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Wikipǣdiamōtung:Nīwlicu word teohhunga/N–Z

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Not sure if there's a word for this floating around. I'd suggest tīdung-gewrit ("tīdung" because it means news; it is also cognate to the word for newspaper in German and Swedish at least; and "gewrit" to specify the way it is presented). Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 07:53, 29 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Sounds great. Another evenly acceptable term can be spellȝeƿrit, currently used on Ƿikispell. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 07:51, 29 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Righto. Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 08:41, 29 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)


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Various numbers over a thousand need naming... I've seen mostly word borrowings; but that's not ideal, is it? We could say say þusend þusend for million, etc. but that could get lengthy. For million I propose oferþusend or forþusend. Comments, please. Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 00:13, 16 Gēolmōnaþ 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Actually, I reckon that "million" should be selfþūsend (because a million is a thousand times itself). Then billion, ōðerselfþusend; trillion þriddeselfþūsend; etc. Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 07:08, 20 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
We are in danger of going too far into inauthenticity. In Norse you find þúsund þúsunda ("a thousand of thousands". We could adopt that: Þūsend þūsenda or Þūsend þūsendena or suchlike. Hogweard 11:36, 20 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
That's all good with me. I just don't like seeing "milliona" being used in Englisc... Obviously, that could get somewhat tedious with larger numbers, I therefore also suggest the use of a phrase like "þūsend manigfealdod selfe twǣm" (e.g. "a billion") to coexist. Multiplication already does exist, of course. Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 20:54, 20 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Even in Niwum Englisce "billion" and "trillion" are troublesome because of different definitions each side of the pond and inconsistent use here in Britain. A letter in The Times this week urged their abandonment in favour of 1012 (or 109), 1018 and so forth. It appealed to me as a lapsed mathematician. If Modern English can't use these words we can hrdly use them for Englisc! Hogweard 22:22, 20 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, I wasn't actually suggesting that "billion" be used; I was indicating meaning... Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 05:35, 21 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
For something of this nature, I think our best bet is to look towards Icelandic and the like. See what yall can find there. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ 14:39, 22 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
I don't; Icelandic uses borrowings for million upwards with long-count. I, personally, am fine with expressing numbers of a million and up by multiplication. I just don't want to use borrowings like "million", "billion", etc. Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 23:48, 22 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

I should note that þusend þusend WAS found in the record for million. Occasionally, it was was þusend siðan þusend (which is more of a thousand times thousand). Sometimes it would be like "eleven hundred thousand" for 1.1 million, or a combination as such. I suggest we use þusend þusend, þusend-þusend, or a straight compound þusendþusend for million. Billion might just have to be three, so þusend þusend þusend. --Timoði Pætricus Snīðer (mōtung) 17:43, 29 Wēodmōnaþ 2017 (UTC)

We do have:
Micel getel is ðæra haligra gasta, þe on Godes rice eardiað, be ðam cwæð se witega Daniel, "Þusend ðusenda ðenodon þam Heofonlican Wealdende, and ten ðusend siðan hundfealde ðusenda him mid wunodon."
("Many are counted of the holy ghosts, who inhabit God's kingdom, by whom spoke Daniel the prophet, "A thousand thousand served the Heavenly Lord, and ten thousand times a hundredfold thousands dwelt with him")
Hogweard (mōtung) 17:48, 29 Wēodmōnaþ 2017 (UTC)

This is by no means a new word, but rather checking usage; I saw "Atlantisc Gārsecg" ("Atlantic Ocean") being used on the article about Iceland. Wouldn't "geofon" be a better word to use in standard usage, as "gār-secg" seems to me to be mainly a poetic word? Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 23:15, 27 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

In the OE Orosius, gārsecg is used in plain, unpoetic text not only for "ocean" generally but for specific oceans. Hogweard 06:14, 13 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Ah, well... Guess it is authentic and non-poetic then... Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 06:45, 13 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)


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  1. se eahtafōt, transliteration of octopus.
  2. se kræken, from historic examples and from other Germanic languages. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 02:59, 25 Wēodmōnaþ 2011 (UTC)
I always though of them as "eahtearma" since the tentacles seem more like arms in function to me, and octopuses are also called "cephalopod" ("head-foot") (because of their heads). So, are they feet their tentacles or their head?   Ƿes hāl!    02:15, 25 Wēodmōnaþ 2011 (UTC)
For this choice, I was going by pure linguistics. Also see the 2nd choice (just added). — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 02:59, 25 Wēodmōnaþ 2011 (UTC)
How did our ancestors manage to miss mentioning octopuses or squid or polyps in any text? However, a cuttlefish is cudele or wāsescite ("ooze-sheet" or "slime-cornered"?). Hogweard 06:18, 25 Wēodmōnaþ 2011 (UTC)
The Anglo-Saxons were no great seafarers. I would say the most notable sea-fearing they ever did was probably to and around Great Britain, or perhaps some forced undesirable position on Viking ships (though I doubt that happened much if at all). Whether or not they knew of octopuses (I'm pretty sure they would have), they probably weren't very familiar with them (are there many octopuses in the shallows around Britain?). Possibly they didn't usually distinguish them from cuttlefishes? Certainly even today any various other Germanic languages some words for octopuses are also used for cuttlefish and even squid. It would seem that they were not well known in any ancient Germanic culture (I couldn't find any word for "octopus" in the Germanic Lexicon project search, which covers multiple sources, including two of the most comprehensive sources on the two most well documented ancient Germanic languages - Old Norse and Old English; and modern words for octopuses in various Germanic languages seem to be of rather recent source, since they are quite diverse).
Þēahhƿæðere mē þynceþ þæt þū scolde bet secȝan ƿord þā sind ȝelīcran "direct part-for-part translation" þonne "pure linguistics", Ƿōdenhelm, for þȳ ǣniȝ sprǣccræft is "pure linguistics". Ȝif þū ƿille brūcan "kræken" for þȳ þe hit is ȝelīc ƿorde þe is ȝebrocen on Alamannisce and Niðerlendisce for þisre ƿihte, and þe is ȝebrocen on missenlīcum ōðrum sprǣcum for ƿrǣtlīcum fīfle, þonne mē þynceþ þætte þū scolde ƿrītan "kraken" for þȳ þe hit is ȝelīcre þǣm ȝeƿritnum ƿordum þisra sprǣca, and neall folc spricþ sƿā hīe ƿǣren Ȝeānedrīcisc oþþe Canadisc.

Ōðru ƿord fram missenlīcum Germaniscum sprǣcum:

  • hēafod-crabba - Īslendisc kolkrabbi (mē ne līcaþ sƿīðe, ac hit nis oferlīce yfel)
  • blæc/tælȝ-fisc - Sƿēoþēodisc bläckfisk and Alamannisc "Tintenfisch"
  • blæc/tælȝ-scēota - Norren blekksprut and Denisc "blæksprutte" ("sprut" mǣneþ sōþlīce "splash")

Oþþe meahtlīce scoldon ƿē efne brūcan ƿord þe is ȝelīc þǣm ƿorde "cudele" (tō bȳsne "ȝrēat cudele" oþþe "hēafod-cudele" oþþe "earm-cudele" oþþe "brād cudele" oþþe "lanȝ cudele", and sƿā forþ).   Ƿes hāl!    07:29, 25 Wēodmōnaþ 2011 (UTC)

Me ðinceð hit til, swylce blæcfisc.
Actually, octopuses and squid are found around the British coast if not in great shoals: the common octopus is known for climbing into lobster pots and helping itself, while even giant squid wash ashore on occasion (there are reports as far back as the 17th century). The problem is not that the beasties were unknown but whether anyone wrote the name down. Cuttlefish have long been valued for their ink (sepia) and cuttlebone, but the octopus is just a pest. Likewise, you can hardly move for jellyfish in some waters, but not a single reference comes down to us from Englisc, nor starfish despite their commonness and distinctive oddity.
Clark Hall suggests walscite may mean cuttlefish or squid and that the work comes from sceotan, so ooze-shooter, as they both shoot through the water with a jet of ink (as does the octopus, I believe).Hogweard 22:34, 25 Wēodmōnaþ 2011 (UTC)
For kræken, ȝemynd slapen > slæpan, and sƿa forþ. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 02:41, 26 Wēodmōnaþ 2011 (UTC)
Mē līcaþ þæt ƿord "blæcfisc" ƿell ēac. Lā hƿæt, Ƿōdenhelm, þæt is sōþ. Ic ƿæs on dƿolan.   Ƿes hāl!    06:45, 26 Wēodmōnaþ 2011 (UTC)
Not the most relevant, but I think we should avoid the letter k in most of our Englisc stuff. After all, the Anglo-Saxons didn't often use it. I would recommend cræce or cræcen instead of kræken --Timoði Pætricus Snīðer (mōtung) 02:10, 30 Se Æfterra Gēola 2017 (UTC)[reply]


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þæt Ƿīsdōmȝeƿrit. Might not be dead-on, but I figured it's pretty close. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 11:51, 27 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)


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Sēo fōrscieppedness (partly inspired by the word itself, which means "shapeable" - after the shapeability of the unset form of plastic; but I used for/fōr (usually used as a prefix for emphasis) to distinguish it from an easily misunderstandable "scieppedness"). The Adjective would be fōrscieppedlic.Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 07:23, 18 Se Æfterra Gēola 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Well, fōr is "journey" (from feran), and for- usually has an "against" element, but for the general idea, it might work better for "the plasticity," but maybe for the material itself, a variant of clǣȝ could work, as both clay and plastic are useful for being shapeable (and perhaps plastic is the modern clay). First idea I have right off is se nīƿclǣȝ. Any further ideas? — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 07:59, 29 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Well, I've found it as a variant of "for-" (a suffix often of emphasis) in words like "fōrnēan"; although there's no particular reason to use it above "for-" - and therefore can be discarded for "for". If one is unwilling to take "-ness" for non-abstract, then I might suggest instead "(for)sceap-timber". "Nīwclǣg" doesn't seem too bad, though - although I hold yet a preference to the "sceap" idea... Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 08:41, 29 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Yeah -nes is mostly for abstract ideas, I cant recall right off if there are exceptions (lemme know if you find any), but I'd definitely interpret forscieppednes/forsceapnes as "plasticity" and the like. Sorry for the delayed reply on this one, but I cant always tackle these on the first time I see them; sometimes it just has to come to me. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 11:23, 29 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Now try "polymerisation"! Hogweard 12:41, 29 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Mæniȝlingȝeþēodung :D — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 12:56, 29 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Actually the polymerisation process in plastics involves the joining together of hydrocarbon molecules, whether all of the same substance or of a combination of them, to create long-chain hydrocarbon molecules, which might be aligned ("crystaline") forms producing a high density polymers or unaligned producing a low-density polymer.

A word with "chain" in it would work. Hogweard 18:23, 29 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Perhaps, then, "lang-racent-gemot-lǣcing"? Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 03:32, 30 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Playing cards

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Hi, I was wondering what word we could have for playing cards. I was thinking it could could be "spilungcartan", although I prefer "spilcartan", as this would be more like other Germanic languages, like Dutch "speelkaarten" or Icelandic "spilakort". Anyone got any thoughts? --Gherkinmad 17:41, 25 Se Æfterra Gēola 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Sounds perfect — ᛁᚳ ᚻᚹᛁᛋᛈᚱᛖ ᛁᚾ ᚦᚫᛗ ᛠᚱᛖᚾ ᚦᚪᚱᚪ ᛞᛠᛞᚪ... 18:44, 25 Se Æfterra Gēola 2009 (UTC)[reply]
It would be spilkoarten in Saterlandic, so I think spilcartan sounds good :) --Ooswesthoesbes 19:31, 25 Se Æfterra Gēola 2009 (UTC)[reply]


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se Burgƿeard

Political words

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On the political section of the article about Niwe Sæland, I've been using the following words (any comments, please?):

  • Constitutional monarchy - gesetedcund cynerīce (gesetedness - constitution, law, etc)
Perhaps cynedōm instead of cynerīce here: the latter refers to the realm and the former to the position of the king.Hogweard 07:27, 25 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
  • Election - wealdcēosung
or just cēosung Hogweard 07:27, 25 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
True, I did use that in reference to election once it was clear what it was. Election does just literally mean "cēosung", too... Maybe it could just be "cēosung", and, if needs be, "wealdes" to classify (but as separate word). Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 03:40, 26 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
  • House of Executives - Gelǣstende hūs
  • House of Representatives - Hūs Fōrestandenda
  • Leader of the Opposition - Hēafodmann þæs Oferstealles
  • National - Landþēawisc (lit. "land-traditional" (perhaps should be "þēod-þēawisc"); folclic
  • Parliment - Gemōt (a little ambiguous, I admit, but it's authentic; and one can tell what's being spoken about in the relevant context; but perhaps I might use "witenagemōt"?)
  • Party (politics) - wealdþrēat
  • Politician - wealdsēcend
  • Politics - wealdscipe
  • Prime Minister - Forma Þegn
  • Sovereign - wieldende
  • Unicameral parliament - ānfeald gemōt
  • Vote - cyre, (choice) noun derived from ċēosan

Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 03:56, 25 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)


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se Laguþēaƿ, þēaƿ being directly from politics/policy, and lagu in order to clarify it as legal customs (as opposed to cultural customs) — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 11:27, 29 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

There ought to be something along the lines of rǣdcræft or geþingecræft, though I do not know of any authentic word. Hogweard 12:39, 29 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Those sound pretty good too, although I feel that laguþēaƿ is a touch more specific, as it implies legal policy, although whether it's a good term for politics as a whole, I'm not sure. Rǣdcræft might be a touch broad, sounding to me as "advice/council" (which could extend into business or financial advisors and whatnot). — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 13:03, 29 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)


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Burgƿaru - population Lēodtelle - census

Postal service

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Ærendþegnung for postal service. Ærendrūn for "postcode" (or "zip" if you are in Vinland). Hogweard 22:29, 12 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

"Ærendþegnung" seems good, but couldn't -"rūn" be a bit ambiguous (as in "secret, mystery")? "Stafa" is more precise, but only singular in meaning. Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 06:02, 13 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Yeah he's right on that. Although it's very common to think of "runes" as being a writing system, we should force ourselves to remember that they're "mysteries" (as in Heathen circles, we make a clear distinction between the mysterious forces themselves, runes, and the written characters used to represent them, runestaves.) — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ 06:28, 14 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Perhaps ærendsicorword or something such like ("messaging-certain/safe-word")? Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 05:41, 16 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
On the other hand the postcode is a code, and rūn fits that. I can't think of any other word for "code". Rūn is also used for "sacrament", in the sense of "mystery". It seems to be of wide usage. (Postcodes are a mystery to me, and I've read the Royal Mail's postal addressing guide!) Hogweard 20:14, 16 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
I'd be willing to give ærend-rūn-word a try... It specifies it as something linguistic or written as opposed to the more ultimate concept of simply "mystery". Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 03:00, 17 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)


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Eorþæppel was previously used, based on cognate words in other modern Germanic languages. However, according to BT (Bosworth and Toller Old English dictionary) (which can be searched searched through online here), eorþæppel was already used on OE, and was used to mean "cucumber". Possibly could use a synonym for "eorþ" instead of earth (like "ȝrund"). Other suggestions have been:

  • Borrow from another language (like "cartoffel" or "patata") (I myself don't like borrowing)
  • Mor-æppel (from Hogweard) (my favorite so far)
  • Spad-æppel (also from Hogweard) (based on that "spud" came from a word probably related to "spadu")
  • Eorþ-pere (based on a rarely used German word "Erdbirne")

  Ƿes hāl!    02:22, 26 Solmōnaþ 2011 (UTC)


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I'd directly use forebodian, a simple mix of fore and bodian, clearly continued into "forebode."

Ƿōdenhelm 15:36, 15 Blōtmōnaþ 2008 (UTC)


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I suggest this (a near-literal translation of what some languages, such as Mandarin, Czech, Finnish, have) - ǣglīmtimber. Open to improvements on that... Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 03:56, 9 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Or we could just do formen (forma+en) as a literal element-by-element translation, but I still prefer the first suggestion mine. Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 09:36, 9 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)


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Currently using hyȝeleornung as a beta-term on the article Ergo Proxy. Is this easily understood? Is there a better Germanic cognate which does NOT involve a direct Greek loan-word? — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ 22:26, 1 Solmōnaþ 2009 (UTC)

The Icelandic term is "sálfræði", which means "soul/mind science". A direct translation would be "sāwolcræft", but "gemyndcræft" sounds more realistic to me. "Hyȝe" only really appears in poetry, but what are your thoughts? --Gherkinmad 23:36, 1 Solmōnaþ 2009 (UTC)
Ya know, I almost went with either sāƿol/ȝemyndcræft... but only reason I didnt, was just to avoid overuse of cræft. But hey, those are prob'ly better for this use anyway. Got a preference for either one? Seems that ȝemyndcræft would be more accurate, since the meaning behind "psyche"-ology has changed. (Good thing for us, we can update!) — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ 00:20, 2 Solmōnaþ 2009 (UTC)


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se Holling (cf. German "Kaninchen" from Latin word for hole). Gegréte ic thec on míne brúcendsíde 05:05, 2 Ēastermōnaþ 2009 (UTC)

Rabbit already has a name, coning/coniȝ. It was attested as "coney" (pronounced "cunny") a few centuries back, but due to religious frowning upon the name's being associated with slang for female genitalia, the name was changed. Same with cock/rooster. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ 16:40, 2 Ēastermōnaþ 2009 (UTC)
+ Etymonline: Rabbit and Etymonline:Coney — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ 16:44, 2 Ēastermōnaþ 2009 (UTC)
It would (forget that; it does) seem to me that that word was not in use in Old English times, in which case I would think that it were better that a word of actual English etymology would be better. If it was in use back in OE times, could you please provide a link to such a reliable online dictionary as would attest to be being used in OE? Thanks. Gott wisst 04:08, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2009 (UTC)
The two links I provided showed their earliest forms in English. There are no native Germanic terms for "rabbit," as the animal itself is not native to northern Europe at all. Please research the term "coney." — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ 10:22, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2009 (UTC)
Very well, then. I will, for the sake of unity on this Wikipedia, use coning (not that I've actually had need for the word yet!), but the point I was making was that, if there are no native words for it, why not make up a neologism from English words instead of borrowing from French through a later form of English (and, personally, I will not support this usage outside of Wikipedia). Gegréte ic thec on míne brúcendsíde 04:51, 27 Ēastermōnaþ 2009 (UTC)
I've had a fresh thought; how about holhara? Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 02:05, 7 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)


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sēo ƿiþþēodiȝnes, "being against a people", or perhaps something involving fordēman (which already means "prejudge/prejudice"), such as "hē fordēmþ (ƿiþ) blæċfolc". Maybe þēodfordōm as the noun. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ 07:19, 7 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Perhaps just folc-hete for racism? Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 07:49, 7 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
That works too. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ 08:06, 7 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
sēo cneōres means race, generation, tribe. It might fit in there too.--Timoði Pætricus Snīðer (mōtung) 04:22, 30 Se Æfterra Gēola 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Reference (as used on Wikipedia)

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Relative pronoun

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se onhleoniende bīnama. Gegréte ic thec on míne brúcendsíde 05:04, 2 Ēastermōnaþ 2009 (UTC)


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Ȝelēafa(n) (other Germanic languages use their version of this word for religion– even Pennsylvania German does this)


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Rice and Maize

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I was kinda surprised that clearly-borrowed "mǣs" and "rīs" were used on the "corn" page for these two grains. I suggest "westcorn" for maize (becuase it comes from the "West") and "ēastcorn" for rice (because it comes from Asia, "the East"). Another possible word for maize I can think of would be "Americanisc corn" or "Indianisc corn". Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 07:02, 18 Se Æfterra Gēola 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Yeah I used those because they seemed to be the best choices that I could think of. I try to balance staying true to OE, and understanding if something is "trying too hard". Although ƿinlendisc corn might not be so bad for maize. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ 06:18, 15 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Wīnlandisc corn seems pretty good to me; also, I've thought of what I consider to be an improvement on "ēastcorn": wætercorn (because rice grows in paddy fields). How does that seem for "rice"? Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 05:33, 16 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

If we are to go by the ideal of "authentic before neologism", rīs and mǣs will be needed though. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ 09:02, 1 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Comes from a latin adjective, salata, meaning salted (vegetables)[1]. So, we could transliterate it into sealted, treating it as a noun, or make it into a noun as sealtere, (which might be a bit of a stretch, considering sealtere could be used as something different). — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 01:20, 12 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Ah, yes, this is a hard one... I have thought about this long before you put this post up... I hesitate to use something with "sealt" in it because that doesn't necessarily reflect the modern "salad". When I think in Englisc (a good language exercise, I find), I generally use something like "gemang-bitan" ("mix-morsels"). Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 02:43, 12 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Idea for a new word altogether: sealed, so that it could resemble the "salted" root, yet not actually be "salted". At the same time, it resembles (yet isnt) "salad". — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 03:47, 12 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Well, I thought of a phono-semantic match: "sǣlþ-ǣt" ("joy-food")... Somewhat quaint, admittedly. I would go with "sealted" before "sealed" just because it actually has an OE root and kinda.... makes sense. Although, still, I do like my little "gemang-bitan".Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 03:59, 12 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Yeah. I definitely wont rush to a decision on this one. Eventually it'll work itself out. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 04:12, 12 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)


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Seeing as witancræft is used for science, scientific could be witancræftlic, as the German wissenschaftliche and Dutch wetenschappelijk.


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Clearly someone who performs scientific research, but I don't know how the concept of "one who performs X action" is expressed in Englisc. --Von Magnet 15:31, 4 Winterfylleþ 2011 (UTC)

Would witancræftere work? --Von Magnet 08:11, 5 Winterfylleþ 2011 (UTC)

I've used ƿitancræftmann.   Ƿes hāl!    08:13, 6 Winterfylleþ 2011 (UTC)

Never mind, I haven't used that word (not on this Wikipedia, at least).   Ƿes hāl!    08:17, 6 Winterfylleþ 2011 (UTC)
There is one use of the word here: http://ang.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gesprec:D%C6%BFeli%C8%9Dende_tun%C8%9Dol --Von Magnet 11:04, 6 Winterfylleþ 2011 (UTC)


Since the origin of Shark is largely unknown, most Germanic languages, including Frisian use something like Hai, haf, or haai. As thus, I suggest perhaps hǣf, hāf, hāge, hǣge. The word hæf DOES mean sea and in Icelandic the word is háffisk, and as thus we could also go with hǣffisc to match. --Timoði Pætricus Snīðer (mōtung) 02:33, 30 Se Æfterra Gēola 2017 (UTC)[reply]


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  • se Ræċere, (Norwegian: reker; Icelandic: rækjur; Swedish: räkor)
  • or Ȝenōt (Low Saxon: genoat; Zealandic: gornaet; Dutch: garnalen)
  • perhaps Scrimma[2] from scrimman.

ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 23:50, 11 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Right now I'm liking the word "scrimma". I couldn't find any roots for "genōt" or "ræcere". Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 02:49, 12 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, scrimma would resemble shrimp, and would indeed come from the same root. The others were attempts at creating cognates from other Þēodisc languages. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 03:45, 12 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

scīd sn (attested and cognate to "ski", but meaning "think, split piece of wood" or "shingle")


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snāƿbord sm

Spelling (armor/armour)

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Currently using bōcstæfing on Montréal Canadiens. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 18:57, 10 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Me þynceþ god genog. Hit is understandenlic me. Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 06:39, 11 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Several: Pleȝa(s), indryhtu/indryhta (cognates used by Swedish, Icelandic, Faroese), indryhtegamen (as a specifier), and sport as the whole planet uses this.

Specific sports

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While we're at it, might as well cover much as we can.

Here are some suggestions; add comment beside them :

Possibly Hrōcbyrȝ(isc) fōtball, see Etymonline: Rugby.
  • Skiing - scīdfarung sf
  • Snowboarding - snāwbordfarung sf
  • Surfing - wǣgrīdung sf

Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 03:30, 13 Hrēþmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Well fōtball is already covered (even Spanish uses an English loanword for this), and I imported īshociȝ for ice hockey, as it seems to simply be untranslatable. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ 06:59, 13 Hrēþmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Ēa, me þynceþ þæt ic sprece smætor þonne þearfum þu. "...(even Spanish uses English loanword for this)..." And for þæm we eac swa doþ... For hockey, possibly "slēaoþ" (from "slēan" - "to hit" + "-oþ" - ending added to verbs to make noun denoting action); therefore "īs-slēaoþ". Hu þencest þu ymb þisre foresetednesse? Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 09:03, 13 Hrēþmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Sporting equipment

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*ball - cliewen sn [historical] (ball/boll are native English, stemming all the way back to proto-Germanic)[3]

Well, yeah, used in OE though, native to its cousin.
    • Again, I can find no occurrence of "ball" in OE itself, not even after the Viking invasion (that is to say, I did not go and read all the documents from after the Viking invasion, but I can still not find "ball" in any dictionary or reference otherwise). And even if it were ever used in the OE period, that does not rule out "cliewen" as inappropriate.
  • bat - slēande sticca wm
  • or batt'
Indeed, I picked up on that after I made that post... Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan!
  • goal - mearcgeat sn (gāl/gōl is actually native Englisc, believe it or not, said to mark the end of a race competition. thus it can easily extend to mean any sporting goal)[4]
    • I am fine with "gol/gal" if it is native, but I am unable to find it anywhere (not with that usage, anyway - I found, "lust, desire, pleasure, lightness, folly"). Could you please give me a reference or an OE document with it in it being thus used?
    • Ah, you did notice that was only a reconstruction?
  • puck - efencliewen sn, pucca wm
    • Word is said to *possibly* stem from the creature Puck, thus in OE being pucca/puca[5]
    • I can handle hitting a "devil" around on the ice, I guess... It is quaint, though, to say the least. Nonetheless, it will remain my personal preference to use "efencliewen"
  • racquet - nettbatt sn
  • shuttlecock - feðerstrǣl sm
  • or scealþelcocc

These are suggestions, possibly to be improved upon. Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 06:48, 13 Hrēþmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Hmm, Hogweard, maybe you're meaning "scytelcocc"? Can't find "scealþel" anywhere. I myself never went for this word because I never really saw the logic behind the "cocc" bit (see Wiktionary for explaination, but I think "feðer" does the same job much better), although "scytel" is certainly usable. Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 03:37, 26 Hrēþmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
I meant sceaþelcocc. Sceaþel is a word for "shuttle". (The alternative is hrisel but sceaþel is word from which we get the "shuttle" element.)
A shuttlecock is so called because it has a spray of feathers, making it look like a cock, and it goes back and forth, like a shuttle.
Hogweard 13:45, 26 Hrēþmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Was able to find "sceaþel". It still isn't the ancestor of the modern word shuttle, though (check OED, Wiktionary, & much more) - scytel/scutel is (maybe "sceaþel" is a corruption of it?). I was aware of the explanation for the "cocc" bit (that's why I gave ref. to Wiktionary) but still think "feðer" does job better. I'll leave the choice to you, though. Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 21:03, 26 Hrēþmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

What about swētel (from swēte+el (when neuter, denotes thing)) or swēte grēot (especially for crystallized sugar)? Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 05:43, 16 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Yeah sƿētel actually sounds both good and natural. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ 19:31, 23 Solmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)


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ƿǣȝbord sm {I've only just found out that this isn't a new word - it was used to mean "board in a ship" - I still think that this word could be used for a surfboard, though... Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 04:33, 25 Hrēþmōnaþ 2010 (UTC))


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There are many words in OE for "kind", "species", etc. But they need to be organized into regular order of usage according to modern taxonomy in OE. I am not sure if this has been semi-established already. If so, could someone please tell the order of the words (I know to use "rīce" for kingdom)? If not, we should work out an order for them. Shouldn't be too hard. Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 03:32, 11 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Okay, then, no suggestions, so I'll suggest an order:
  • domain - hēafod
  • kingdom - rīce
  • phylum - þēod
  • class - flocc
  • order - hād
  • family - cnēoris
  • genus - cnōsl
  • species - gecynd

How 'bout it? Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 07:10, 16 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Some of these are covered, although whether our current terms for them are the best, is open for debate... for example, see the infobox on fenberȝe. That way you can see what we have, and balance it against your proposals, see how they match up. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ȝespreċ) 16:29, 16 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Indeed, I'll update the list. But I think "species" should be "gecynd/cynn" rather than the neologism "undercnosl". Hwæt sægst þu? Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 05:56, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Never mind, I see it meant "sub-genus". But could someone (namely Wodenhelm) please change "phylum" in the template to "þeod" or work out another word for "phylum" and do likewise? Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 04:42, 5 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
I wont be able to change the existing Taxobox template unless I become an administrator (we currently have none). What I can do in the mean time would be to make a copy, and go that route. (Speaking of, if yall are in support, we can see about getting me some adminship). — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 14:50, 5 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Oh... I see. Well, I'm willing to give you my vote. However, be aware that I will be away for three days after tomorrow afternoon, and will not be able to access a computer; so if you do anything in that time, I won't be there to support you... Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 03:58, 6 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)


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I've used feorrþanc on the article Dēofol (gamen)

Anyone got any thoughts about what "tea" could be? I was thinking it could be "tē", which would be consistent with German "Tee" and I suppose Icelandic "te". --Gherkinmad 12:22, 12 Ēastermōnaþ 2009 (UTC)

Sounds good to me. Aint like we've got much room to work with on that one lol — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ 04:44, 22 Mǣdmōnaþ 2009 (UTC)
May I suggest bryðen since one talks about brewing tea?-- 19:03, 17 Wēodmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Fitting for any brewed drink, but then how would you distinguish tea from coffee, beer, whatever else that gets brewed? If the most conservative of Germanic languages, Icelandic, uses a form of the word we already use, then that pretty much resolves it, in my view. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 20:03, 17 Wēodmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Our group of learners currently uses se lēafdrenc (and se bēandrenc for coffee). If the problem with bryðen is to distinguish coffee and bear, why not use lēafbryðen ? Cerddaf 08:23, 22 ðrīmeolce 2014 (UTC)
I'd protest that tea is tea, but then remember that we also call it 'char' and 'chai', when in a skittish mood. Tea was unknown in the west until the modern age so there will be nothing authentic. We could stick with te as an introduced word. If though cinnamon is ofersǣwisc rind and sūðerne rind, perhaps something similar for tea? "Chinese" maybe, for which we have Sericus and for the people Seringas (Widsið).
We could use two forms alternatively. Hogweard (talk) 12:33, 12 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2014 (UTC)

Temperature scale

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þæt Hātȝemet (þā hātȝemetu) - from heat-measure, could also be used for degrees in the temperature sense.


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þæt Forebiliþ. Gegréte ic thec on míne brúcendsíde 05:03, 2 Ēastermōnaþ 2009 (UTC)

Forget that, apparently "bysen" is being used. Gegréte ic thec on míne brúcendsíde 03:41, 29 Ēastermōnaþ 2009 (UTC)

Theory (scientific)

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The word is derived from the Greek "theoria" meaning "a looking at, viewing, beholding" so an Englisc word may be derived from the word for "a viewing" (foregīmnes, judging from a few searches, but I'm not sure it's correct). Or going down the "word-borrowing" route, perhaps þēori.

Tobacco and cigars

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I suggest rēc-wēod for "tobacco" and "rēc-sticc(a)(-incel)" for cigar(-ette). I would love to be creative with "nicotine" and do something like "georn-timber" (because of it's addictiveness), but I have a feeling that that would fit down yer gullets well, so I'll compromise at "nicot-en". Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 00:30, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

From En.Wikipedia's "Tobacco":

The Spanish word "tabaco" is thought to have its origin in Arawakan language, particularly, in the Taino language of the Caribbean. In Taino, it was said to refer either to a roll of tobacco leaves (according to Bartolome de Las Casas, 1552), or to the tabago, a kind of Y-shaped pipe for sniffing tobacco smoke (according to Oviedo; with the leaves themselves being referred to as cohiba).[6]
However, similar words in Spanish and Italian were commonly used from 1410 to define medicinal herbs, originating from the Arabic طبق tabbaq, a word reportedly dating to the 9th century, as the name of various herbs.[7]

Plus there's Icelandic tóbak, Danish tobak, German and Dutch tabak, Norwegian tobakk, West-Flemish toebak. In general, words from outside Germanic, Latinate, or Gaelic seem to be considered "untranslatable" historically, and always end up as pure loanwords in practice. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ȝespreċ) 01:00, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

You do love the "everyone else is doing it" excuse ... Apart from that German and Dutch and Icelandic and Swedish and Norwegian and Frisian and Danish and Faroese etc. don't do it, can you give me a reason why "recweod" is inappropriate for this concept within the the context of Old English itself (it being taken for granted that OE lacks and therefore needs a word/term for such a concept - on both sides of the argument/debate/discussion)? Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 02:25, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
I try to balance several factors when forming terms: what other Germanic languages use (as OE is Germanic also), what the rest of the world calls something, how their terms would form in OE based on natural speech pattern evolution (Example, "Rēċƿīċ" for the city in Īsland).
If ALL other Germanic languages use one term for something, then we have no choice really. If the whole world uses one term, then anything else is out of the question. If there are multiple terms, then I have to balance out those that are used by Englisc's closest relatives, and Anglicize them. If there's basically no consistency across the other languages (especially for a more modern concept), THEN we're open to experiment with terms. In the case of tobacco, it's been around for a while, and everyone calls it the same thing. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ȝespreċ) 02:33, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
+ I'm trying my best to reform the language as naturally as possible, remember that even "most pure" OE still had loanwords, and absolutely was not a language isolate. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ȝespreċ) 02:34, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
I see you to be embracing my forestated views of yourself... I actually have no feeling that "global words" are "unquestionable" and "family words" are "hardly questionable". First person to write the article gets first pick, and second person gets to add "eac gehaten..." I say. I'm off to do some work, so you've some time. Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 02:48, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
...dont get all bent out of shape because I feel you have poor judgement in picking terms. For instance, your choice for "golf" was a bad term, and quite frankly, I often have a hard time understanding what you write. As a test for new terms, I go to my Englisc-speaking friends, present it to them, and ask them "ok, what do you think this means?". If they guess at least somewhat close to what I intended, then I see it as a good term. But dont think that I'm strictly against anything you think up, as your "sƿētel" term was dead-on perfect, in my opinion. You just need to review your ideas in reverse also (looking at "ānsƿingoþ" by itself, for instance, and questioning how others will interpret it). As a side-note, use hǣtt, not is ȝehāten, as it's the same as German heißen: ich heiße, iċ hǣtt. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ȝespreċ) 03:01, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
You are right to assume I'm somewhat annoyed by now... That (some of) my linguistic choices are bad is your opinion only, I think (in much the same way that I might see some of your choices as bad is only an opinion, and that my linguistic purism is only a preference - when it comes to neologisms, nobody can claim to be "right" or even "historical"). No offence, but I've noted you to make frequent grammatical "mistakes" (or, at least, "non-historicities") (especially in the area of not using the weak adjective where historically it was used (after articles, demonstratives, possessives, etc.), and the treatment of "east, west, norþ, suþ" as (declinable) adjectives rather than compound word components (sometimes historically written as separate words, admittedly (although, then again, so were many prefixes, for example ge-, which outside of the context of a prefix has a functionally different meaning and a different etymology in OE - so should we go writing things like "ic hæbbe ge don hit..."?) so possibly viewable as an adjective - depending on one's standards - but never declined) or adverbs); so if your friends reach the same standard (you catch my drift)... Even if they don't, it is unfortunate and a fact of life that some words are not easily understandable (such as "metal" as a music, and is a "fire-truck" a truck that's on a fire or puts it out?), but when the context is set and the word is explained, I think, for example, "answingoþ" to be appropriate (that is to say, it has nothing inappropriate about it) (it is a game where one hits a ball alone and in a series of single strokes, not with a team nor a continuous dribbling, as in soccer or basketball). I find that, whether or not "hātan" could be used in an intransitive sense (which I have not yet witnessed in a historical OE document), it was certainly used in a transitive sense ("mon hǣtt þæt lond Mānfeld..."), and therefore "is gehāten" is by no means inappropriate. My challenge was fair enough, since neither of us could reach a compromise, and a third party was not stepping in to provide a majority vote, therefore perhaps the person who can be bothered to do the head part of the work should get the honour of choosing which way his work is directed? Consider. Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 03:44, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

That's fine, I hear you, see what I put below. While my grammar may not be perfect or whatever, that's irrelevant, as I put hard consideration from several angles about the words I choose. I feel you try to commit terms without really thinking them over. Ānsƿingoþ could be what a kid does on a playground, or even what a couple with an "open marriage" does. I felt that one to be "trying too hard". As I've said before, I hate needless loan words, but sometimes you really do have to use them. Gytārre, for example. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ȝespreċ) 03:56, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Ahem, gentlemen. ... Wodenhelm, is there a way that you could confirm when the cognates for tobacco entered into the other languages cited? Thus far, 17th century "weed" is the earliest I've seen used herein. If there's an earlier use in a sister language of one word or another, it would form a sturdier support for an OE neologism. *Grin.* Personally, I like Professor Tolkien's pipe-weed. — Scíráþ 04:09, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Evidence for/against

[edit source]
  • weed (n.) Look up weed at Dictionary.com

"plant not valued for use or beauty," O.E. weod, uueod "grass, herb, weed," from P.Gmc. *weud- (cf. O.S. wiod, E.Fris. wiud), of unknown origin. Meaning "tobacco" is from 1606; that of "marijuana" is from 1920s. The verb meaning "to clear the ground of weeds" is late O.E. weodian.

17th century use of weed for tobacco[8]

  • vaporize Look up vaporize at Dictionary.com

1630s, from vapor + -ize. Originally "to smoke tobacco;" later "to convert into vapor" (1803), and "to spray with fine mist" (1900). vapor is 14th century, late 14c., from Anglo-Fr. vapour, from L. vaporem (nom. vapor) "exhalation, steam, heat," of unknown origin. and is preceded in the same concept by OE smocian, "to produce smoke"[9]

  • Rēċƿēod would perhaps be workable for smokable tobacco, but not for the plant itself, nor for tobacco as a product or crop, as not all tobacco is smoked (cigarettes, cigars, pipe, snus, snuff, plug, dip, even raw leaves)— unless you wanted to just do a separate approach for each product type, and skip the concept of an all-inclusive "tobacco as a crop" term, but still using tobac for the plant itself.

Also, rēċƿēod could be interpreted as stinkweed, which has a different meaning, as rēċ is both smoke (German rauchen) and reek/bad smell (related to German riechen).

Gotta "back up" your claims for a term, man. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ȝespreċ) 03:46, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

rēc-wēod could be interpreted as "stinkweed," which is a colloquial name for any noxious plant. Three common examples are tree of heaven (a.k.a., stinkweed tree), jimson weed, and field pennycress. I've not personally heard of tobacco being called such. — Scíráþ 03:50, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Meh. Never mind. I see that Wodenhelm gave the reference I was thinking of already. I think the possibility of translating it as stinkweed, rather than smoke-weed (as I assume you mean it to be, Gottisgut) could throw a monkey wrench into the reader's understanding if s/he's used to common names for plants, whether colloquial or as an herbalist. — Scíráþ 03:57, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
But it's accurate (both as "stinkweed" and "smokeweed" - I think, and weed fits the buck (not based upon the colloquial/slang usage to mean "marijuana", though - that wasn't the origin of that thought-train which produced this result) - unless one is addicted to the stuff, and even then sometimes - one of my older sisters got addicted to smoking (she's broken the addiction, and is yet keeping up that break), but she hated it even as she did it) - and "recweod" was never used as a colloquialism in OE, so we do not have to worry about that - we are only trying to establish stuff in OE, not MnE (and if I were to put up a photo of, shall we say, the crop itself or a cigarette, how many people would get confused?). That "recweod" is not appropriate for the whole crop, only a specific usage, is not necessarily true, either, I think - consider that many things are named after a main or important usage of them ("scissors", "hand-towel", "toilet-paper", "bushman's shoelace" (yes, a colloquialism - but still understood to be a specific plant). Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 04:11, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
I'm only attempting to help think it through. If, as a reader, I'm already familiar with pre-existing uses for the modern word "stinkweed," and I see tobacco named such (even if only as an alternative translation), I'm more likely to think of it as someone trying to make a joke or pun than it being an actual term. — Scíráþ 04:16, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Well, as "actual" a term can be when it's a neologism. — Scíráþ 04:18, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Also, given the 1606 use, I can see "weed" alone as being a term for tobacco, although I suspect that it may have been a slang word even then. — Scíráþ 04:21, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Sorry if you felt attacked just then. Tell you what, since, as I said before, we didn't have a third party to decide a majority, could you please provide that third party? I'll drop the argument for whichever you provide that necessary-for-majority vote - Wikipedia is supposed to be democratic (I think I read that somewhere out there), after all. Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 04:41, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
'Tis fine. I hadn't felt attacked, as it were. As for third-party, I'm not sure what I'd vote on this one: I can see both points, with some precedence for "weed" (by itself). Still, I think "weod" alone is too general, and recweod seems almost as general (could apply to several different things, one of which can definitely be tobacco, so long as rec is taken to mean "smoke" and not "smell/reek"). Hurm. Actually, the verb "to produce smoke" is smocian -- would a new proposal of something like smocende-weod be acceptable? — Scíráþ 04:48, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
With perhaps tóbac (or similar) as an alternative word as well. It would also be readily apparent to the reader. — Scíráþ 04:57, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Just cutting in, strength of argument/case should be used above a popularity contest, as is done for proposals of deletion and whatnot. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ȝespreċ) 04:53, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
True, but that is going nowhere, and it then becomes purely obnoxious (e.g. I write an article because I believe that have a better argument, then you move it because you think it better, etc). I am open to "smociend-weod" (take the "-e" out - it was standard OE practice; cf. "niwe" but "niw-fara" and much more). Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 04:58, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
I am also open to "pīp-wēod". Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 04:59, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
That's fine. I'm not even opposed to rēċƿēod, but I felt that the term was limited in scope of what it covers, and could possibly be ambiguous. If used for just the dried crop, then it'd be perfect. I feel tobac may be needed for the plant itself (almost like how scientific names are used). Perhaps for now, just do one about the crop/ƿyrt, we'll work from there. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ȝespreċ) 05:03, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
LOL. I hadn't meant that (pipe-weed) as a serious proposal, but I guess. In some ways, I wonder if Tolkien didn't use it simply because, as we, he couldn't come up with something that felt completely natural. — Scíráþ 05:05, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Well, in that case, I win! Because I'm just superior. :-D (Yes, it's a joke, people....) — Scíráþ 05:01, 26 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)


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Tourist "land-scēawere" and tourism "land-scēawing"? Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 09:52, 25 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Tourism was known; that is what pilgrimage is in reality. It was elþēodignes or sūþfōr (the latter case presupposes travelling south), or perhaps better still is sīþ. Hogweard 14:55, 25 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Not sure, thinking of tug or something, from German zug, and Swedish tåg, with tyȝe as plural (Ger. die tüge). Only issues is gender, as in German it's masculine, but in OE, a -ug > -yȝ pattern is feminine (burg > byrȝ).

Is this a good term? What should its gender be? Other ideas? — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 00:26, 8 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Hmm, possibly also rōdƿæȝn, "rod-wain," with rōd acting as rail. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 15:16, 8 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Words for "train" are authentically to be found! There are several, but are any quite right. (I rather like tog, or something from teon.)
Beware of loose language. There are trains that are not railway vehicles, and there are things on railways that are not trains. A locomotive (technical word - we always call it an "engine") is the thing that gives the power; the "train" is the train of carriages behind. In the days before steam, trains were horse-drawn. I do not know if mines used trains to bring ore out as long ago as the AS period, but I am pretty sure no-one wrote a description down if they did. Hogweard 19:31, 9 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Either sēo bearƿe (origin of "barrow") or þæt berƿæȝn (berian+ƿæȝn, bearing wain), as the continental cognate of our wain, wagon, is used generically as "vehicle." Which one sounds better? — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ 03:03, 21 Mǣdmōnaþ 2009 (UTC)

The German Lastkraftwagen suggests Hlæstwægn. Hogweard 06:21, 8 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Even better. Hlǣstƿæȝn it is. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 16:55, 9 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Um, it is a short vowel... So you know; cf. ME "last", OFrs. "hlest", Icl. "hlass", and the related OE verb "hladan". Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 03:45, 10 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Then I shall make it extra-long! I give you... hl¯ǣ¯stƿæȝn! muahahahahahah! No. I fixed it.ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 04:19, 10 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)


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þæt Reȝnscead (rain-shade), as umbrella comes from Latin umbra, "shade, shadow".[10] Perhaps a small point to make, but I prefer neuter scead to feminine sceadu, solely to give us modern speakers a distinction between shade (which I equate with scead) and shadow (which I equate with sceadu). Otherwise scead and sceadu are the same thing in ancient contexts.

Then perhaps to distinguish a "sunbrella," just replate reȝn with sunne, if needed. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 01:15, 15 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Underground metro

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I don't know Anglo-Saxon at all, but I thought about undereorþwæȝn or something like that. Whatchu think? / Loc

Undergrund would work better. A wægn is right for a carriage, but not a whole train nor a whole system. I cannot find a word for "rail" in this sense so I have used īsernweg before for 'railway'. Hogweard

(mōtung) 20:54, 20 Sēremōnaþ 2015 (UTC)[reply]

"Īsernweg under næsse" ("iron-way under ground") perhaps, or "neowol īsernweg" ("neowol" has a range of meanings to do with lowness, one of which is "subterranian").   Ƿes hāl!    08:09, 21 Sēremōnaþ 2015 (UTC)[reply]


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Am proposing hēahscōl based on the Icelandic háskóli. --Gherkinmad 04:15, 20 Wēodmōnaþ 2009 (UTC)

Sounds good to me, I've been wondering how to tackle this one myself, mainly because in the US, "high school" is used as the final stage of primary education, roughly for ages 14–18. But this term certainly fits the bill. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ 04:56, 20 Wēodmōnaþ 2009 (UTC)
I see the same problem with "High School". In Welsh a university is "Prifysgol", which is essentially "Top School" (heafodlarhus), but that misleading one about the nature of a university. It is not just a big school.
"University" comes from being a "community of teachers and scholars".
"Collegium" is known and glossed in the texts, so a college could be a framscipe or frȳgyld (or alternate spellings). In Britain a college member is a "fellow", so it could instead be fēolagascipe. (I used that in the Grantasæte article.)
For "university" one could try "Irmen-" something.
I thought I had seem some earlier notes on this somewhere. Was it on the Englisc List?
Hogweard 15:05, 13 Gēolmōnaþ 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Yeah, based on ȝyld might be a good bet: http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=college. I's looking up "guild" and alot of results for "college"-related things came back. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ 01:18, 22 Gēolmōnaþ 2009 (UTC)[reply]


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Se fȳrbeorg (Icelandic has eldstöð, no clue how it translates though). Everyone else uses a variant of "vulcan". — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ 22:46, 26 Hrēþmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)

Eld·stöð means literally "fire-station", these people's minds work in strange ways... So yes, I think fȳrbeorg is a much more appropriate term. Gherkinmad 16:09, 31 Hrēþmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Actually, it seems the Icelandic for fire station is slökkvi·stöð, which means "extinguishing-station", or something thereabouts. Gherkinmad 16:12, 31 Hrēþmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Icelandic has eldfjall (which is equivalent to fyrbeorg). Hogweard 06:23, 8 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)


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tēondbord sm (lit. "dragging-board")


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þæt Ƿarahūs, done in plural just as in German[11]. Admittedly enough, this could also be used for a "store," so perhaps ċēaphūs for that (modeled on German kaufhaus). — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ᚷᛖᛋᛈᚱᛖᚳ) 03:49, 15 Þrimilcemōnaþ 2010 (UTC)


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Ack, this may be hard... til-rotod-meolc f. (well-rotted-milk)? Better ideas, please. Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 01:35, 13 Gēolmōnaþ 2009 (UTC)[reply]

I now reckon "meolc-brīw" is better. Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 05:25, 25 Hrēþmōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Again, I feel that this one needs not be translated. All other Germanic languages (including Icelandic) use their form of yogurt/jógúrt/joghurt.[12] Thus, I say ȝeogyrt (using y to destress the 2nd syllable into a schwa, as ur was most likely spoken as or). — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ȝespreċ) 21:12, 20 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
To be honest, I hold "meolcbriw" to be better than to borrow the word. You move the article, you so without my support or "consent" (in much the same way as I did to your "cuning" article (+"pizza"+hmburgor"), which you did not appreciate, and you did to my "answingoþ" article, which you did appreciate). Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 03:21, 21 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Nah this one I'm not moving, but I just sorta feel like it'll stand out in a sea of yogurts. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ȝespreċ) 03:28, 21 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Ah, well, thanks for listening. Willcume ic þec on míne brúcendsídan! 04:05, 21 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, we can easily go with a "more than one acceptable term" route, that's fine by me. — ᚹᚩᛞᛖᚾᚻᛖᛚᛗ (ȝespreċ) 04:07, 21 Ēastermōnaþ 2010 (UTC)


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For showing where you got your terms from, your sources for your ideas.