge Læppan in scir / eard
Aberdon geþingedom Scotland Ceastergeþinge nan
Aberdonscir geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Anagus geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Angleseg fyrmest eard Ƿealas Scirgeþinge nan
Argyll and But geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Baðon and Norþ East Sumorsæt scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Baðon and Norþ East Sumorsæt
Beadanford scir Englaland Geþinge nan
Bearrucscir scir Englaland nan Bracknell Ƿeald, Readingas, Sloh, Ƿest Bearrucscir, Ƿindlesora & Mægþenhȳþ, Ƿoccingaham
Blackburn mid Darƿen scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Blackburn mid Darƿen Burgscipe
Blackpool scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Blackpool Burgscipe
Blaenau Gƿent fyrmest eard Ƿealas Scirburgscipe Geþinge nan
Burnamuþa scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Burnamuþa Burgscipe
Brycgend fyrmest eard Ƿealas Scirburgscipe Geþinge nan
Beorhthelmesstan and Hofe scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Beorhthelmesstan and Hofe Ceaster
Brycgstoƿ scir Englaland (Læppagetælgeþinge) Brycgstoƿ ceaster
Buccingahamscir scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Ægelesburg Cumb, Suþ Buccas, Ciltern, Ƿycombe
Burh scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Burh Ceaster
Caerphilly fyrmest eard Ƿealas Scirburgscipe geþinge nan
Cardiff fyrmest eard Ƿealas Ceaster and Scir Geþinge nan
Carmarðenscir fyrmest eard Ƿealas Scirgeþinge nan
Ceasterscīr Ēast scir Englaland Geþinge nan
Ceasterscīr Ƿest and Ceaster scir Englaland Geþinge nan
Cent scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Ashford, Cantaƿaraburg, Dartford, Dofras, Gravesham, Mægdstan, Seofenācas, Scēapƿæg, Sƿale, Tenet, Tonbrycg and Malling, Tunbrycg Ƿiellas
Ceredigion fyrmest eard Ƿealas Scirgeþinge nan
Clackmannanscir geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Conƿay fyrmest eard Ƿealas Scirburgscipe geþinge nan
Cornƿeall scir Englaland Geþinge nan
Cumbria scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Allerdale, Bearƿe in Furðernæs, Luel, Copeland (socn), Eden, Suþ Mereland
Cyningestun on Hull scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Cyningestun on Hull
Denbighscir fyrmest eard Ƿealas Scirgeþinge nan
Deorby scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Deorby
Deorbyscir scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Amber Denu, Bolsofer, Ceasterfeld, Deorbyscīr Dælas, Ereƿash, Heah Pec, Norþēast Deorbyscīr, Suþ Deorbyscir
Defen scir Englaland Scirgeþinge East Defen, Escanceaster, Mid Defen, Norþ Defen, Suþ Hamas, Teignbrycg, Torridge, Ƿest Defen
Dorsæte scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Ēast Dorsæte, Norþ Dorsæte, Purbic, Tƿeonam, Ƿest Dorsæte, Ƿeymuþ and Portland
Dumfries and Galloƿay geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Dundee geþingedom Scotland Ceastergeþinge nan
Dunholmscīr scir Englaland Scirgeþinge nan
East Ayrscir geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
East Lefenax geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
East Loðene geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
East Renfreƿscir geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Eastseaxe scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Beorhtelesdun, Brentƿudu, Brancantreoƿ, Castel Ōra, Ceolmæresford, Colneceaster, Epping Ƿeald, Herehlaƿ, Mældun, Rochford, Tendring, Uttlesford
East Suþseaxe scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Burna, Hæstingas, Læƿes, Roþer, Ƿealden,
East Þriding of Eoferƿicscir scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) East Þriðing of Eoferƿicscir
Edinburg geþingedom Scotland Ceastergeþinge nan
Eoferƿic scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Eoforƿīcceaster
Falkirk geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Fif geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Flintscir fyrmest eard Ƿealas Scirgeþinge nan
Geltland Iege geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Glamorgan Denu fyrmest eard Ƿealas Scirburgscipe geþinge nan
Glasgoƿ geþingedom Scotland Ceastergeþinge nan
Gleaƿanceasterscīr scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Celtanhamm, Cotsƿold, Denu Ƿeald, Gleaƿanceaster, Strūd, Teodecesburg
Grantabrycgscir scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Grantabrycg, East Grantabrycgscir, Fenneland , Huntandunscir, Suþ Grantabrycgscir
Grietra Lunden regio Englaland Gerec Berecingas and Dæccanham, Bexley, Bregent, Bromley, Bærnet, Camden, Crogdenu, Cynesigestun and Cealchyð, Cyningestun, Enanfeld, Gillingas, Gislingatun, Greneƿic, Hackney, Hammersmiþ and Fullanhamm, Haringey, Hearƿe, Hafering, Hillingadun, Hundeshlæƿ, Lambhyð, Leƿisham, Meretun, Niƿham, Readanbrycg, Scean, Suðgeƿeorc, Suþtun, Ƿaltham Ƿeald, Tur Hamas, Ƿandsƿorþ, Ƿestmynster
Grietre Mameceaster ceasternisca scir Englaland nan Boþltun, Burg, Mameceaster, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Stockport, Tameside, Trafford, Ƿigan
Gƿynedd fyrmest eard Ƿealas Scirgeþinge nan
Halton scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Halton
Hamtunescīr scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Basingastoc and Denu, Eastleag, East Hamtunscire,, Fearnham, Godesport, Hart, Havant, Ytene, Rushmoor, Test Denu, Ƿintanceaster
Hartlepool scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Hartlepool
Herefordscir scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Herefordscir
Heortfordscir scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Brocesburna, Dacorum, East Heortfordscir, Heortesmære, Norþ Heortfordscir, Scte Albanes Stoƿe, Stevenage, Þreo Ea, Ƿatford, Ƿelƿyn Hæþfeld
Heahland geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Infercled geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Lincolnescir scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Botolfes Tun, East Lindesse, Lincoln, Norþ Kesteven, Sūþ Holland, Suþ Kesteven, Ƿest Lindesse
Ligtun scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Ligtun Burgscipe
Lonceasterscir scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Burnley, Chorley, Suþ Ribble, Amundernæs, Hyndburn, Lonceaster, Pendle, Preostatun, Ribble Denu, Rossendale, Ƿest Lonceasterscir, Ƿyre
Lunden-ceaster scir Englaland Lunden-ceaster Geþinge nan
Lægreceastre scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Lægreceastre
Lægreceastrescir scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Blaby, Charnƿudu, Harborough, Hinckley and Bosƿeorþ, Meltun, Norþ Ƿest Lægreceastrescir, Oadby and Ƿigston
Medeƿæg scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Medeƿæg Ceaster
Middelbeadanfordscīr scir Englaland Geþinge nan
Mærsehealf ceasternisca scir Englaland nan Knoƿsley, Liferpyll, Sefton, Sancte Elenan, Ƿirheal
Merþyr Tydfil fyrmest eard Ƿealas Scirburgscipe geþinge nan
Middlostburh scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Middlostburh
Midloðene geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Middeltun þāra Cægnes scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Middeltun þāra Cægnes
Moray geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Neð Port Talbot fyrmest eard Ƿealas Scirburgscipe geþinge nan
Niƿport fyrmest eard Ƿealas Ceastergeþinge nan
Norþfolc scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Brecland, Bradland, Great Gearmuþa, Linn and Ƿest Norþfolc, Norþ Norþfolc, Norþƿic, Suþ Norþfolc
Norþhamtunescir scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Corby, Dafantreoƿ, East Norþhamtunscir, Kettering, Norþhamtun, Suþ Norþhamtunescir, Ƿellingaburg
Norþ Ayrscir geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Norþ East Lincolnescir scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Norþ East Lincolnescir
Norþ Eoferƿicscir scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Craven, Hambleton, Harrogate, Richmondscir, Ryedæl, Scarborough, Seleby
Norðerne Īrland regio Uladstir Ymbcyme Antrim, Ards, Armachus, Ballymena, Ballymoney, Banbrycg, Belfast, Carrickfergus, Castlereagh, Coleraine, Cookstown, Craigavon, Derry, Dun, Dungannon and Suþ Tiroƿen, Fermanagh, Larne, Limavady, Lisburn, Magherafelt, Moyle, Niƿry and Mourne, Niƿtunmynster, Norþ Dunscir, Omagh, Strabane
Norþhymbraland scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Alnƿick, Bereƿic, Blyth Denu, Castel Morpeth, Tinedæl, Ƿansbeck
Norþ Lanercscir geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Norþ Lincolnescir scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Norþ Lincolnescir
Norþ Sumorsæte scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Norþ Sumorsæte
Orcenege geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Oxnafordscīr scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Oxnaford, Cearƿella, Suþ Oxnafordscir, Hƿit Mearges Denu, Ƿest Oxnafordscir
Pembrokescir fyrmest eard Ƿealas Scirgeþinge nan
Perþ and Kinross geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Poole scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Burgscipe Poole
Portesmuþa scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Portesmuþa Ceaster
Poƿis fyrmest eard Ƿealas Scirgeþinge nan
Readancarr and Cleofland scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Readancarr and Cleofland
Renfreƿscir geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Roteland scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Roteland
Scyttisce Mære geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Scrobbesbyrigescir scir Englaland Geþinge nan
Snotingaham scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Snotingaham Ceaster
Snotingahamscir scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Æscfeld, Bassetlaƿ, Brocstoƿe, Gedling, Mansfield, Niƿeorc and Scirƿudu, Rushcliffe
Sumorsæte scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Mendip, Suþ Sumorsæte, Tanton Denu, Secgmor, Ƿest Sumorsæte
Suþhamtun scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Suþhamtun Ceaster
Suþ Ayrscir geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Suþend on Sæ scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Sūþende on Sæ
Suþ Eoferƿicscir ceasternisca scir# Englaland nan Beorneslēah, Doncaster, Rotherham, Sheffield
Suþ Gleaƿcesterscir scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Suþ Gleaƿcesterscir
Suþ Lanercscir geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Suþtun Ceaster scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Suþtun Ceaster
Stæffordscir scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Cannock Chase, East Stæffordscir, Liccidfeld, Niƿcastel under Lyme, Suþ Stæffordscir, Stæfford, Stæffordscir Morland, Tamoƿorþig
Striuelin geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Stoctun on Tese scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Stoctun on Tese
Stoc on Trente scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Stoc on Trente Ceaster
Sƿīndūn scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Sƿīndūn
Sūþfolc scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Babergh, Ƿeald Hæþ, Gipsƿic, Mid Suþfolc, Scte Eadmundesburg, Suþfolc Sægeset, Ƿaveney
Sūþrige scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Emelbrycg, Epsom and Eƿell, Gildeford, Emel Denu, Reigate and Banstead, Runegmæd, Spelþorn, Suþrige Hæþ, Tandridge, Ƿaverley, Ƿoccingas
Sƿansæ fyrmest eard Ƿealas Ceaster and Scir Geþinge nan
Tomas Telfordes Niƿe Burg and Ƿreocen scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Tomas Telfordes Niƿe Burg and Ƿreocen
Torrbeag scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Torrbeag
Torfaen fyrmest eard Ƿealas Scirburgscipe geþinge nan
Tine and Ƿear ceasternisca scir Englaland nan Rægeheafod, Niƿwcastel on Tina, Norþ Tinehealf, Suþ Tinehealf, Sundrodland
Þurrock scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Þurrock
Na h-Eileanan Siar (Uterra Suðreyar) geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Ƿarrington scir Englaland (Læppageþinge) Ƿarrington
Ƿent fyrmest eard Ƿealas Scirgeþinge nan
Ƿest Lefenax geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Ƿest Loðene geþingedom Scotland Geþinge nan
Ƿest Midland ceasternisca scir Englaland nan Beormingaham, Cofentreo, Dudley, Heantun, Sandƿell, Solihull, Ƿalsall
Ƿest Suþseaxe scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Adur, Arun, Cisseceaster, Craƿley, Horsham, Mid Suþseaxe, Ƿeorþingas
Ƿest Eoferƿicscir ceasternisca scir Englaland nan Bradanford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Loidis, Ƿakefield
Ƿiht scir Englaland Geþinge Ƿiht
Ƿiltūnscīr scir Englaland Scirgeþinge nan
Ƿigreceastrescīr scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Bromsgrove, Malvern Beorge, Redditch, Ƿigornaceaster, Hƿicceafene, Ƿyre Ƿeald
Ƿrexham fyrmest eard Ƿealas Scirburgscipe geþinge nan
Ƿæringscīr scir Englaland Scirgeþinge Norþ Ƿæringscir, Nunnena Eatun and Bedƿeorþ, Hrocesburg, Strætford, Ƿæringscir, Ƿæringƿic
Other areas:
Inƿeard Tempelhus freosocn Englaland Se Underhordere nan
Middel Tempelhus freosocn Englaland Se Underhordere nan
Sylliege Englaland Geþinge nan
  1. Local Government Act 1992
  2. The Berkshire (Structural Change) Order 1996; SI 1996 No. 1879