Westseaxena Rīce

Þæt Ƿestseaxena Rīce ƿæs cynedōm þāra Ƿestseaxena on sūþƿesternum Englalande þe stōd fram þǣm 6. hundgēare oþ þone tōcyme Englalandes tō ānum rīce on þǣm 10. hundgēare, þe gelomp under þǣm Ƿestseaxena rīce. Hit ƿearþ þǣræfter eorldōm on þǣm rīce Cnutes Cyninges æfter his geƿealdunge on þǣm 1016. gēare, fram þǣm 1020. gēare ōþ þæt 1066. gēar.
Æfter þǣre hergunge Englalandes fram Ƿillhelme I Cyninge ƿæs þǣr tōlīsness þāra eorldōma Englalandes, and Ƿestseaxena Rīce ƿæs tōdǣled betƿeox þǣm folgiendum Ƿillhelmes.
Ealdsecgan tellað ūs ðe þǣre mǣgðe ealdnama ƿæs Geƿisse, and hiera ǣrrosta cyning on Bretene īeg ƿæs Cerdic. Of Cerdices stemme cumaþ ealle þāra Ƿestseaxna cyninga and of him Bretta cyningas ōð Elisabeþ II Bretta Cƿēn tōdæg.
Ēadƿeard Æþeling, Elisabeþe Cƿēne ðridde sunu, hæfþ titul "Ƿestseaxna Eorl", þæs titul næfð man ā geboren ōð Harold Godƿinesson hit hēold.