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Ēastrīċe seo Cynewise
Republik Österreich
Æastrices Fana
Æastrices Fana
Æastrices rices wæpnas
Æastrices rices wæpnas
Æastrices Fana
Æastrices rices wæpnas

Anstefn: Land der Berge, Land am Strome
(Ænglisc: "Land Beorga, Land on þære Æa")

Elles gereordas Slofenisc spræc
Ungrisc spræc[1][2]
Heafodstol Uigenna
Mæste burg Uigenna
Foresittend Alexander Van der Bellen
Forma Þegn Karl Nehammer
• hēafodgerīm
• þiccnes

8,978,929[3] būenda
107 buend/km² būend/km2
• getæl
• for ǣlcum hēafde
477.672 mld USD[4]
53,764 mld USD[4]
HDI 0.916
Feoh Euro (€) (EUR)
Tīdgyrdel Eallic tīd +1 Winter
Eallic tīd +2 Summor
Sprecungrīm +43
Wægnplatung AT
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Ēastrīċe seo Cynewise (Germanisc: Republik Österreich) is sæstrandleas land in Middelre Europan. Hit is motlic þringgeweald. Ēastrīċe hæfþ gebeon agylda þara Geandena Leodrica siþþan þæm 1955 geare, and þære Europiscan Gesamnunge siþþan þæm 1995 geare. Hit ligþ be Þeodisclande and Ceclande benorðan him, Slofacie and Ungerlande beeastan him, Slofenie and Italie besuðan him, and Swisslande and Leohtenstane bewestan him.

Æfter þe gehiersumode þis land Lædenware, Hunas, Langbeardas, Æastgotan, Bægware and Francan, wæs Ēastrīċe geweald fram þæm Babenbeorges rice fram þæm teoðan hundgeara oð þæt þreoteoðe hundgeare. Æfter þæt Babenbeorges hus afylgode þa Habsburgas, þæs hus ricsode Ēastrīċe oþ þæt 1918 gear.

Æfter þære adilegiunge þæs Halgan Romaniscan Rices on þæm 1806 geare, Ēastrīċes Casererice (Germanisc: Kaisertum Österreich) gestaðolode Francis II. On þæm 1867 geare andwendede Franz-Iosef I Casere þis casererice on þæm twifealdan cynedome Æastrice-Ungerlande. Þæt Casererice wæs adæled on sumu anstandendu ricu æfter þæm unsige þara Middelena Doma on þære Ǣrestan Uoruldguðe, þe worhte Ēastrīċe swa hit is todæg.

In þæm 1918 geare wearþ Ēastrīċe cynewise, þe gelæstede oþ þæt 1934 gear, þa þa Engelbert Dollfuß Canceler staðolode tictatorscipe cwæl.

Ēastrīċe wæs be Adolf Hitler befangen for Þeodisclande, on þæm 1938 geare (seoh þæt gewrit be Þeodnesse). Hitler wæs self on Æastricþeode geboren. Æfter þære oferdrifunge þara Nazea, þa Geferan gesetedon Æastrice fram þæm ende þære Iðran Uoruldguðe oþ þæt 1955 gear, þa þa þæt land eft wearþ ful anstandende leodaþing under þæm gerade be þæm þe hit belufe ungewæred (seoh eac: Æastriclic Rices Næming). Huru æfter þæm geafealle motscipes on Æasternre Europe, Ēastrīċe wearþ æfre gewyrcendre on Europiscum gelimpungum, and in þæm 1995 gear, Ēastrīċe geþoftode wiþ þa Europiscan Gesamnunge, and seo Euro wearþ þæt gestede ricisce feos gemitta on þæm 1999 geare.

Fruma þæs naman

[adihtan | adihtan fruman]

Se Þeodisca nama Österreich cann wesan understanden samwell in Englisce swa "easterne rice", þe is of Ealdum Þeodisce Ostarrîchi. Se nama gelice wæs staðolod þurh leodþeawisce awendunge þæs Midieldisclædnan naman to þæm landscipum: Marchia orientalis, þe mænþ "easterne landmearc," for þæm þe hit læg æt þæm easternan oran þæs Halgan Romaniscan Rices. Care weorðe is hit þæt seo forðung þæs Lædnan naman fram þæm forman Ealdþeodiscan naman worhte þa nytte of "Aust-" swa "east", ær þonne "suþ" swa on Ealdum Lædne.

  1. Die verschiedenen Amtssprachen in Österreich.
  2. Regional Languages of Austria. Rechtsinformationssystem des Bundes (2013).
  3. Population by Year-/Quarter-beginning (7 November 2018).
  4. 4.0 4.1 Austria. International Monetary Fund (1 April 2018). Begieten on 23 July 2018.
Land on Europan
AlbaniaAserbaigan1BelgiceBosnia and HerzegofinaĊeclandCipros2CrecalandCroatiaDenemearcEandorreĒastrīċeĒstlandFaticanburg (Papseld) • FinnlandFranclandĠeānod CynerīċeHwitrusslandIrlandIslandItaliaLetseburgLettlandLeohtenstanLiþþuaniaMelitaMoldofaMonacoNiðerlandNorþmæcedoniaNorþwegPolalandPortugalPulgaralandRumæniaRussland1San MarinoScearpbeorgasSerbiaSlofaciaSlofeniaSpēonlandSweartbeorgSweolandSwisslandTyrcland1ÞeodsclandUcrægnaUngerland
Selfricsiendlica landbunessa: Ealendisca IegaAcrotiri and Ðecelia2CalpisCesareaFaroisca ĪeġaGuernseyIan MagenManieg
1. Þeod dællice on Asie. 2. Gewunelice gesett to Asie be eorþmetunge, ac naþȳlæs oft gedemed swa Europisc for þeawe and stærlicum racum.

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