Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/23 Searmonað
23. dæg Searmonðes: Jani wearþ in ealdan Lettlande.
- 1713 - Æfter Anne Cƿenes Guþ geaf man Frenciscum bīgengum in Acadian ān gear þærin þe hie sƿēoran hyld þǣm Bretta Cyninge oððe afaran Nīƿe Scotland.
- 1887 - Man macode þæt forma þēodisc edisc in Canadan, se wæs se Banff National Park.
- 1894 - The International Olympic Committee was founded at the Sorbonne in Paris.
- 1941 - Sēremōnaþ sundorhād: Members of Liþuanian Activist Front abanned ðe Lettoƿ bið gesundrod of þǣre Sofietan Gesamnung and hie staðoledon dēagol leodƿeard on þǣm lande.
- 1985 - Air India Flight 182 byrst 31,000 fēt ofer Ƿestsǣ, besūðen Īrlande, ðe eall 329 onbord ƿæron geslēan.
- 2016 - Be Irmenþēodescēosunge gerēorden Bretþēod ðe hiera rīce ƿolde forlǣtan þā Europisc Gesamnung.