Norþhāmtūnescīr | |
— Bryttisce scīr — | |
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Land | Geāned Cynerīce Geāned Cynerīce |
Leodræden • buend |
837,968 buenda |
Norþhāmtūnescīr Commons | |
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Norþhāmtūnescīr is Bryttisce scīr on Englum. Hēo licþ on Englalandes Midlandum.
Þǣre scīre hēafodburg (and mæste burg) is Norþhāmtūn, mærre leþerƿyrtanburg.
Manig geornnesbyrig sind in Norþhāmtūnescīre. Corby ƿæs stīeleƿyrhtanburg and mæst hiere menn sind Scottas þe cƿōm for ƿeorc in þǣm stīelemylenum.
Stōƿlice Tōþegnung
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Norþhāmtūnescīr Scīrgeþinge hæfþ ƿeald ofer mæstum Norþhāmtūnescīre. Seofon boldgetalas sind in his earde. Burh ceaster is ānfeald boldgetæl ūt þæs Scīrgeþinges earde.
Burh ƿæs of þǣm Middelieldum sōcn frēoh of scīrgerefan and scīrƿeald. Of 1974 oþ 1998 ƿæs hēo under Grantanbrycg Scīrgeþinge.