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Englisc folc

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Englisc folc

Þæt Englisce folc (Niwenglisc: English people) is folc þe hæfþ geƿunod on Englalande fram ymbe þæt 500. gēare æfter Crīste.

Fram ymbe þæt 500. gēar oþ þæt 1100. æfter Crīste

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Sēo Angelƿaru fōr to Englalande ymbe þæt 500. gēar. Þis is tācnod fram ealdum scillingum. Æfter Bedan ƿæs sēo ƿaru of þæm Anglum and þæm Seaxum and þæm Gēotum, ac ƿēninga ƿæs sēo ēac fram þǣm Francum and þǣm Friesum.

Godspelleras undergunnon tō bodenne ongemang þāra Engliscena ymbe þæt 600. gēar. Fram þǣm 600. gēare oþ þæt 800. gēare ƿǣron þǣr seofon grēat rīcu. Þās ƿǣron þā Mirce, Cent, þā Ēastengle, þā Ēastseaxe, þā Ƿestseaxe, and þā Sūþseaxe.

On þǣm 8. hundredgēare ƿǣron þā Ƿīcingas hefige on Englum. Ælfrēd hīe oferƿunnon be Eþandūne in Ƿiltūnscīre on þǣm 878. gēare, ac hīe hæfdon fæstnesse on Ēoforƿīce. On þǣm 9. hundgēare ƿurdon þā Ƿestseaxe ānlīce grēate. Ælfrēd fēng tō rīce on fela þāra sūþernena rīca. Æþelstān ƿearþ se forma cyning þæs þe nū hāteþ Englaland.

Nēah þǣm ende þæs 10. hundgēare eft undergunnon þā Dene to carienne ymbe þā Engle. Cnut and his fæder oferƿann dǣl þāra Engla. Be þǣm 1066. gēare þǣr ƿǣron þrīe eorlas þā ƿoldon Engla cyning ƿeorþan. For þissum ƿurdon tū ƿinn, þā ƿæron þā gūþa Stanfordbrycge and Hæstinga. Fram þissum gūþum ƿurdon þā Norþmandiscan ƿealdan.

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