
Crumbaþynscīr (Scyttisc: Cromba; Niwenglisc: Cromartyshire) is scīr on þām Scyttiscum Hēahlandum sēo hæfþ þrēo and tƿēontig dālas geond þām landum. Hiere brǣdu ætgædre is ælmǣst 370 fēoƿerscētra mīla.
Crumbaþyn is gamlu burg æt þǣm norþende þǣre Blæcan Īege. Of þissum burgscipe ƿēox þēos scīr. Þæt Mackenzie cynn hæfde tūnas in Crumbaðyne and ēac on Rosse, to bysene Ullapool and Lytel Brōm Luh on þǣm ƿestriman. George Mackenzie, Cniht (fram þǣm 1630. gēare oþ þæt 1714.) (se ƿæs æft Healfeorl Tarbat (fram þǣm 1685.) and Eorl of Crumbaþyne (þæs 1703. gēares) ƿolde ealle þās tūnas in ānne scīre bringan and hē brōhte hīe ealle in Crumbaþynscīre, þǣrof ƿæs hē scīrgerēfa, in þǣm 1685. and 1698. gēarum.