Europisc GesamnungBysen:Fn
Se Europisca fāna
Cƿide: In varietate concordia (Lǣden: Ānhād in Fǣgnesse)
Stefn: Drēamglīƿ (orchestral)
Strǣtburg (ambihtlic setl), Brysel (lǣstendlic), Letseburg sēo Ceaster (tōþegniendlic)
Mǣste Burg
9 Þrimilcemōnaþ, 1950
Ambihtlica sprǣcaBysen:Fn
Bæmisc, Denisc, Estisc, Finnisc, Frencisc, Crēacisc, Ungarisc, Īrisc, Italisc, Lettisc, Liþþuanisc, Melitisc, Niðerlandisc, Nīƿe Englisc, Polisc, Portugesisc, Slofacisc, Slofenisc, Spēonisc, Sƿēonisc, Þēodisc
Ƿyrcenda sprǣcaBysen:Fn
Nīƿe Englisc, Frencisc, Þēodisc
Foresittendstōlas - Europisc Rǣd - Rǣd þǣre Europiscan Gesamnunge - Sending - Europisca Gemōt
Wolfgang Schüssel Ēastrīce José Manuel Durão Barroso Josep Borrell Fontelles
Staðol Sƿa EEC - Signed - Enforced
Sƿā EU - Handsetnes - Enforced
Formāl æt Rōme - 25 Hrēþmōnaþ, 1957 - 1 Æfterra Gēola, 1958
Formāl æt Maastrichte - 7 Solmōnaþ, 1992 - 1 Blōtmōnaþ, 1993
Stede - Getæl
Ranked 7thBysen:Fn 4,455,789 km²
Lēodrǣden - Getæl (2007) - Þiccnes
Ranked 3rdBysen:Fn 497,379,074 115.6 manna/km²
Landesbæro (2005) - Getæl (PPP) - For hēafde(PPP)
Ranked 1stBysen:Fn $12,329,110 þūsenda þūsenda $26,900
Euro (EUR oþþe €)Bysen:Fn
Ōðru feoh:
Behēmisc koruna (CZK or Kč),
Croatisc kuna (HRK),
Denisc krone (DKK or kr),
Pulgaraland (BGN or leƿ),
Rumǣnia (RON or leu),
Swēonisc krona (SEK or kr),
Ungarisc forint (HUF or Ft),
Polisc złoty (PLN or zł)
UTC 0 to +2Bysen:Fn
Nette TLD
Feorrspræcan forerim
All current members have calling codes begin with +3 or +4Bysen:Fn
Bysen:Fnb See other official names
Bysen:FnbSee Languages of the European Union; member states may have other official languages
Bysen:Fnb if counted as a single unit
Bysen:Fnb Used by Eurozone members and EU institutions
Bysen:Fnb +1 to +3 during DST; French overseas départements, UTC -4 to +4
Bysen:FnbEarlier plans for a EU-wide +3 prefix have been abandoned. The European Telephony Numbering Space, +388 3 is somewhat similar
Sēo Europisce Gesamnung is samnung 27 rīca on Europan, þā sind:
In 2016 gerēden Bretƿare be folccēosunge ðe hiera rice, ðæt Geānede Cynerīce, ƿolde sundrian of þisse Gesamnunge and ðæs rices utfær wæs on 31. dæg þæs Æfterran Geola 2020.
European Commission