Brūcend:ReyBrujo/Dumps/20070222/Articles with more than 5 external links
Articles with more than 5 external links
[adihtan | adiht fruman]Articles with more than 5 external links as of February 22, 2007. Only articles in the main space are considered.
External links |
Article ID | Article |
35 | 4319 | Lǣden-ofgangena stæfrǣwa |
24 | 2001 | Albania |
22 | 2268 | Hebrēisc sprǣc |
21 | 4961 | Rosenrot |
18 | 1766 | Francland |
15 | 538 | John Kerry |
13 | 747 | Ēastrīce |
11 | 666 | Swēoland |
11 | 3863 | Smallville (TV endebyrdnes) |
10 | 2863 | Dēaðas in 2005 |
10 | 674 | Īsland |
10 | 133 | Dȳfung |
10 | 712 | Sciþþie |
9 | 2265 | Engel |
8 | 4680 | Ingang:Stǣr |
8 | 3768 | Pluto |
8 | 2081 | Kylie Minogue |
8 | 4958 | Bēowulf |
7 | 1982 | Virginia |
7 | 550 | Nīwe Eoforwīc |
6 | 328 | Gregorisc gerīmbōc |
6 | 4306 | Stǣrwrītere |
6 | 691 | Fermat tæl |
6 | 3798 | Windlesōra |
6 | 1604 | Indo-Europisc geþéodu |
6 | 3620 | Cwatbrycg, Scrobbesbyrgscīr |
5 | 3766 | Saturnus (planēta) |
5 | 2877 | Sǣweard |
5 | 2116 | Gafolbyrðen in Þēodisclande |
5 | 3907 | Hunigbēo |