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Stǣr ādihtan

Stǣr is ƿord for andgiet ymbe þā forþgeƿitenan tīd. Hƿonne man brȳcþ þis ƿord sƿā þone naman felda leornunge, stǣr mǣnþ þā leornunge and āreccunge þǣre sƿeotolunge menniscra gefērscipa. Þæt ƿord stǣr ofcymþ þæt Grēcisce "ιστορία" historia, "gerād sumes mannes āscunga," and dǣlþ þā ƿordstǣre mid þǣm Engliscan ƿorde istoria. Sēo 1911 Ƿīsdōmbōc Britannica ofertrahtnode þæt "stǣr in þǣre ƿīdran mǣnunge is eall þe gelamp, nā læs eall þā gelimpas mennisces līfes, ac ēac þā þǣre gecyndlican ƿorulde. Hēo ymbhæfþ ǣlc þing þe underhnīgþ cierrunge; and sƿā nīƿlicu lārcræft ǣr īeƿde þæt nān is ǣfre stille, þæs þæt hāle eall, and ǣlc dǣl þæs, hæfþ his stǣre."

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