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Þis tramet is ymbe þone tūn on Stæffordscīre on Englum. For ōðrum brycum, sēo Stæfford (scirung)
Brǣdu and Lengu: Coordinates: Unable to parse latitude as a number:{{{brædu}}}
{{#coordinates:}}: invalid latitude
—  scīrtūn  —
Stæfford burg middel

Land  Geāned Cynerīce Geāned Cynerīce
Gestaðelod 700
• gerim

599 km²
• buend

70,592 buenda
Tidgyrdel UTC±00:00
Sprecungrim 01785
Webstede Webstede
Logo Wikimedia Commons Stæfford Commons
Þis cyþþubox hæfþ Wikidata wihta

Stæfford (oþþe Stæþford) is þǣre Stæffordscīre scīrtūn on Englum. He standeþ norðe þāra Blæc Lande, betƿēonan Heantune and Stoce. Stæffordes lēodtelle in 1991 ƿæs 60,915. Sēo ymbstandende Stæfford burgscipe hǣfþ lēodtelle ymbe 120,000.

Ūtanƿearde Hlencas

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
  • (11th century and earlier) Staffordshire Newsletter 1994 Guide