(Edlǣded of Defenascīr)
Defenasċīr | |
Scir | |
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Menniscu | 1,132,465 |
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Defenasċīr Commons | |
Defenascir is Bryttisc scir on Englum. Heo is in Bretene suðwestmestum dæle and hæfð særiman ge benorðan hire (þæt is Sæfernmuþa) ge besuþan hire (þæt is Suþsæ).
Mor is Defena micel. Þæt ricoste geburland is in þæm eastdæle and þæm norþdæle. Manige fiscaþtunas sind on særiman. Mæru is Defenascir for hiere sæfarendum.
Þære scire heafodburg is Escanceaster.