Pembrocscīr | |
Scir | |
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Bradnes | 625 square mile |
Menniscu | 122,436 |
Landscite | |
Pembrocscīr is scīr on Wēalum sēo is micel steort in þæm brime ymbe Īrlande.
Pembroc hæfþ æþlu castel and manig elleswīse earon castlum in þisse scīr. Ēac hæfþ þis land dēopa hȳþa for miclum scipum: cnearras of Īrlande sēc land be Pembroce and in Fiscgearde and Breten hæfþ hiere sīdost hȳþ hēr sēo hatte Mēollfeord.