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(Edlǣded of Clīeƿen fōtball)

Gyldfōtþōðer oþþe gyldfōtball or fōtbolla (hātte on Nīƿum Englisce "(association) football" on Englum, and "soccer" on þǣm Geāndum Rīcum and Australie), is hēapplega þe is betƿēonan tƿǣm hēapum gepleged, ǣlc þāra endleofon plegera hafaþ, and se folclicosta plega þǣre ƿorulde teohhod is.

Ūtanƿearde bendas

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]
Wikimedia Commons hæfþ māran gemyndþrǣdas sibb mid:
Association football