(Edlǣded of Buccingahamscīr)
Buccingahamscir | |
Scir | |
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Scirburg | Æȝelesburg |
Menniscu | 916,262 |
Landscite | |
Buccingahamscir Commons | |
Buccingahamscīr is Bryttisce scīr on Englum.
Þǣre scīre hēafodburh is Ægelesburh, oþþæt hēo hæfþ here naman fram Buccingahāme. Ðǣre scīre mǣsta byrig sind Slōh, Middeltun and Ægelesburh.
For stōƿlican tōþegnunge sind Slōh and Middeltun ānfeald boldgetalas and Buccinghamscīre lāf is tƿāfeald eard þæs scīrgemōtes stōl is in Ægelesbyrig.