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Ruric ƿæs ƿicing, forma þeoden russisces rices and staþoliend cynnes, þe lator ricsode on Cænugeardisce Ruse.

Cynedom 862 – 879
Gehalgod 862
Æftergenga Oleg
Bearn Igor
Hus Ruricas
Deaþ 879

Æfter "Tale fyrngeara", on 862 gear Ruric ƿæs gelaðod to ricsienne þeodum Cud, Clofen, Crific, Mer and ƿenunga Fes. His heafodstol meahte licgan on Nofgorode, þeah seo burg ƿæs gestaþolod on oþer hundgear, oþþe on Ladogan. Mid him cƿomon his tƿegen gebroþor: Sineus and Tryfor. Se forma ricsode on Beloosere and se oþer on Isborsce. Æfter deaðum þara gebroþra on 864 gear, Ruric geƿearð anliepe þeoden. On 879 gear he sƿealt and his sunu Igor ongann ricsian tosamne ƿið his beseore and ƿenunga siblinge Oleg.

Sind tƿegen heapas on stærlare: þa þe ƿenað þæt Ruric næs ƿicing (uðnorþmandisc geþoht) and þa þe ƿenað sƿa (norþmandisc geþoht). Þa oþre menn beoð rihte.